Pete's Pizza Palace is a pizzeria owned by Pete in the Fleetway comics.
After a long meditation session in the lair, the Turtles meet up with April O'Neil at the town's newest pizza joint, Pete's Pizza Palace. They are enjoying some delicious pizza, which has earned Michaelangelo's seal of approval, when a pair of thugs approach the restaurant owner, Pete, at the counter. A frightened Pete tells the men that he can’t afford the prices their boss is asking. One of the thugs informs Pete that they will have to smash his crummy restaurant to pieces and then do the same to him.
The second thug begins kicking over tables and Mikey takes issue with the place being called 'crummy', since he says it's an eleven out of ten in the good pizza parlor guide. The Turtles intervene and knock out both thugs before they can do any further damage. The Boss