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[episode starts at Long Island, Mikey and Todd are spying Meat Sweats who is cooking pork chops]

MIKEY: "There he is, Todd. The bulletin chef and my personal hero Rupert Swaggart."

TODD: [recognizes Meat Sweats back from the Evil League of Mutants] "All I see is that scary Meat Sweats dude."

MIKEY: "Yeah,  He's an evil mutant now. But back in the day, he was the master of the spice."

TODD: "Well, I guess being a mutant can turn anybody nasty."

MIKEY: "Oh, he was always a jerk but what a chef. Some say he invented flavor."

MEAT SWEATS: "Forest truffle pork chops. The delicious irony."

MIKEY: "Omigosh. He's making his signature dish. [loses balance] Todd, what did we say about not moving?"

TODD: "Sorry friend. I was just trying to feel my neck again."

MIKEY: "I never could get my truffle pork chops to taste as good as his. There must be a secret ingredient."

MEAT SWEATS: "And now for my secret ingredient, the shadow moon truffle."

MIKEY: "He uses mystic ingredients?"

TODD: "Wait, what’s a shadow moon truffle?"

MIKEY: "A super rare mystic truffle that only grows when Jupiter eclipses the full moon. Maybe we can just grab a slice. Follow my thoughts, baby."

[They sneak past some trees.]

TODD: "Do you think I could ride on your shoulders for a while?"

MIKEY: "I think we both know that I’m a natural periscope. She schlep me over to that truck so I can watch my hero work."

[They zip past the truck as Mikey reaches for the truffle.]

MIKEY: "All I need is one slice of that truffle."

[Todd started to slip and fell face first. Mikey yelped in surprise before hitting the truck in the process, causing it to tip. The truffle was flung away and was caught by an eagle.]

MEAT SWEATS: "Me truffle! One of those naughty turtles I see. You’ll pay for this, you tasty snoops!"

MIKEY: "Don’t blame the turtle! It was the woodchuck!"

TODD: "I’m not a woodchuck."

MEAT SWEATS: "You turtles- You been a roach leg in my sorbet since the day I met you! But it’s alright. I’ll make up for it with a little taste of you."

[Todd and Mikey screaming. They started to run away until they were cornered.]

MEAT SWEATS: "Where are you going, lads? I was about to unleash the flavor." [releases his tentacles]

TODD: [slow motion] "My friend!"


[Todd gets grabbed by Meat Sweat's tentacles.]

MEAT SWEATS: "Give me your power!" [starts absorbing Todd's energy]

MIKEY: "Ohmigosh! TODD!"

TODD: "Nothing like having my whole being sucked out...for a friend."

[After he was drained, Todd fell to the ground, barely lifeless. ]

MEAT SWEATS: "Yes, I feel.. [becomes nice thanks to Todd's power] I feel splendiferous. Hello, mateys, what are you doing out there in the cold? Why don’t you come inside? I’ll make you a nice cuppa."

TODD: [weakly standing up] "I'll catch up with you guys later." [passes out]

MIKEY: "Why are you being so nice? [gasps] That’s right. You suck Todd’s superpower niceness."

MEAT SWEATS: "I just don’t know what you mean. But I do know I'd love to have you sample me forest truffle pork chops. Wait a minute. [looks around his kitchen] Where’s me truffle? I need to finish the dish. I’ve got company."

MIKEY: "Unfortunately, Todd kicked it into the air. There was a bird situation. What matters is Todd lost it."

MEAT SWEATSs: "You know what this means? We have to get a new one tonight chum."

MIKEY: [brightly cheerful] "We us? Tonight?"

MEATS SWEATS: "Has to be tonight. There’s a shadow moon don’t you know. But first palomino, you ever had the funnel cake down by the boardwalk?"

MIKEY: "No. I haven’t."

MEAT SWEATS: "Well, off we go then. What about your friend face down there in the puddle?"

[Mikey pokes Todd]

TODD: "Ow."

MIKEY: "He’ll be fine."

BOTJ: "Funnel cake!"

[So they spend some time together, like at the lake, making hot dogs. Meat Sweats presented Mikey a silver mallet necklace with BFF on it.]

MIKEY: "Man, hanging out with my hero is a dream come true. You taking what's his name's niceness is the best thing that ever happened to me."

MEAT SWEATS: "The shadow moon. Up to the swamp we go, friend of friends."

MIKEY: "Yes!"

[They begin to enter the swamp.]

MIKEY; "So how do we spot the truffle?"

MEAT SWEATS: "It will release a beautiful cloud of shimmering spores into the night sky. But don’t breathe them. They’ll burn your nostrils and fuse your lungs to your heart. But the truffle is delicious."

MIKEY: "Oh, snap! There it is!"

MEAT SWEATS: "The swamp poses many challenges but nothing that me and me bestie can’t conquer together. yeah?"

MIKEY: "Holla! I got it, buddy of mine."

[Mikey uses himself as a bridge so Meat Sweats can get across.]

MEAT SWEATS: "That shell of yours, that’ll get us through these vines, mon ami."

MIKEY: "You got it, bubba!"

[Meat Sweats used Mikey as a ram to get through the thorn patch.]

MIKEY: "There's so much me the shell does not cover."

MEAT SWEATS: "We’ll get through this together."

[They stopped at a mut pit.]

MIKEY: "Oh no. You can handle mud, you’re a pig."

MEAT SWEATS: "Right, and since I’m a natural periscope I shall navigate."

[Mikey begins to carry Meat Sweats into the mud, and struggles for each breath he needs to take. Now Mikey was in a bad condition with thorns and mud all over his body. Right to the center was the Truffle on top of the tree.]

MEAT SWEATS: "There she is."

MIKEY: "The shadow moon truffle. It’s beautiful."

MEAT SWEATS: "It sure is. And you know what would make this day perfect? If my best mate would pluck it himself?"

MIKEY: "Best mate? Say it again! No. Say it when I get that truffle."

[Mikey climbs up the tree and grabs the truffle. His foot slipped until the moon shines on the tree. Two eyes opened up as it let out a growl.]

MIKEY: "What was that? [looks and sees a living Were Tree] What are you?"

[Meat Sweats chuckles evilly as the monster grabbed him.]

MIKEY: "Chef Swaggart what’s happening?"

TREE: "Must protect truffle."

MEAT SWEATS: "I’m sorry matey. There’s one thing I forgot to mention. The truffle is protected by a mystical weretree, you know, full moon and all. but thanks for being the distraction."

MIKEY: "I thought you were nice now?"

MEAT SWEATS: "That wore off hours ago. And by the way, you play a lousy mandolin."

MIKEY: "What? [heartbroken] You said it sounded like a choir of angels dipped in honey."

MEAT SWEATS: "Well, things look a little different once the Todd goggles come off. Now I’ll be taking that truffle. Wait... Where is it?"

TOFF: [recovered and has the truffle] "Is this what you’re looking for?"

MIKEY: [hung upside by the branch] "Todd! How do you know I was in trouble?"

TODD: "My squirrel friends told my bird friends to tell my puppy friend to tell me."

MEAT SWEATS: "Paprika! Hold still you critty little thing."

[ Meat Sweats begins to attack but Todd dodges every move.]

TODD: "You're no match for me. I’m a master of Passive Fu. It's where I take your energy and do nothing with it."

MIKEY: "Todd, get his glove!"

[Todd grabbed the glove and spun around, showing his tentacles. Mikey uses his whip and pulls Meat Sweats onto the tree.]

TREE: "I don’t feel so good."

[Mikey gets himself free.]

MIKEY: "Whoa."

TODD: "Great thinking, friend. Now we can... Uh oh.."

[The capybara and turtle are horrified to see that Meat Sweats was fused by the Tree, turning him into a Treehog.]

TREEHOG: "Time for a little midnight snack."

Mikey: "Todd, you’re a woodchuck. Chuck him!"

TODD: "Okay, you keep saying I’m a woodchuck. I’m a capybara."

MIKEY: "No. I’m pretty sure you’re a woodchuck."

TREEHOG: "You can continue this bickering in my gutty wutties."

TODD: [scoops Mikey up into his back] "Rule number 3 of passive fu, the bigger they are the faster you flee!"

[They started to run away as the Treehog tried to swat them with his branched tentacle.]

MIKEY: "Todd, I’m really sorry I treated you so badly and ditched you for that psychopathic lunatic."

TODD: [confused] "You ditch me? I thought you were kidnapped."

[Meat Sweats slammed down, making the two fall in the bush.]

TREEHOG: "I’ll take me truffle now and use it to cook me some scaredy cat stew. Where are you?"

[Mikey and Todd had taken cover in a bush.]

MIKEY: "Oh, man. What would Raph do?"

[A thought bubble appears in Mikey's mind.]

MIND RAPH: "Shark attack? Punch it in the nose. Vampire? Garlic. Werewolf? Silver A puppet? Just curl up into a ball buddy. You’re going down."

MIKEY: "Thanks, Mind Raph."

TODD: "But Mikey, where are we gonna get something silver?"

MIKEY: "You heard that? Ohmigosh. [lifts his necklace mallet] My BFF Mallet. It’s pure silver baby! And I’d be happy to return it."

[They peek over to see Meat Sweats still searching for them.]

MIKEY: "Alright, we gotta get him right in that hollow."

TODD: "Okay, get on my shoulders."

MIKEY: "No, Todd. This time, you’re the periscope."

TODD: "Really? I’m finally the periscope?"

[Todd gets onto Mikey's shoulders.]

MIKEY: "Hey, Tree Sweets. You are officially unfriended!"

[Mikey throws the mallet right at Meat Sweat's hollow spot.]

MEAR SWEATS: "Right in my nut hole! [transforms into his pig form as the mallet hits him on the head.] Oh, Shallots."

BOTH: "Yes!"

MIKEY: "Couldn't have done it without you, bud. Hey, still got that truffle?"

[Later that day,]

MIKEY: "Here we go. Two best friend specials."

TODD: "Mm. Forest truffle pork chops. They smell divine."

MIKEY: "Oh, well. Can I have a bite of your best friend? [Todd looks at him] Oh. Todd."
