Turtle Assault Vehicle with The Works!
Motorized Disc-Firing Action!
- Flings Flying Pizzas At Foot!
- Full-Tilt Shooting Angle!
- Holds 12 Firing Pizza Discs!
- The Pizza Thrower mold was reused by Playmates in many other toylines.
- Earthworm Jim - The Unreleased Worm Thrower
- Chicken Run - Mr. Tweedy’s Chicken Pie Thrower
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003 TV series):
- Pizza Hut has built a real life size fully functional Pizza Thrower for the SDCC 2014, read more at: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014 film)/Merchandise.
- A new version of the Pizza Thrower was released by Playmates in 2015.