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The Ninja Turtles of Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation are one of the few incarnations of the team that differs from the standard lineup.


In this continuity, there were initially five baby turtles that had fallen into the sewer and come into contact with the mutagen. However, one - the sole female of the quintet, was swept away by the current of sewerwater and eventually ended up in Chinatown. This turtle was found by a Chinese shinobi magic master, Chung I, and raised with the name Mei Pieh Chi.

The remaining four turtles - Donatello, Leonardo, Michaelangelo, and Raphael - were raised by Splinter, a rat who had come in contact with the mutagen as well. Chung I and Splinter often met on the astral plane and were both aware of each others' turtle children, and chose to keep the others secret from one another until the time was right.

Chung I was also the guardian of a mirror that held a ruthless Dragon Lord and his minions imprisoned. The Dragons eventually made their way to the astral plane and attacked Chung I and kidnapped Splinter. Chung I revealed to Mei Pieh Chi her origins and told her to return to New York.
