

Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids.

Of Turtles and Stones and Mary Bones is issue 6 of the TMNT Adventures comics, and was published in November 1989.



Jess Harley in the Deep American South bayou steals what he doesn't know is the Turnstone from Mary Bones, according to rumors a swamp witch. He travels by bus to New York City in an attempt to sell it. Mary Bones tracks him into town, and takes back the Turnstone and uses it to transform Jess Harley into Leatherhead.

Krang is also after the Turnstone, when learning it is on Earth.

Elsewhere in the sewers, the Turtles ride their Cheapskates to a subterranean bridge they’ve been dying to explore. There, they are met by Shredder, Bebop, Rocksteady, and Leatherhead. The Shredder tricks Leatherhead into believing the turtles work with Mary Bones. Leatherhead and crew who engage them in battle, Bebop and Rocksteady throw the turtles' motorized skateboards off the bridge. Leatherhead and Raph are at each other’s throats until Raph points out Leo’s honorable actions in battle and Rocksteady’s dishonorable actions. As Leatherhead starts to get a grip on who the real bad guys are, Shredder arrives and reveals that he never intended to honor his end of the deal with Leatherhead, and the turtles fight Shredder, Bebop and Rocksteady. Leatherhead, in anger over Shredder lying, begins to stomp on the underground bridge, despite the Turtles' warning. The bridge collapses, and Leatherhead seemingly plummets to his demise...

Shredder, Bebop and Rocksteady, now being on the opposite side of the hole, walks away. Suddenly a light appears, and Mary Bones shows up, telling the turtles to not mourn Leatherhead, because they will triumph in the final conflict.[1]yet to come. Mary Bones vanishes as mysteriously as she came, leaving the Turtles to gawk at some weird, mysterious figure in the tunnel with them…

See also[]


  • On the cover, Leatherhead is shown wearing a hat that would become part of this version's signature look. But in the pages of the issue itself, neither his human nor mutant form is ever shown wearing this hat.
  • Jess Harley's human appearance is patterned after Lance Henriksen.

