
Mad Pig Pete is a robot anthropomorphic pig created by Krang to act as a partner to Denise in the Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles comic strip Mad Cow Denise.


After Mad Cow Denise suckers the Hero Turtles into going to Dimension X, they are attacked by the denizens. Among them is a human-like biker, who as the Turtles note, has a pig-like appearance. He suddenly takes on a full pig appearance before jumping Leonardo and dropping with him through a time warp. Pete then stares in Leo's eyes and hypnotizes him into obeying Denise. Leo returns and orders the other Turtles to comply with Denise's wishes.

After Leo is knocked back to his senses by Raphael, Denise sends Pete out again, who charges at Leo with a Sword of Flames. Leo refuses to move, playing chicken with the pig and jumping at the last moment, tricking Pete into driving off the cliff, after which he crashes and falls to pieces.
