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A nuclear submarine appears in the 1987 TV series episode '"Green With Jealousy". Used by the United States Navy, it vists New York City in the episode.
Shredder and Krang attempt to drain the submarine on energy, and repower the Technodrome. This is carried out by sending Foot Soldiers in waterproof Transport Modules, attaching a cable link between the submarine and the Technodrome.
When Rocksteady by accident eats a dosed pizza, he falls in love with April O'Neil. He brings her into the submarine, but she manages to trick Rocksteady into bringing her Turtlecom with her, allowing her to contact the Ninja Turtles.
At the end, the Donatello and Leonardo head into the submarine to save April O'Neil, while Michelangelo and Raphael stop the cable between the submarine and the Technodrome.