[Episode starts with the fog engulfs around the city as the turtles arrive at the scene.] | |
Leo | Shredder could be anywhere. Stay frosty, guys. |
Donnie | FYI: Frost can't accumulate unless it's below freezing, except during a process called- |
Mikey | [annoyed] Maybe he's got an off-switch somewhere. |
Raph | [hits Donnie] Found it! |
[Donnie glares at Raph angrily. Suddenly, the Shredder's voice was heard from a distance!] | |
Shredder | And I've found four pathetic turtles with only seconds to live. |
Mikey | Wouldn't wanna be them. |
Raph | We are them. |
[Turtles take out their weapons, ready for battle.] | |
[Mikey slowly and nervously backs away, suddenly, Shredder appears from behind him, grabs Mikey and pulls him into the fog, his nunchucks were dropped as he screamed, mercilessly killed by the Shredder!] | |
Donnie | Mikey! |
[Donnie attacks, but the Shredder destroys his bo staff using his claws. Shredder dashes past Donnie and back kicks him right to the asphalt, killing him.] | |
Leo | Raph, take him down! |
[Shredder punches leo and kicks him away. Raph jumps on the wall and run towards Shredder in an attempts to dive forward with his sais. Shredder knocks out Raph's sais and send in a flury of punches with one arm and then another with his fingers alone. Shredder sends our poor turtle to the air, as he vanishes in nothing but a blink of an eye, Raph is dead.] | |
Leo | No! |
[Leo pants until he is horrified that he is now in darkness and in the void. New York City becomes bathed in red as Shredder walks behind the terrified turtle. Leo looked from his shoulder, gasped at his nemesis and was sent toward the wall by Shredder. Shredder walks towards the defeated turtle while dragging his claws on the wall.] | |
Shredder | There is no place you can run, no place you can hide, where I will not find you! YOU THINK YOU ARE READY TO FACE ME?! |
[Shredder decapitates Leo, until we learn that the whole scenario with turtle deaths was actually Splinter's nightmare.] | |
Splinter | No! [panting.] |
Raph | Come on! |
[The turtles are preparing to leave but Splinter stops them] | |
Splinter | Where are you going? |
Leo: | Heading out for our evening patrol. |
Splinter | [Serious] There will be no patrol. |
Leo | [Confused] Sensei? |
Splinter | [warily] Last time you fought the Shredder, you barely escaped with your lives. |
Raph | But, Sensei, next time, we'll be ready. |
Splinter | Yes, |
[Splinter grabs Raph and twists his hands, much to Raph’s shock and pain.] | |
Splinter | Because you will stay down here until you are ready. No patrol, no games, no rest. There is only training! Starting now! |
[theme song]
[At the dojo, the turtles, clearly exhausted, are training as hard as they can.] | |
Mikey | More, Sensei? |
Splinter | Yes, more! |
[Donnie and Mikey weakly charge as Leo and Raph throw them aside with relative ease.] | |
Splinter | There is no intention in your strikes. Do it again! We will practice all night if we have to. |
Donnie | We have been practicing all night. |
[Mikey is asleep] | |
Mikey | Pizza, mmm. |
Splinter | Wake him up! |
Raph | Gladly. |
[Cracking his knuckles, Raph tosses him. Mikey opened up his eyes and yells out.] | |
Mikey | Ahh! Shredder's here! |
Leo | Relax. You were just having a nightmare. |
Raph | Aren't we all? |
Donnie | [panting for air, and out of breath] Sensei, can we rest for a sec? |
Splinter: | Rest? Hmm, the Shredder will not rest until you are all dead! |
Leo | Sensei, we've been training nonstop for weeks with hardly any sleep. They need a break. |
Raph | Oh, like you don't? |
Leo | That's right, Raph. I don't. |
Raph | Ah, well, then, I'll give you a break. |
[Splinter knocks them down.] | |
Splinter | If I were the Shredder, none of you would be breathing right now. Understand? |
[Mikey falls asleep again.] | |
Splinter | Perhaps a brief rest is in order. We will resume later. |
[Everyone collapses in relief. Later, Leo is practicing his katana while watching Space Heroes.] | |
Ryan | The Panicons hit me with an anxiety ray! Ahh! Ohh! We're all gonna die! And I think I left the food replicator on! The ship might burn down! |
Grundch | Get it together, Captain! You're our leader, so act like one! |
[Ryan slaps himself two times, canceling the effects of the anxiety ray.] | |
Ryan | I'm sorry, Grundch. That was the anxiety ray talking. I've got it. I'll use the thermal charge. |
[Ryan throws the thermal charge at the panicons as he and Grundch shield their eyes. The TV turns off as a shuriken strikes it..] | |
Leo | What? Hey, what are you doing? |
Raph | Oh, sorry. It was Spike's idea. He said Space Heroes is too stupid for him. |
Leo | That's saying something, considering he hangs out with you all day. |
[Spike climbs off of Raph and eats his leaf.] | |
Raph | Nice going, Leo. You made him angry, so I'm gonna mop the floor with your face! |
Leo | All right, Raph. Cool off. |
Mikey | [off screen] I can help with that! |
[Raph gets hit by a water balloon.] | |
Mikey | Doctor Prank-enstein strikes again! |
[Raph furiously towers over Mikey, heavily breathing in rage all with flames behind him.] | |
Mikey | Dude, you should see your face right now. You look so mad! |
Raph | [to Spike] Okay, Spike. You'll like this show. It's called "does Mikey bend that way?" Come here, you! [starts chasing Mikey.] |
[At Donnie's lab, Donnie is making something.] | |
Raph | You're still working on that go-kart? |
Donnie | [annoyed] It's not a go-kart. It's an all-terrain patrol buggy with detachable sidecars. |
Mikey | Dude, hasn't Splinter been riding us hard enough? You gotta find a way to relax. |
Leo | We all deal with stress in different ways, Mikey. |
Donnie | Yeah, and this is how I deal. |
Mikey | And this is how I deal. |
[Mikey throws a water balloon at Donnie, who’s none to pleased. Donnie, taking off his mask, starts chasing Mikey, while screaming in rage.] | |
Mikey | You're next, Leo! Doctor Prank-enstein makes house calls! |
[Meanwhile at the Purple Dragon's hideout. They hear a knock on the door. They answer it. April was in a disguise as a pizza delivery person.] | |
April | Hey. Did, uh, somebody here order a totally delicious pizza? |
Sid | No. Beat it. |
April | You sure? I mean, the guy who paid on the phone gave me this address, or was it a block over? I'm so confused. |
Sid | Oh, that pizza. Yeah, that's us. [takes the pizza] Check it out. Free pizza! |
[April walks over as she listens to the tape on her phone, revealing that she put a device underneath the box.] | |
April | Gotcha. |
[At the dojo, Leo trains his brothers] | |
Leo | Hoko no kamae. |
[Mikey and Donnie follow his example but Raph didn’t.] | |
Leo | Raph, hoko no kamae! |
Raph | Hoko no way. It's bad enough Splinter's driving us into the ground. Now you, too? |
Leo | We have to keep training, because, right now, we don't stand a chance against Shredder. |
Mikey | Yeah, and he's up there, somewhere, waiting for us! I just freaked myself out! |
Donnie | I hate to say it, but the fact that we've been laying low might be the only reason we're still alive. |
Leo | Exactly, so until we're ready, we stay down here. |
April | [arrives] Unfortunately, that's not an option. |
[Later, April had her phone as everyone listened.] | |
Fong | We're meeting Shredder tonight. He's got a plan to destroy the turtles. |
Sid | How? He doesn't even know where they are. |
Fong | He says they're in the sewers somewhere, and that's all he needs to know to wipe them out. |
[Everyone looked worried by the Purple Dragon’s plan.] | |
Splinter | Our home is no longer safe. The Shredder must be stopped. |
Leo | How can we stop a plan we don't even know? |
[Mikey attempts to throw a water balloon at Leo, but is dismayed when Leo pops it with a kunai.] | |
Raph | We have to go topside, and find out what they're planning. |
Leo | Raph's right. There's no other way. |
[Outside the Shredder’s hideout. Leo and the others look over at the alley.] | |
Leo | This is the place. |
Raph | Donnie, you're crowding me. |
Donnie | Sorry |
[Donnie backed away and bumped into a trash can, making Mikey yelp and accidentally hit Raph in the chin as he grabbed onto Leo.] | |
Mikey | Sorry. All that Splinter talk about how we're not ready has me thinking.. maybe we're in over our heads. |
Raph | [hits Mikey on the head] You're always in over your head. |
Mikey | I'm saying now we all are! And that scares me. |
Leo | It's okay to be scared, Mikey. Raph is scared, too. |
Raph | I am not scared. |
[Leo taps Raph on the head, making Raph yelp in fear. he clears his throat and glares at Leo while Leo grins. They hear a growl and Dogpound appears.] | |
Dogpound | You should be. |
Leo | Bradford! |
Mikey | Rad-Brad! |
Dogpound | Look what I found, four soon-to-be-ex-turtles. |
Mikey | [backing away, scared] I'm sure glad it's okay to be scared. |
Donnie | You and me both. |
Leo | This is no time to panic. Okay, maybe a little. |
[The monstrous dog walked toward them, dragging his fist on the ground.] | |
Mikey | He keeps getting taller! |
Leo | Then I'll cut him down to size. |
[Leo attacks but Bradford dodges and delivers a powerful punch. Leo dodged.] | |
Leo | Uh, let's stick together on this one. |
[Raph charged first but the hand deflected his sai. Donnie runs up but Dogpound slammed him down. Leo tried to stab his spikes but he knocked him off. charges, but Dogpound knocked him right onto Donnie. Mikey swings right at Dogpound btu Dogpound swatted him away] | |
Donnie | This is hopeless. |
Leo | Keep your head in the game. |
[They dodged as Dogpound grabbed adn tosses away a trash can.] | |
Donnie | I just want to keep my head on my body. |
Raph | Come on, what are we retreating for? [crashes into a dumpster] That's a good reason. |
Leo | Mikey, smoke! |
[Mikey takes out a smoke bomb but it falls, to the ground, barely producing smoke.] | |
Raph | What was that? |
Mikey | [irritated] I'm stressed! Excuse me if my aim's a little off! |
Raph | How hard is it to hit the ground? |
[He drops a smoke bomb in the sewer grate.] | |
Mikey | Not so easy, is it? |
Leo | Oh, will you guys just- |
[Leo used a smoke bomb, throwing it and disappearing. Bradford growls and leaves. Back at the lair.] | |
Leo | We couldn't take him. |
Mikey | Dogpound was just too powerful. |
Leo | Dogpound |
Mikey | What? 'Cause he's a dog, and he pounded us into the- |
Leo | We get it. I don't see how we're gonna get close to that meeting now. |
Donnie | Well, maybe we just need to find a new place to hide. I hear the sewers in Florida are nice this time of year. |
April | No, I'm not letting you guys give up. I'll spy on the meeting. |
Turtles | No way! Nuh-uh. You can't. Forget it. |
Splinter | Absolutely not! |
April | I can do this. You've been training me to be a Kunoichi. |
Splinter | For a few weeks. |
April | What choice do we have? Shredder's gonna attack your home, and we need to find out how, and I'm the only one who can do it. |
[Later. April is in her disguise as the turtles watch from the rooftop.] | |
Donnie | I don't like this. |
Mikey | Me neither. Giving the enemy a free pizza? Pssh, never a good idea. |
[April knocks on the door as a foot soldier opens the door.] | |
April | Hey, did somebody here order a totally delicious pizza? |
[The soldier closed the door.] | |
April | Looks like the Foot Clan are smarter than the Purple Dragons. |
Leo | They'd almost have to be, wouldn't they? Thanks, April. You did your best. |
Mikey | At least we've still got the pizza. |
April | Oh, I'm not done yet. |
Mikey | Wait, what is she doing? |
[April puts the pizza in the dumpster.] | |
Mikey | Not the pizza! She's gone rogue. |
[April knocks on a man's door as he opens.] | |
Man | May I help you? |
[April salutes and shows a school ID card.] | |
April | Sir, I'm with the firefighters association, local 94. We've received reports of some faulty wiring in this building, so mind if I have a look-see? |
Man | Well, I don't think- |
April | Thanks. |
Donnie | She's so cool. |
[With her disguise off, April climbs to the rooftop. She jumps to the other side and almost falls. She climbs back up and looks inside Shredder's lair, Shredder is in his throne as Dogpound and Fong walk in. Fishface, now is forced to stay in a tank emerged from the water as they kneel in front of him. April took out her phone and hit the button.] | |
Shredder | Listen carefully. Five of you will hijack a tanker truck on Houston in approximately 15 minutes. The chemical is extremely rare, so you will not have another chance. |
Raph | Chemical? What chemical? |
Donnie | How about we listen and find out? |
Raph | How about I break your shell on my knee? |
Leo | How about you two shut it for a minute while we try to hear Shredder's evil plan!? |
Shredder | …which will destroy them once and for all. Now go. |
Leo | We missed it! Oh, great. Nice going, guys. |
Donnie | We've gotta get April out! |
Leo | No, if we rush in there, we put her at risk. We wait. |
[April followed after them.] | |
April | I'm gonna hitch a ride, see where they go. |
Leo | No, you've done enough. Now get out of there! Bradford heard you! April! RUN! |
[April gasped as Dogpound approached her. He tied her up and threw her into a van.] | |
Dogpound | Buckle up. |
[He gets on.] | |
Donnie | No! We're too late! |
Leo | April. April! Are you there? |
Donnie | She's not gonna answer, Leo. What do we do? |
Leo | We gotta get April out of that van, but Dogpound's in there, and we're not ready to fight that guy. Aw, Splinter was right! We should've stayed below. |
Raph | Can't believe I'm gonna say this. "Get it together, Captain. You're our leader! So act like one." |
Leo | [perks up] You're right, Raph. That was the anxiety ray talking. |
Raph | What, that's it? You're not gonna slap yourself? |
Leo | Psst, let's save April. |
Raph | And our home. |
Donnie | But we'll never catch him on foot. |
Leo | We're not going on foot. |
[Later, they are driving the karts.] | |
Mikey | Yeah, this is Rad! |
Donnie | It's not ready! |
Mikey | This thing is awesome! Does it have a radio? |
Donnie | No, it doesn't have a radio! I'm telling you it's not ready! |
Leo | Seems ready to me. Whoa! [pulls of steering wheel.] Eh, okay, don't pull on that, and we'll be fine. |
Dogpound | The tanker. Catch it! |
[Dogpound gets off the van and stops the truck. Dogpound rips open the door.] | |
Dogpound | Get. Out. |
[The man gets off. The foot soldier gets on the tank truck as Dogpound leaped on since he was too big to get in the truck.,] | |
Dogpound | Call Shredder. Tell him we've acquired the tanker, and we're on our way, no problems encountered. Hold that call. Run them down. |
Leo | Raph, get ready. |
Raph | For what? |
Leo | This! |
[The kart separates into two. They dodged the incoming truck and chases after it.] | |
Raph | Leo! You could've been a little more specific. |
Leo | Where's the fun in that? Get ready. |
Donnie | [reads the words] Chlorosulfonic acid? Leo, I think I figured out Shredder's plan! That acid reacts violently with water! |
Leo | So if he dumps it in the sewer... |
Donnie | It'll all be incinerated in seconds, including the lair! |
Leo | And Splinter! We gotta stop them. |
[They drive after the van.] | |
Leo | Donnie! You and Raph stay with the van and save April. Mikey, you're coming with me. We have to stop that tanker! |
Mikey | Uh, if you haven't noticed, I'm stuck with Raph? |
Raph | No problem. |
[Raph separates Mikey's kart. Mikey screams as his kart goes backwards.] | |
Raph | Well, that was fun! |
Leo | Told ya! |
[Leo separates Donnie's kart as all four start to give chase. Dogpound looked behind and growled.] | |
Leo | Mikey, let's slow this thing down. Fire grappling hooks! |
Mikey | Got it! |
[Grappling hooks fired and were dragged and snapped off.] | |
Mikey | Donnie did say they weren't ready! |
Leo | I know! |
[Donnie drives to the place where April is being held in.] | |
Donnie | Hold your breath, April! |
[Donnie tosses the smoke bomb and explodes. Then the van stopped and Raph drives in the gront, and launched spikes on the road. The van drove through them puncturing the tires and stopped. The foot clan came out] | |
Raph | Come on! Let's club these feet. |
Donnie | I think they're called foots. |
Raph | Just hit 'em. |
[The foot soldiers began to attack and the turtles knocked them out. Fong was about to attack but got knocked down by April who slammed the door in his face.] | |
Donnie | Nice shot! |
April | Nice wheels. |
Donnie | Oh, well, I built them, you know. |
[Kart falls apart] | |
Donnie | Uh-they're not ready yet. |
[Raph starts to free April. Meanwhile, Dogpound hops off and throws a manhole cover. Leo dodges, his kart being destroyed.] | |
Leo | Is that all you got? |
Mikey | I'd say that's a no. |
[They start to attack the mutant dog before Dogpound punches Mikey away. Leo used a smoke bomb and appeared on the construction building. As Mikey and Leo reappear on the rooftop, they saw a foot ninja taking out a hose out of the tanker.] | |
Leo | Don't let him dump that acid! |
[Mikey charges at the foot soldier and attacks. Dogpound goes after him and Leo starts to battle the mutant dog. Mikey kicks the foot soldier but Leo knocks him down. Leo starts to face Dogpound who punches and throws a car. Leo lunged again but he threw Leo right into the tanker, knocking Mikey. They split up as Dogpoudn grabbed Leo's arm, his sword stabbing the tanker, causing acid to leak. He kicked Dogpound and released his sword.] | |
Leo | What'd Donnie say about this stuff? Mikey! Throw the water balloon! |
Mikey | Uh, what water balloon? |
Leo | The one you were gonna hit me with? |
Mikey | Dude, you are good. |
[He throws the water balloon and it explodes. The two took cover behind the car as the chemical was destroyed for good.] | |
Leo | Nice shot, Mi-oh! [gets hit by water balloon] |
Mikey | Doctor Prank-enstein for the win! |
Leo | You had two? Where do you keep them? |
[Donnie and Raph arrive] | |
Raph | Eh, looks like we missed the fireworks. |
Leo | Donnie, the go-kart worked great. Nice job. |
Donnie | Thanks, Leo. And it's a patrol buggy. |
[Back at Shredder's lair, Dogpound kneels and Shredder is obviously very enraged with Dogpound for being defeated by the Turtles once again, but this time with cheap, ridiculous and absurd objects.] | |
Shredder | They defeated you with go-karts and a water balloon? |
Dogpound | I know it sounds absurd, but.. |
[Dogpound looks up and panicked when Shredder threaten him with his deployed claws. Dogpound bow downs immediately assuring his master.] | |
Dogpound | I-it won't happen again, master,[Looks up.] I promise you. |
Shredder | If you break that promise... [he slices a spike off of Dogpound.] |
Dogpound | [Whimpering and then bows down.] I understand, master. |
[Back at the turtle’s lair] | |
Mikey | Nothing says victory like the sweet taste of pizza. |
[The turtles eat their pizza. Donnie smells and realizes that something is not right with the pizza.] | |
Donnie | This pizza smells kind of funky. Where'd you get it? |
Mikey | It's the one April threw out. |
[Everyone spits in disgust.] | |
Mikey | What? We live in a sewer. Now you're clean freaks? More for me. |
[Mikey eats the pizza. His brothers glare at him in anger and disgust.] | |
Splinter | My sons. I owe you my gratitude and an apology. |
Leo | An apology? |
Splinter | Fear clouded your minds. However, it was not the Shredder who fueled that fear, but me. You overcame that fear, and performed admirably. No training today.[ they cheer.] Unless Michelangelo throws that balloon. |
[Raph, Donnie and Leo see Mikey is about to throw a water balloon at Splinter. Mikey chuckles nervously.] | |
Raph | You are so gonna get it! |
[Leo, Donnie and Raph playfully attack Mikey, who cries out in agony as the episode ends.] |