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[Episode starts at the Run of the Mii Pizzeria. April, Leo and Donnie are in a booth]

APRIL: [staring at the pizza covered with tentacles] "Is that pizza looking at me? Guys, could we maybe just order cheese?"

DONNIE: "What? You mean not get the super creepy supreme?"

APRIL: "I wish just once we can go to a normal pizza spot."

LEO: "But you know we can’t go into human places with uh, this whole situation."

APRIL: "I know: it’s just sometimes a girl needs normal. Ugh!"

[April groans in disgust when she sees Leo and Donnie eating the pizza, tentacles dangled from their mouths.]

DONNIE: [muffled] "What do you mean? What’s not normal about this?"

FRANKIE: "Okay, birthday boy, get ready to party!"

[Nearby, a smiling yokai explodes into green go as guests cheered. Donnie and Leo used the menus to shield themselves from the flying goo.]

DONNIE: "Exploding Frankie never gets old."

[April is covered in slime head to toe.]

APRIL: "I’m going to class."

[She leaves as the slime begins to form back into Exploding Frankie.]

FRANKIE: "Hey, anybody seen my eye?"

[At school, April had arrived in time, out of breath,]

WOMAN: "So everyone has their lab partners."

APRIL: "No.  I’m a partnerless freak."

WOMAN: "Miss O’Neil, this is science. We leave emotions at the door. You can partner our new student."

APRIL: "Please be normal."

[Then she came face to face with a new student. She has brown skin with black hair, pink lipstick, a headband and a long blouse dress with silver boots. On her chest was a cloaking brooch.]

SUNITA: "Aloha. It means both hello and goodbye. This time I’m using it as hello. I’m Sunita. Sorry, was that weird?"

APRIL: "No. I’ve seen weird and that is not It. I’m April."

WOMAN: "Open your books to page 143 and please, let’s be adults about these gruesome photos of human anatomy."

[Sunita held out a book to April that shows the human body.]

BOTH: "Cool."

SUNITA: [notices a blob on slime on April's shoulder] "Oops.. You’ve got a little googlyschootz on you."

[She flicks it off, making April notice the slime is moving.]

SUNITA: "Is everything okay?"

APRIL: "Yep, all normal here,"

SUNITA: "Hey, what’s your number? We should hang out sometime."

APRIL: "Yes, we should. That’d be totally normal. I mean, totally. So yeah, let’s exchange numbers."

[Later that night, April is on the street to see Sunita. Leo pops out of a trash can, startling her.]

LEO: "April, you got to come. Mikey found some invisible paint, we’re gonna put it on dads tail."

APRIL: "I love you guys and def send me pics, but now that school’s covered, I’m just gonna chill and have a nice normal day."

DONNIE: [hanging upside down on the railing] "Scoff. Are you really still on this whole ‘I want things to be normal gig?"

APRIL: "What were these for? I am normal."

DONNIE: "Yes, what big city girl doesn't have a kayak and has hazmat suit?"

APRIL: "Look, guys. Just because I love the bonkers doesn’t mean I want normal sometimes. too."

LEO: "I mean, you can try, but it’ll be easier for everyone involved if you just admit you’re a totally weirdo magnet."

APRIL: "I’ve got non weirdo friends, like my new friend Sunira. Suneera. Sunita. Who I’m trying to see if she wants to hang out later. And she does. Hah! In your face!" [laughs and leaves]

LEO: Do you think April could really have a normal day?

DONNIE: "Short answer? No. Long answer? Noooooo..."

LEO: "Then It’s up to her two totally non weirdo friends to make this happen."

[We show April and Sunita taking selfies at the park. From the bushes, Leo and Donnie are keeping an eye on them. Leo is dressed in a blue dress, pink scarf, gray wig and a pearled necklace while Donnie is wearing a yellow bandana over his head, wearing a jacket, light blue shirt and purple skirt.]

LEO: "Why do you always make us dress up as old ladies?"

DONNIE: "Number 1, comfort, number two, to blend in as we monitor April’s day for max normalcy."

SUNITA: "Thanks for showing me around. New York is amazing! They took all the charm of the sidewalk, and made it higher! So cool!"

APRIL: "Ha, you should’ve been up here when we were fighting Meat Sweats. I mean..uh, fighting the sweats when I get when I eat too much pork. That’s not any better is it?"

LEO: "How's she doing Hortense?"

DONNIE: "She almost blew it, Patty. Oh, fab-o boots. And that is Donnie and Hortense talking."

LEO: "Hold on. What do we got here?"

[They look over to see the Trash Wizard blocking people's way.]

TRASH WIZARD: "You shall not pass."

DONNIE: "Oh, no. You know how April freaks out  around cosplay wizards."

LEO: "Operation normal to the rescue."

[Using a bottle to knock down as a distraction, April and Sunita turned and Donnie used his hovering shell and took the Trash Wizard away.]

WIZARD: "Dragon!"

[Apri and Sunita shrugged.]

SUNITA: "OMG, what is that? What is it?"

APRIL: "A pretzel cart. Have you never had a genuine New York street pretzel?"

SUNITA: "No. But can I now? Please please please?"

APRIL: "Oh. It is on."

[At the same time, we see Brute and Recruit dressed in disguise.]

FOOT BRUTE: "Get ready, she’s coming out this way."

LEO: "Oh, the Foot! Man, evil guys have the worst timing. Portal, don’t let me down."

[He creates a portal and jumps right through.]

LEO: "Nailed it."

[He noticed that the Foot were right behind him before he kicked the portal to them underneath their feet. They fall inside,]

LEO: "Eventually. [goes to the cart] Get your pretzels. Get them in yellow or dark yellow."

APRIL: [recognizes Leo, teeth gritting.] "What are you doing here?"

SUNITA: "Oh, what a cute old lady. Are you two friends?"

APRIL: "No! That’d be weird. Not that I don’t like old ladies. My grammy’s an old lady. Let’s go get pizza."

[Later, the girls went to the Pizzeria]

APRIL: "This is more like it. Two normal girls eating normal pizza, in a normal pizza restaurant."

[She looks over to see a girl having a birthday party. Sunita began to smile until she noticed April's look.]

SUNITA: "Everything okay?"

APRIL: "Sorry. A rough birthday flashback. On irregular pizza it is."

SUNITA: "Waiter, these two yorkers would like two of your  New Yorkest pizzas."

[Outside, Leo and Donnie are on the statue watching closely.]

DONNIE: "Operation  Pizza, subset of operation normal is going great."

LEO: "I wouldn’t be so sure. ]spots Brute and Recruit again] Operation normal just went defcon red alert."

DONNIE: "They usually go by number but let’s movie."

[They jump into action engaged in a fight.]

APRIL "And we’ll take two waters."

WAITER: "Would you care for any lemon?"

[Recruit slammed Leo against the window and April saw him.]

APRIL: [seeing Leo] "No!"

WAITER: "Yep. Lemon does anger a lot of people."

APRIL: "I'll be right back. See if you can find us a desert."

SUNITA: "I will not let you down."

[Leo kicked against the wall, injured. April then came outside.]

APRIL: "Leo, are you good? Are you okay?"

[Leo, laughs, giving a thumbs up.]

APRIL: "Good. I don’t want you to take this the wrong way but.... ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME!!?"

LEO: "Nooo…"

APRIL: "So you just happened to be selling pretzels earlier and now fighting right here?"

LEO: "Would you believe yes?"

APRIL: "Okay. But I want one day where I don’t get caught up in all the weirdness. Please just...fight somewhere else?"

LEO: "Oh no."

[Sunita is about to take off until April comes back.]

APRIL: "Pizza’s so last week. Let’s go! Out the back."

[Later, they tried Laser Tag]

APRIL: "Now this is what I’m talking about."

SUNITA: "Laser tag was a great idea. Cover me!"

[April sees Leo fighting Recruit again.]

APRIL: "Really? Again? Come on, Leo. Ruining my normal and laser tag. Laser tag is sacred."

FOOT RECRUIT: "Beyond sacred. How could you?!"

[Leo tackles her.]

LEO: "We’ve been trying to help you have a normal day, but those Foot bozos keep following you."

FOOT RECRUIT: "That’s what you think we’re doing?!" [tackles Leo]

APRIL: "Okay. Look, I’m gonna help you kick their butts. And then you two gotta go. Deal."

LEO: "Deal. Operation normal is about to get unnormal and then go back to normal."

[Sunita is still firing at other players. She glanced back to see Donnie battling Brute. He spins his staff and jumps over the attacks. He suddenly grabs the staff and knocks Donnie to the ground.]

SUNITA: "Look out!"

[She spins around, kicking him up to the second level.]

DONNIE: "Was that Sunita? Got a little pepper."

APRIL: "Sunita? What’s new?"

SUNITA: "You know. Stuff. Look out!"

[Recruit lunges right at April, about to kick her along with Brute toward Sunita.]

DONNIE: "Oh no, you don’t. Grandmas here!"

[April grabs Sunita and hides in a corner.]

SUNITA: "Is that a flying turtle in an old purple dress?"

APRIL: "Yep. Look Sunita, you’re way cool and this has been a blast but there’s some guys that are after me, and I’ll text you later, maybe we can get some ice cream?"

SUNITA: "After you? No, they're after me!"

APRIL: "What?"

SUNITA: "They’ve been following me for days. That’s why I went undercover as a human, I just wanted a normal day!"

[Suddenly, Sunita transformed. April shielded her eyes and to her amazement. She saw that Sunita is green with a green slimy substance in her body. She is a Slime yokai.]

APRIL: "You’re a Yokai?"

SUNITA: "A googlyschmootz. You had some on your shoulder earlier."

APRIL: "You mean Exploding Frankie?"

SUNITA: "Yeah, he’s my pops."

[They peek over to see Leo and Donnie being overpowered by the Foot.]

APRIL: "Hey, Sunita, is it today your birthday?"

SUNITA: "Today isn’t my birthday..Th-Oh…. Good thinking."

[Suntia explodes into goo, knocking Brute and Recruit down.]

FOOT RECRUIT: [weakly] "I shall have required medical attention."

LEO: "April? What happened? Where’s Sunita?"

[April shows them the goo.]

DONNIE: "GAH! She’s in puddles! April, it is not normal to liquefy your friends."

APRIL: "Yeah."

[Sunita reforms back and transforms back into her human form.]

LEO: "She’s like Exploding Frankie. It never gets old. I love it."

DONNIE: "Heh, so I guess you never stopped being a weirdo magnet after all, huh, April?"

APRIL: "You know what? I don’t need to be normal. For me, being weird is normal. And I am so cool with it."

SUNITA: As a fellow weirdo, I concur. [to Leo] Hey, fake pearls. You’re standing on my toe schmootz. I need that to fully reform my- [noticed her silver boots are missing] Hey, where are my boots?"

[Below the underground, Brute and Recruit had the boots that revealed that they are the pieces of the dark armor.]

FOOT BRUTE: "The dark armor is almost complete."

FOOT RECRUIT: "We are one step closer to its dark power. SO DARK! So powerful."
