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- [We begin at Hueso's office. Hueso is painting a boat model, until Leo comes in.]
LEO: [frantically] "Señor Hueso! You gotta help me!"
HUESO: "Certainly. I will begin by teaching you how to leave. [waves his hand in dismissal] Bye-bye.
LEO: But this is an emergency! You won't believe what happened!
- [Dreamy harp plays, flashback starts.]
MIKEY: "Aw yeah!"
RAPH: "We gotta make it to Run of the Mill Pizza before they close!"
DONNIE: "Mm! I can't wait to try their new meatless option: Vegetables."
LEO: Say no more, mis hermanos! I'll use my ultra-reliable portalling sword to get us there. [swing swing] Hachi machi!"
HIS BROTHERS: "No, no, no!"
LEO: "Huh? [grimaces] Oy boy."
- [Flashback ends.]
LEO: "I came out fine, but when they came out, they didn't come out! My brothers are gone!"
HUESO: "Ah, this sounds like a classic case of portal jacking."
LEO: "Uh, duh! [Pauses, then tilts his head.] What's portal jacking?"
- [Screen shows graphic.]
HUESO: "Hidden City pirates can steal the contents of a portal. Especially if the portal-maker is, shall we say, lame."
LEO: [laughs sarcastically] "Oh ho ho. You'll have plenty more chances to zing me while you help me find my brothers. Vamonos!"
HUESO: [scooping up the ship model and placing it into his briefcase which it broke] "While I would like to help my favorite customer, you're not him. [points to a picture of Todd on the wall] And I do not go to the Hidden City. Look on the bright side, you'll get used to the crushing loneliness!"
[Leo scoffs and leans forward.]
LEO: "Look, bone man. My brothers and I bought enough pizza to put Hueso Junior through bone college. [Card unfolds.] Have you seen our frequent buyer card?"
HUESO: [groans in defeat] "Fine. I will show you the way to the Hidden City, but my help ends there."
[Outside, Hueso led Leo into a dumpster.]
LEO "The Hidden City is in the trash?"
HUESO: "There are many doorways, but this one fits you best."
[The trash disappears, revealing the portal of the Hidden City.]
LEO: "Sweet! In we go!"
HUESO: "No, I am not-[screams]"
[But Leo had dragged him in. They landed on top of a gargoyle statue and Leo was amazed. He is in the Hidden World where many yokai creatures fly in the air like a lake.]
LEO: "Wow. Who’s your architect? Frank Lord Gargoyle?"
HUESO: [climbing back up on the statue] "You fool! You should not have brought me!"
YOKAI POLICE OFFICER: "Halt! Hidden City police!"
[Leo and Hueso looked over and saw a police airship floating in the air.]
YOKAI POLICE OFFICER: "Hueso! How dare you show your skill here?! We’re taking you in."
HUESO" "No no no no!"
[Hueso started to run away as Leo looked in confusion. He looked back to the winged lion who threw a disc at them. Leo spun his sword to block them before the other officer threw orbs at them. Leo hits them back as the orbs turned into blue spheres that caught the yokai in their own trap.]
YOKAI POLICE OFFICER: "You’ll pay for this!"
LEO: "I, Baron Draxum humbly apologize! [turns to see Hueso climbing] Senor Hueso, are you a wanted man?"
HUESO: "Yes."
LEO: "You are full of surprises."
HUESO: "You have no idea. So long amigo!"
[Hueso jumps onto a white yokai bird and Leo jumps onto the bird's legs.]
HUESO: "No no no! Do you have any idea how much danger you have put me in?"
LEO: "I do now. So where we going?"
HUESO: "Where the police dare not go."
LEO: "Splinter’s laundry pile?"
[We cut the yokai pirate cove. Leo and Hueso walked around the market as Leo looked around, amazed.]
LEO: "Ooh, the docks. Interesting vibe. Sort of Cape Cod meets state prison."
HUESO: "Okay, here is the plan. You stay here and I will find a way back to New York."
LEO: "Dude, let me say this in a language you can understand. No! I saved your tailbone back there, you owe me."
HUESO: "Okay, pepino. If this is the only way I get out of here in 206 pieces, I will give you what you need. Come. Do you see that one over there? That one knows everything you need to know. Now you go show him who is the tog dog."
LEO: "Hard as nails! [walks over] Listen, pipsqueak. I’m top dog and you’re gonna answer my questions."
TOP DOG: "You hassling my Gram Gram?"
OLD DOG: "He says He’s top dog."
TOP DOG: "I’m top dog!"
[Top Dog punches Leo hard, causing a dust cloud. Leo slowly gets up, dazed as Hueso starts to run away from him.]
LEO: "Señor, I didn't do so... YOU ARE NOT DITCHING ME HERE!"
[Leo starts chasing him]
LEO: "Get back here, you skinless coward! You're gonna help me find my brothers!"
[Leo swings his sword and disappears into the portal]
HUESO: "Estúpido."
[But Leo appears in front of him, starling the skeleton.]
LEO: "Get in there."
[Leo drags Hueso into the portal and they crash into another part of the Hidden World. Leo had landed on top of Hueso.]
LEO: "You. You set me up!"
HUESO: "I did, yes."
LEO: "I oughta portal you right back to the cops."
HUESO: "With no sword?"
LEO: "Ah..."
[Leo gets off of Hueso and looks around, realizing his Oodachi is not there.]
LEO: "AHHH!! Portal jacked again!? First my brothers, now my sword. What's gonna happen the next time? Oh, wait! There won't be a next time, because I have no sword."
HUESO: [getting back up] "There, there. You will be fine. [turns to leave.] Goodbye."
LEO: "I will not be fine! There’s no team with just a faceman. I need my brainy guy, and my smashing guy and eats peanut butter with his fingers guy. I’m nothing without them. You wouldn't understand. At least your heart is made of bone too. Adios Hueso."
[Sadly, Leo begins to leave]
HUESO: "Pepino, wait! I do know what it is to lose someone. I will help you."
[Back at the docks.]
HUESO: "The theft of your sword might be a blessing in disguise. This shop is known for selling stolen weapons. The portal thieves may come here to unload your sword."
LEO: "There they are! Bonehead, you’re a genius. Hot soup!"
[Leo jumped into action, kicking the weasel to the wall. Leo lands in front of the other one, who snatches his katana. He was about to swing it on Leo before Hueso used his bone to smack him unconscious. Leo chuckles with joy, glad that his oodachi is safe. He turns to the bag the yokai was holding and there is a logo on it.]
HUESO: "The Queen Alexis."
LEO: "That must be the chip where they’ve got my bros. Raph, Mikey and I guess maybe Donnie, I’m coming for ya."
HUESO: "We’ll need disguises to get onboard."
[They began to reach Queen Alexis as Hueso and Leo had put on disguises. Leo wore his puffy shirt underneath his blue vest, a large pirate hat with a feather on it and he wore two eye patches on it while Hueso had a red bandana on.]
HUESO: "You went with two eye patches?"
LEO: "I think I know what I'm doing. [bumps into a pole and loses an eyepatch] So where’s the ship?"
HUESO: "There!"
LEO: "Sky pirates you are going down!" [creates portal]
HUESO: "Wait, we need to formulate a-"
[Leo pushed Hueso into the portal and they landed on the ship.]
HUESO: "....plan."
LEO: "Don’t worry, my plan is to wing it."
[Yokai Pirates surrounded them, pointing their swords]
YOKAI PIRATE: "Who be ye?"
LEO: "Who be ye? We be yar ships entertainment. I’m Captain Bluemask and this is my hilarious sidekick, Jolly Roger. [swings his leg to slide a chair with him] Boy rog, you sure have lost weight."
HUESO: "Please do not do this."
LEO: "Okay, looks like somebody lost his funny bone."
HUESO: "That joke is so lame it requires a peg leg."
[The pirates laughed, falling for it.]
YOKAI PIRATE 2: "I get it."
LEO: [to Hueso] "That was good. But remember, you’re the straight man. Boy, this Hidden City weather, am I right? Speaking of which, what’s the deal with portal jacking? Anybody done any of that lately?"
YOKAI PIRATE: [narrowing eyes] "That hits too close to home."
YOKAI PIRATE 2: "I’m starting to think these two are not a polish ventriloquist act."
PIEL: "Hueso!"
[Hueso's eyes widened as a skin fleshed yokai jumped down to them.]
HUESO: "Piel!"
PIEL "It’s Captain Piel to you. Be careful, my crew, It is the most wanted pirate in the Hidden City."
LEO: "Wait a second. You were a pirate? Dude, you're killing it today!"
HUESO: "I was never a pirate. He tricked me into going on one mission and I’m forever branded a criminal in the Hidden City."
PIEL: "You were such a coward. You ran away from a basic plundering. Ha, you should have heard his bones rattle."
HUESO: "I was but a child. But I fear you now more, hermono."
[The skin yokai laughed as he clashed his sword to Hueso's sword.]
LEO: "Hermono? You guys are.."
HUESO: "Yes, we are brothers. One last chance, Piel. Leave this life and we can be brothers again."
PIEL: "You know the old saying skin and bones do not mix."
LEO: "Okay, maybe you're better off without my brother but I’m still gonna get mine."
[Piel stretched his arm to Hueso. They continued to fight as Leo began to back away on a plank.]
BIRD PIRATE: "Look like your done matey."
LEO: "Not If I portal you to the Hidden City Police. Hachi machi!"
HUESO "Pepino, this has never worked."
[A portal opened from above and Raph, Mikey and Donnie crashed onto the ship. They were all wearing leis, with Raph wearing a Hawaiian shirt, Mikey wearing sunglasses, and Donnie wearing a straw hat.]
LEO: "Whoa, where did you guys come from? I mean, h-hey! Check it out, I freed you from your pirate prison. You're welcome."
RAPH: "Pirate prison?"
MIKEY: "You portaled us to Tahiti!"
DONNIE: "The sewers there are fabulous!"
LEO: "Come on, come on, come on, help us fight these guys!"
MIKEY: "No! I want a refill on my coconut."
RAPH: "Take us back to Tahiti!"
DONNIE: "More Tahiti!"
LEO: "It would get us out of this... okay. Tahiti, here we come!"
[Leo braced himself as he began to open a portal. Seizing his chance, Hueso knocked Piel into the portal. When the light ceased, there were no yokai pirates and Piel. Except Leo's brothers are still here.]
DONNIE: "Oh, is this Tahiti? Well then, [lies down] allow me to make a sand angel in this lovely, soft, wooden sand. Ouch!"
LEO: "Okay, not what I meant to do, but I got rid of the Pirates."
YOKAI OFFICER: "You sure did."
[They looked up and saw the yokai officers.]
YOKAI POLICE OFFICER 2: "We were, uh, bravely surveying the situation and we saw what happened. You're a hero, Hueso."
HUESO: "Then I am off the most wanted list?"
YOKAI POLICE OFFICER: "Well, you are now."
HUESO: "Gracious Pepino."
LEO: "No problem, boneman."
HUESO: "What do you suppose has become of my brother?"
LEO: "I guarantee I sent him to the worst place possible."
[Meanwhile, it was revealed that Piel and his group are sent to Tahiti.]
PIEL: "And what is the deal plundering?"