IDW Mutanimals HQ 4

Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids.

In the IDW continuity, the apartment of Old Hob is a private residence in Manhattan. As it was where Hob operated when he was just beginning to recruit a private mutant paramilitary force, it also effectively served as the first Mighty Mutanimals Headquarters.


In the story arc "City Fall", the characters Old Hob and Slash were living together in an apartment where they also stored their weapons. A gang sign marked on the building's outer wall indicated that it was located within the territory of the Purple Dragons. Splinter visited the apartment to arrange a pact: Splinter would infiltrate StockGen to steal mutagen for Hob to build a mutant army for the stated purpose of protecting other mutants, and back up Hob in these goals. And in exchange, Hob and his mutants would back up Splinter and the Turtles in their fight against the Foot Clan. In the "Monsters, Misfits, and Madmen" arc, Hob and Slash were still living in the apartment, but were now joined by Pete, whom they had changed from an ordinary pigeon with the mutagen Splinter provided. Hob abducted Lindsey Baker and took her to this apartment to try to coerce her into helping him build more stable mutants. When a sample of Splinter's blood containing the psychotropic compound was injected into Slash and greatly enhanced his mental faculties, Lindsey agreed to stay and work with Hob, as his goals and her mutation research goals now overlapped. But Lindsey insisted that the apartment's conditions were inadequate to use as a laboratory and needed to be upgraded.

By the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutanimals miniseries, the Mighty Mutanimals were living in a new location, a semi-derelict building near the waterfront. This was the Mutanimals' headquarters on Manhattan's Lower East Side (LES).

In the story arc "Desperate Measures", the Mutanimals were shown gathered in a third-floor apartment, in a building that did not resemble their headquarters in the LES, but where Hob stored some personal effects and hid some weapons under the floorboards. It was never specified whether this was meant to be Hob's old apartment, or was a new apartment, or that the Mutanimals' headquarters had been reimagined by another artist. The group were watching the movie Prehistoric Forest together when Slash, actually remote-controlled by Earth Protection Force Agent Jonathan Bishop, mounted a home invasion against the Mutanimals. Only Hob was able to get away, and he went to the Turtles at their church lair. The Turtles and Hob later returned to the apartment to investigate, only to discover that the EPF and their Darkwater partners were still monitoring it. Hob took a Null Stun Gun from a compartment hidden beneath one of the apartment's floorboards, and used it for cover fire so he and the Turtles could again escape.

In later story arcs, until TMNT #101, the Mutanimals were shown living at their headquarters on the LES.

