The Orb of Hindsight is an object that appears in the 2003 TV series. The Orb sits on a podium in the library inside Castle Simultaneous. A crystal ball, the Orb allows the viewer to look through time and observe various events.
The Timestress, Renet, is fulfilling a punishment handed down by Lord Simultaneous, which is to dust the castle for six weeks. Completely bored, the Timestress looks into the Orb of Hindsight to entertain herself. Her first view is of Savanti Romero in 15th Century Earth-time as he plots revenge. Unhappy with these dark images, Renet "changes the channel" to something more fun which is a new scene showing the Turtles having a water balloon fight on the rooftops of NYC. Renet wishes that she could be having a good time like the Turtles.
Still bored, Renet picks up the Time Scepter, which immediately sets off alarms. The giant, booming voice of Lord Simultaneous is heard in the room, his anger apparent. A frightened Renet begins backing up, stopping next to the Orb of Hindsight. Panicking, Renet glances into the Orb, which is still showing the Turtles at play, and tells the Time Scepter to take her to where the Turtles are. She is swiftly teleported away.