
The Purple Dragons (or Purple Dragon Gang) are a fictional New York street gang appearing in Tales of the TMNT.

The gang is made up of relatively young people, but are led by Kitsune, an older woman with a sour attitude and a greedy nature. In her absence, Hun and Angel are co-bosses of the gang, though Angel tends to belittle Hun while telling him what to do.


After Raphael escapes from Mechazoid 02, he climbs up out of the river and sees a pair of young humans staring at him. Nearby, another group are loading boxes into a truck with the picture of a plucked chicken logo on its side, while one of the group menaces the truck's driver with a chainsaw. The gang decides to take the Turtle with them and drag an unconscious Raph to the truck. Raph awakes inside the truck, finding himself tied up with extension cord as members of the Purple Dragons gang take videos of him. Raph easily snaps the cords and asks if they want to tell him who they are before he cracks their skulls, or after. Boomerang Dragon, who uses a boomerang as a weapon, says they are the Purple Dragons and they run Brooklyn. The girl behind him, Pipe Dragon, corrects him to say more like the the Sunset Park, Bay Ridge area. Another member, Hammer Dragon, starts to argue the point, until Boomerang stops them and tells Raph they run 7th Avenue between 40th and 42nd Street.

The truck comes to a sudden stop, which throws Raph backwards. The doors open under his weight and he hits the ground, complaining that he's pretty sure he's got a few broken ribs. He looks up to see a very large member of the Dragons looking at him. The guy, Hun, takes out a brick he calls Bricky, and strikes Raph with it. Raph then finds himself prisoner in the Gently Plucked Chicken Company, the Purple Dragons temporary headquarters until they get their own place. Raph Thinks It Through

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