
Robin and Mikey entering portals.

The Portal is a form of technology that can open dimensional barriers allowing individuals to travel from one dimension to another with relative ease. Portals play in important part in the Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures comics.


The Face of Two Worlds[]

Gotham City. Batman tracks down the escaped Two-Face and asks for information on how he got out of Arkham Asylum. Two-Face talks of having been home, a different one, a second home. He then draws a triangle shape in the dust on a television screen. New York City. In the lair, Donatello sees the same triangle symbol on his laptop, along with the words "Active". When Raphael asks if he knows what it is, Don says it's a Kraang portal. Their investigation takes them deep into the sewer system, where they find a portal as well as Clayface. A fight ends when the Turtles force him back through the portal. In Batman's dimension, he investigates Two-Face's cell in the Asylum. He gathers a sample of the residue left behind in a triangle outline still on the brick wall.

The Clown and The Clan[]

Joker and Harley Quinn escape Arkham Asylum through two portals. After examining the portal residue, Batman tracks one down. He is joined by Robin and Batgirl. At the same time, the Turtles and April O'Neil track another portal to Central Park. Batman's group comes through, and the two teams think that the other is the enemy. After a bit of a fight, they realize they are on the same side.

Greener on the Other Side[]

Another escapee from Arkham Asylum appears in Central Park. Poison Ivy controls Snakeweed, who has gotten stronger due to her powers. While everyone else battles Snakeweed, Robin and Raph go after Poison Ivy. They manage to incapacitate her, which also takes out Snakeweed. Raph drops her back through the portal, and it closes. Later at the lair, a news report indicates trouble in the East Village. At the same time, Don gets a hit on his portal tracker that shows another one in Chinatown. The two groups separate to investigate both.

To Laugh so not to Cry[]

Scarecrow has come through a portal in the East Village and flooded the area with Fear Gas. Raph, Leo and Batman go to handle that crisis, while everyone else heads to Chinatown. Their investigation leads them to the Joker and Harley Quinn in the Foot Headquarters. Joker has taken control of the Foot Clan after incapacitating Shredder with Joker Gas. Batman manages to overcome his fear enough to escape Scarecrow's chains, which sends Scarecrow fleeing back through the portal.

Through the Looking Glass[]

The backstory of how the Mad Hatter created receptor beacons and then planted them on select Arkham Asylum residents is told. It also explains that he is responsible for the portals which allow these inmates to escape. Robin and Mikey travel from New York to Gotham through a portal in order to track the Mad Hatter. When portals begin to open at certain locations in New York City, the rest of the heroes are waiting to go through them. They join Robin and Mikey in spoiling the Mad Hatter's plot to control the minds of the people of New York.

Epilogue: The Terror of the Kraang[]

The Kraang open multiple portals and enter Gotham City. Batman, Robin and Batgirl go to meet the invasion and are not surprised when the Turtles drop through a portal to help. Leonardo explains that when Mad Hatter somehow hacked into the Kraang’s systems, the Kraang was kind of defunct, but the Turtles think it woke them up and inspired them back into action. Batman says they tracked the signal or tracked one of them and Leo responds in the affirmative. Using a special Fear Gas designed by Crane, the heroes scare the Kraang back through the portals to Dimension X. The Turtles take their leave through their own portal to return to their dimension.

