
Pizza Court is a location in the Pizza City on the Pizza Planet in the Fleetway comics. It appears in the comic Pizza Nightmare!.

During a battle with Shredder, Michaelangelo is knocked out. While unconscious, he visits the Pizza Planet, a world made entirely of pizza. He happily and eagerly begins eating everything in sight, until a group of Pizza People confront him. One of them yells that eating their planet is not allowed and Mikey must be punished. Mikey tries to explain that he didn’t know eating pizza was wrong, but is told that excuses are not allowed either. Then the Pizza Person shouts for the Pizza People to seize Mikey. Since they won’t listen to him, Mikey decides to martial art them and proceeds to battle the Pizza People. He soon has them all lying flat on the ground and decides to leave with a snack. However, when he turns, he finds himself confronted by another group of Pizza People.

Mikey is outnumbered and captured. A Pizza General steps forward and orders that Mikey be brought with them so that he may be made to suffer for his crimes. He is trussed hands and feet to a long pole and carried that way across the pizza terrain. Mikey asks the General where he's being taken. The General informs the "Thief-of-Pizza" that he's being taken to the home of the Pizza People - Pizza City. Like everything else on the planet, the city is made entirely of pizza. As they walk through the city, the inhabitants begin pelting Mikey with chunks of pizza, which the hungry Turtles catches in his mouth. The General tells him to be warned because his next stop is Pizza Court. In Pizza Court, Mikey is taken before Judge D.P. Pan and placed into the dock. There is an entire jury of Pizza People, but Mikey is not provided with a defense. His trial lasts a very short time, with the Judge basically pronouncing him guilty and then the jury agreeing on the verdict.
