
This is a transcript for Notes from the Underground, Part 2, the fourteenth episode of season 1 of TMNT (2003 series).

Donatello My name is Donatello, and as a turtle of science, I like to investigate things. But I never thought my study of the strange crystals we found in our lair would awaken creatures from the underground, lead us on a search deep below the Earth, or take us to an abandoned Foot Genetic Lab where terrible things were done in the name of the Shredder.
Foot Scientist There are some things
Foot Scientist/Michelangelo man was never meant to tamper with.
Michelangelo That’s the one line in a monster movie you don’t want to hear!
Donatello As a turtle of science, you wouldn't think i'm the type to believe in monsters but you be wrong, dead wrong.

{Opening sequence; title song}

The episode continues underground as the monsters gets closer to the turtles as they walk backwards into the lab.
Michelangelo Ah, I think I speak for all of us when I say "Zonks!".
The turtles threw their backpack aside while the blue monster walks closer and sprays acid at the turtles disseminating the floor.
Raphael That's it As the turtles grab their weapons.
Michelangelo OK, you guys take the three on the left.
Raphael There ARE only three.
Michelangelo there's for each for you and I'll be odd turtle out.
Raphael you're telling me.
the red monster throws an unit at the turtles but miss.
Leonardo, Raphael and Donatello engage the monsters while Michelangelo tip-toes in the lab. Donatello engages the red monster, Raphael engages the stone monster and Leonardo fights the blue monster, Raphael helps Donatello while the stone monster climbs and digs itself inside into ceiling for a sneak attack.
Raphael & Donatello WOW!.
the stone monster digs out for the sneak attack.
Raphael Micky!
Raphael intercepts the stone monster's attack and succeeds
Raphael Watch your back you oddball!