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The Ninja Turtles find themselves aboard a pirate ship in the year 1530 AD, as the fifth level of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time (sixth, in the Super NES version). Desperate to return home, they battle scores of oncoming Foot Soldiers and Stone Warriors until they are transported to the next era. Some of the Foot Soldiers on this stage use bows with fire arrows.
In the arcade and Re-Shelled versions, the level begins with showing the ship's figurehead, which is shaped like Shredder.
Along the way, the Turtles must also contend with loose planks, which can smack a Turtle in the face when stepped on, and in the Super NES version, cannonballs fired at the ship from others in the distance. In the Re-Shelled version, the ship is seen bypassing a tropical island with palmtrees.
At the stage's climax, players are faced with either Rahzar and Tokka in the arcade and Re-Shelled versions, or Bebop and Rocksteady in pirate outfits.
Weather-wise, Sun is shining throughout most of the level. However, in the arcade and Re-Shelled version rainfall, thunder and lightning occur during the boss fight.
While the makeup of the of ghost pirate ship in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist is extremely close, the sprites are actually different and not just palette-swapped.