Match Intro Dialogue[]
1P Dialogue | Opponent(s) |
"Can't argue with that." | Leonardo |
"C'mon and train with me, bro!" | Donatello, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Raphael |
"Fighting you will be educational." | Atom, Bizarro, Black Lightning, Firestorm, John Stewart, Leonardo, Sub-Zero |
"First Brainiac, now you?" | Grid, Leonardo |
"Genius doesn't count on turtle power." | Hellboy |
"Getting ahead of yourself, aren't ya?" | Aquaman, Bizarro, Cheetah, Grid |
"Good luck with that, dude." | Aquaman, Black Manta, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Mr. Freeze |
"Gotta concentrate to win, Mikey." | Michelangelo |
"I don't plan on losing." | Firestorm, The Flash |
"I fight evil on every Earth." | Black Adam, Captain Cold, Enchantress, Reverse Flash |
"I got a few tricks I can show you." | Donatello, Green Lantern, Michelangelo, Raphael, Vixen |
"I gotta lay off Mikey's garlic fudge pizza. | Leonardo, Red Hood |
"I hear the monks can teach me a lot." | Raiden |
"I love your help getting home, Starfire." | Starfire |
"I met our pal, Brainiac." | Hellboy |
"I want to study combat with the best." | John Stewart, Sub-Zero |
"I wonder what else we have in common." | Leonardo |
"I'll learn a lot fighting you." | Supergirl |
"I'm fully trained for this fight." | Black Manta, Jay Garrick, Robin, Superman, Swamp Thing |
"I'm guessing you're a mutant too? | Atrocitus, Bizarro, Cheetah, Cyborg, Gorilla Grodd, Starfire, Swamp Thing |
"I'm hallucinating you, aren't I?" | Leonardo, Red Hood |
"I'm honored by the chance, Raiden." | Raiden |
"I've been looking forward for this." | Michelangelo |
"Let me show you what sensei's taught us." | Captain Cold, Jay Garrick, Poison Ivy, Robin, Scarecrow, Starfire |
"Let's see what we got." | Atom, Darkseid, Donatello, The Flash, Michelangelo, Raiden, Starfire |
"Master always taught us to be polite." | Blue Beetle, Green Arrow, John Stewart |
"Master Splinter said to fight you." | Batman, Black Canary, Doctor Fate, The Flash, Raphael |
"My shell and my steel are unbreakable." | Black Manta, Cyborg, Deadshot, Doctor Fate, Red Hood, Superman |
"Need to crawl out of the lab, bro." | Atom, Donatello |
"Ninjas don't ignore fear, we embrace it." | Wonder Woman |
"No one is invincible." | Atom, Black Adam, Darkseid, Enchantress, Harley Quinn, Leonardo, Power Girl, Superman, Swamp Thing, Wonder Woman |
"Not another step, dude." | Atrocitus, Brainiac, Deadshot, Leonardo, Red Hood |
"Not till you fight disciplined." | Harley Quinn, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Raphael |
"Now this I've been looking forward to." | Batman, Catwoman, Green Arrow, Green Lantern, Hellboy, Michelangelo, Vixen |
"Now you'll answer to me." | Bane, Captain Cold, Gorilla Grodd, Joker, Robin |
"Ready for a lesson in turtle power?" | Atom, Batman, Cyborg, Doctor Fate, Green Lantern, Hellboy, Reverse Flash, Vixen |
"Ready to go, Blue Beetle?" | Blue Beetle |
"Send us back to our universe, Brainiac." | Brainiac |
"Should've left my bros alone." | Bane, Captain Cold, Gorilla Grodd, Joker, Mr. Freeze, Poison Ivy, Robin |
"So much for being friendly." | Atrocitus, Bizarro, Cheetah, Gorilla Grodd, Swamp Thing |
"So much for your twelfth level intellect." | Brainiac |
"Teach me, Sub-Zero." | Sub-Zero |
"Thanks for the heads-up, Supergirl." | Supergirl |
"That Atrocitus dude really likes you, Raph." | Raphael |
"This may be my toughest match yet." | The Flash, Power Girl, Wonder Woman |
"This fight's got me a little nervous." | Darkseid, Donatello, Harley Quinn, Reverse Flash, Scarecrow, Wonder Woman |
"Wait till you see it in action." | Black Canary, Black Lightning, Blue Beetle, Catwoman, Green Arrow, Jay Garrick, Power Girl, Raphael, Supergirl |
"What good are they if you can't fight, Donnie?" | Donatello |
"What today's new toy, Donnie?" | Donatello |
"Whatever you've got, I've trained for it." | Aquaman, Black Adam, Raphael |
"With every fight, I'm a better ninja." | Batman, Black Lightning, Firestorm, John Stewart |
"You got nothing on a ninja turtle." | Atom, Cheetah, Darkseid, Enchantress, Green Lantern, Harley Quinn, Mr. Freeze, Poison Ivy |
"You know I don't like surprises." | Donatello |
"You really wanna go, Firestorm?" | Firestorm |
"You will be after I beat you." | Raphael |
"Your team could use turtle power." | Black Canary, Black Lightning, Blue Beetle, Catwoman, Green Arrow, Jay Garrick, Power Girl, Supergirl, Vixen |
"Your evil ends here." | Atrocitus, Black Adam, Brainiac, Deadshot, Enchantress, Grid, Joker, Mr. Freeze, Poison Ivy, Reverse Flash, Scarecrow |
"You're not from this Earth, are you? | Joker, Leonardo, Raiden |
"You're picking on the wrong turtle." | Black Manta, Cyborg, Deadshot, Doctor Fate, Grid, Scarecrow, Superman |
2P Dialogue | Opponent(s) |
"Against the Right Hand of Doom? You bet." | Hellboy |
"As bad guys go, you're the worst." | Bane, Black Manta, Captain Cold, Joker, Reverse Flash, Robin, Scarecrow |
"Better me than a bunch of mousers." | Leonardo |
"C'mon, give that big brain a break." | Atom, Donatello, Grid |
"Cosplay? This shell's for real, Jaime." | Blue Beetle |
"Definitely, Wonder Woman." | Wonder Woman |
"Every ninjas know you, Sub-Zero." | Sub-Zero |
"Fight me, you fight all of us." | Black Manta, Cheetah, Power Girl |
"How that's news, Brainiac?" | Brainiac |
"I'll earn your respect." | Aquaman, Batman, Jay Garrick, Leonardo, Poison Ivy, Robin, Sub-Zero |
"I'll hold my own with you." | Atom, Brainiac, Cyborg, Darkseid, Donatello, Enchantress, Firestorm, Hellboy, Leonardo, Poison Ivy, Red Hood, Superman, Wonder Woman |
"I'm more than ready." | Aquaman, Black Adam, Black Canary, Enchantress, Green Lantern, Power Girl, Supergirl, Swamp Thing |
"It's nothing a ninja turtle can't handle." | Atom, Atrocitus, Black Adam, Black Lightning, Cheetah, Darkseid, Harley Quinn, Raphael, Reverse Flash |
"Just as much as a tourist as you are, dude." | Green Arrow, Leonardo, Raiden |
"Just trying to get my bros and me back home." | Atom, Supergirl |
"Master Splinter told me everything." | John Stewart, Mr. Freeze, Red Hood, Superman, Swamp Thing |
"My training will see me through." | Atrocitus, Black Canary, Catwoman, Deadshot, Gorilla Grodd, Green Lantern, Jay Garrick, Mr. Freeze, Vixen |
"Once we take down Brainiac." | Michelangelo |
"Right, like I need one." | Green Arrow, Raphael |
"Sparring always start on time." | The Flash |
"The name's Leonardo, ninja turtle." | Blue Beetle, Doctor Fate, Starfire |
"The New York of a different Earth. Why?" | Firestorm, The Flash, John Stewart |
"The opportunity humbles me, Raiden." | Raiden |
"Think Mighty Mutanimals, minus the mutant animals." | Raphael |
"Think you're too big to take down?" | Bane, Cyborg, Gorilla Grodd, Grid, Raphael, Scarecrow |
"We're definitely interested, Starfire." | Starfire |
"Won't know till you fight me, dude." | Bizarro, Doctor Fate, Donatello, Leonardo |
"You fought ninja turtles, Batman?" | Batman |
"You won't flip this turtle on his shell." | Bizzaro, Black Lightning, Captain Cold, Catwoman, Deadshot, Harley Quinn, Joker, Leonardo, Michelangelo |
1P Dialogue | Opponent(s) |
"Allow me to give you proof positive" | Batman |
"And that right there just proved it." | Atrocitus, Captain Cold, Grid, Jay Garrick, Mr. Freeze, Vixen |
"And what's the goal of today's experiment?" | Batman |
"At least, you accept the science." | Bane, Bizarro, Enchantress, Scarecrow |
"Because heroes aren't afraid to take chances." | Cyborg, Darkseid, Reverse Flash |
"Dark for you, maybe." | Donatello |
"Does that Scarab come off, Jaime?" | Blue Beetle |
"Dude... A sentient symbiotic robot?" | Blue Beetle |
"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidences." | Cheetah, The Flash, Joker, Starfire, Sub-Zero, Supergirl |
"Fine, let's make this quick." | Leonardo, Raphael |
"How about I show you my work." | Atom, Black Adam, Black Lightning, Hellboy, Joker, Leonardo, Power Girl |
"How are you engineering a win?" | Bizarro, Black Canary, Black Lightning, Captain Cold, Catwoman, Green Arrow, John Stewart, Robin, Scarecrow, Superman |
"I already figured this fight out." | Atom, Black Adam, Hellboy, Joker, Leonardo |
"I can't let that stand." | Bane, Black Manta, Brainiac, Doctor Fate, Gorilla Grodd, Reverse Flash |
"I cannot positively be more jealous." | Atom, Blue Beetle, Firestorm |
"I got a theory to why you fight." | Atrocitus, Darkseid, Deadshot, Grid, Jay Garrick, Mr. Freeze, Vixen |
"I have Krang tech to reverse engineer, Leo." | Leonardo |
"I learn something from every fight." | Aquaman, Black Manta, Cyborg, Donatello, Gorilla Grodd, Wonder Woman |
"I'm not liking my odds in this one." | Cyborg, Doctor Fate |
"I'm this close to controlling your ship." | Brainiac |
"I've finished my research, Superman." | Superman |
"If you find losing is interesting." | Wonder Woman |
"If you ran the numbers, you'll walk away." | Aquaman, Catwoman, Firestorm, Harley Quinn, Jay Garrick, Red Hood, Supergirl, Swamp Thing |
"Ignorance comes from not asking questions." | Sub-Zero |
"Master Splinter seems to think so." | Raiden |
"My new bo staff has an Nth metal core." | Green Lantern, Leonardo |
"Need a research assistance?" | Hellboy, Vixen |
"Now this is what I call research." | Atom, Donatello |
"Only the strongest metal in this universe." | Leonardo |
"Science rules." | Atom, Green Lantern |
"Seriously miscalculated that one." | Atrocitus, Black Adam, Darkseid, Enchantress, Harley Quinn, Mr. Freeze, Poison Ivy, Power Girl, Red Hood, Swamp Thing |
"So you're two minds in one body?" | Firestorm |
"Something like that." | Batman |
"Staggeringly ignorant of turtle power, dude." | Brainiac, Grid, John Stewart |
"That is some crazy gear, Batman." | Batman |
"That with a little science, I can beat you." | Superman |
"The facts just aren't on your side." | Aquaman, Catwoman, Cheetah, Firestorm, Green Lantern, Jay Garrick, John Stewart, Poison Ivy |
"The goddess of war against a ninja turtle?" | Wonder Woman |
"The name's Donatello. Who are you?" | The Flash, Hellboy, Red Hood, Starfire, Sub-Zero, Supergirl, Vixen |
"There's no point denying the physiques." | Bizarro, Catwoman, Green Arrow, Harley Quinn, Red Hood, Supergirl, Swamp Thing |
"Think you can take down the Foot Clan?" | Green Arrow, Sub-Zero |
"Today, it's whether you bleed." | Aquaman, Black Manta, Cyborg, Donatello, Gorilla Grodd, Wonder Woman |
"Try not to burn me, Starfire." | Starfire |
"Want to know the odds of you winning?" | Black Canary, Deadshot, Green Lantern, Grid, Robin |
"We could end this without a fight." | Atrocitus, Cheetah, Darkseid, Doctor Fate, Enchantress, Harley Quinn, Mr. Freeze, Poison Ivy, Swamp Thing |
"We'll see what you got." | Atom, Black Canary, Black Lightning, Captain Cold, Doctor Fate, The Flash, Green Arrow, Raiden, Scarecrow, Superman |
"You're clinically proven to be pure evil." | Bane, Bizarro, Cheetah, Enchantress, Joker, Poison Ivy |
"You're not going to like the answer." | Black Canary, Deadshot, Robin |
"You're using science to hurt people." | Bane, Black Manta, Brainiac, Gorilla Grodd, Reverse Flash |
"Your power is off the charts!" | Black Adam, Blue Beetle, The Flash, John Stewart, Raiden, Starfire |
2P Dialogue | Opponent(s) |
"...Or maybe you're slipping off pizza coma?" | Donatello, John Stewart, Mr. Freeze |
"Can't tell us apart? Some detective..." | Batman |
"Dude, I am done with Triceraton tournaments." | Sub-Zero |
"Dude, I won't be needing gadgets." | Aquaman, Darkseid, Deadshot, Green Arrow, Green Lantern, Jay Garrick, Red Hood, Sub-Zero |
"Good luck proving that theory." | Atom, Bizarro, Cheetah, Doctor Fate, Gorilla Grodd, Grid, Reverse Flash |
"Got any facts to back that up?" | Darkseid, Doctor Fate, Poison Ivy, Raiden, Reverse Flash, Vixen |
"Had to dig, Batman, but I found yours." | Batman |
"Haven't studied turtles, have you?" | Bane, Cheetah, John Stewart, Red Hood |
"Hope you're not turtle-phobic, Hellboy." | Hellboy |
"I can't count the flaws of that statement." | Bane, Blue Beetle, Gorilla Grodd, Joker, Poison Ivy, Raiden |
"I gotta see that Scarab in action, Jaime." | Blue Beetle |
"I so need to know how this works." | Atom, Wonder Woman |
"I'm not blind to the probabilities." | Black Adam, Catwoman, Cyborg, Harley Quinn, Scarecrow, Starfire, Supergirl, Superman |
"If we're lucky, we'll both run something." | Black Lightning, Jay Garrick, Michelangelo |
"It's mostly hard work and book smarts." | Green Lantern, Starfire |
"Relax, Swamp Thing, it's for science." | Swamp Thing |
"Seeing is believing, Swamp Thing." | Swamp Thing |
"Sounds like experiment time." | Black Canary, Mr. Freeze |
"That's some serious wishful thinking." | Bizarro, Black Manta, Brainiac, Captain Cold, Catwoman, The Flash, Harley Quinn, Joker, Scarecrow |
"The only way to win is not to play." | Black Manta, Enchantress, Firestorm |
"Then you haven't study the facts." | Atrocitus, Captain Cold, Robin, Supergirl, Superman |
"Unlike coding, this will be easy." | Black Adam, Black Canary, Cyborg, Deadshot, Enchantress, The Flash, Green Arrow, Hellboy, Wonder Woman |
"Want those weapons built or not, Leo?" | Leonardo |
"Yeah, I could teach you a few things." | Aquaman, Firestorm, Power Girl, Robin |
"You perverted science, Brainiac." | Brainiac |
"Your math's not adding up." | Atrocitus, Black Lightning, Grid, Vixen |
1P Dialogue | Opponent(s) |
"Allow me to Demonstrate." | Atom, Batman, Joker, Leonardo |
"Alright then. Game on." | Atom, Catwoman, Firestorm, Green Arrow, Green Lantern, Leonardo, Raphael |
"Anger management isn't my strong suit." | Black Canary, Black Manta, Doctor Fate, Scarecrow |
"Bad guys always lose." | Captain Cold, Deadshot, Grid |
"Better run while you can, dude." | Atom, Bizarro, The Flash, Hellboy, Leonardo, Reverse Flash, Robin |
"By following my punch-by-punch directions." | Bane |
"Don't need Donnie to know your facts are bad." | Atom, Black Adam, Vixen |
"Don't need to be rude about it." | Black Lightning, Doctor Fate, Gorilla Grodd, Leonardo, Power Girl |
"Ever tried smackdown by Raphael?" | Batman, Bizarro, Black Lightning, Cheetah, Jay Garrick, Poison Ivy |
"Finally, a five star fight." | Power Girl, Raphael, Sub-Zero |
"Firestorm? It's more like Flameout." | Firestorm |
"Glad we understand each other." | Poison Ivy, Raphael |
"Gods have nothing on New Yorkers." | Black Adam, Darkseid, Wonder Woman |
"Got some convoluted plan to beat me?" | Donatello, Gorilla Grodd, Leonardo |
"How 'bout I boot you to Dimension X?" | Doctor Fate, Raiden |
"I like to hit first, ask questions later." | Hellboy, Scarecrow |
"I was just looking for a fight." | Brainiac, Darkseid, Green Arrow, Hellboy, Michelangelo, Scarecrow, Wonder Woman |
"I'm a mean, green fighting machine." | Aquaman, Blue Beetle, Cyborg, Enchantress, Grid, Michelangelo, Red Hood |
"I'm a New Yorker. I can take it." | Cheetah, Enchantress, Harley Quinn, Jay Garrick, Joker, Power Girl, Red Hood, Supergirl |
"It's on now, Raiden." | Raiden |
"Just an angry hero in the half-shell." | Green Lantern, John Stewart, Reverse Flash, Superman |
"Leo said we're taking you down." | Brainiac, Captain Cold |
"Let's take this to the streets." | Black Manta, Captain Cold, Cyborg, Gorilla Grodd, Starfire, Swamp Thing |
"Looking for trouble? Cause you found it." | Black Canary, Black Manta, Deadshot, Enchantress, Joker |
"Man, I love being a turtle." | Blue Beetle, Darkseid, Harley Quinn, Mr. Freeze, Poison Ivy, Vixen, Wonder Woman |
"Man, this is Krang-level weird." | Raphael |
"New York pizza beats Gotham pizza." | Atom, Donatello |
"New York pizza's the best, am I right?" | Mr. Freeze, Superman |
"Now that's a sweet Superman cosplay." | Supergirl |
"Now you deserve a traumatic bruising." | Atrocitus, Deadshot, Gorilla Grodd, Joker, Reverse Flash |
"Prove it, fool!" | Atom, Bizarro, Black Canary, Cheetah, Donatello, Green Arrow, Jay Garrick, John Stewart, Michelangelo, Robin, Sub-Zero, Swamp Thing |
"Shut up and let's do this." | Aquaman, Bizarro, Black Lightning, Blue Beetle, Deadshot, Hellboy, Michelangelo, Raphael, Robin |
"So what's with the Justice League?" | Leonardo, Swamp Thing |
"Sure... And I'm a renaissance artist." | Atrocitus, The Flash, Supergirl |
"Test your might against mine?" | Aquaman, Bane, Black Adam, Black Lightning, Cyborg, Firestorm, The Flash, Green Arrow, Green Lantern, John Stewart, Leonardo, Poison Ivy, Power Girl, Raphael, Supergirl, Vixen |
"That's what Krang thought, too." | Enchantress, Sub-Zero |
"The trash talk never stops, dude." | Aquaman, Firestorm, Red Hood |
"The wrapper's stuck to your shell, bro." | Michelangelo |
"Then let's get out of this freakin' universe!" | Donatello |
"There's zero points in that, bro." | Leonardo |
"Turtle style beats your style." | Catwoman, John Stewart, Starfire, Swamp Thing, Vixen, Wonder Woman |
"What's it you wanted to teach me?" | Batman, Green Lantern |
"Why so bright-eyed, princess?" | Harley Quinn, Starfire |
"Who needs hope. I got skill." | Brainiac |
"Yeah yeah... Convenient excuse, dude." | Michelangelo |
"You ate the last ice cream sandwich!" | Michelangelo |
"You drew the short straw today." | Blue Beetle, Cheetah, Darkseid, Jay Garrick |
"You messed with the wrong mutant." | Bane, Black Manta, Doctor Fate, The Flash, Grid, Mr. Freeze, Reverse Flash, Scarecrow |
"You missed the fact I'm a ninja, dude." | Batman, Brainiac |
"You must be Superman." | Superman |
"You really have lost your mind." | Cyborg, Superman |
"You sound just like Leo." | Starfire |
"You're going to beatdown city." | Atom, Bane, Captain Cold, Grid, Harley Quinn, Mr. Freeze, Robin, Sub-Zero |
2P Dialogue | Opponent(s) |
"Careful, i'll bite more than i bark" | Black Canary, Brainiac, Harley Quinn |
"Complicated, okay? Lay off me." | Black Canary, The Flash, Harley Quinn, Raiden, Supergirl, Swamp Thing |
"Don't worry bro, I'm not that angry." | Atom, Firestorm, Leonardo |
"Gambling with the losing hand, dude." | Darkseid |
"He got this crazy idea I can learn from you." | Firestorm, Green Lantern, Leonardo |
"Honestly, I haven't got a clue." | Raphael |
"I get angry. So what?" | Atrocitus, Doctor Fate, Hellboy, Sub-Zero |
"I mastered dozen of turtle styles." | Cheetah, Green Lantern, Grid, Jay Garrick, Starfire, Vixen |
"I should be out fighting bad guys, Leo." | Leonardo |
"I should be out there, cracking heads." | Batman |
"I'm Raphael, founder of turtle strong style." | Atom, Black Lightning, Captain Cold, Catwoman, Enchantress, Grid, John Stewart, Joker, Poison Ivy, Reverse Flash, Robin |
"I'm running a delivery service... for pain." | Atrocitus, Black Manta, Hellboy, Red Hood, Superman |
"Let's just see who taps first." | Atom, Black Lightning, Cheetah, Darkseid, Gorilla Grodd, Michelangelo, Raphael, Supergirl |
"Like I need any help, bro." | Donatello, Michelangelo |
"Mikey said you make a pretty mean pizza." | Black Adam, Black Manta, Brainiac, Power Girl, Swamp Thing |
"More than grown up enough to take you." | Scarecrow, Wonder Woman |
"No, bro. Butterscotch and onions." | Michelangelo |
"Picking fights with me is a big mistake." | Captain Cold, Deadshot, Poison Ivy |
"Said the dude about to be a punching bag." | Aquaman, Bizarro, Jay Garrick, Mr. Freeze, Reverse Flash, Robin |
"See, I think you're just scared of me." | Bizarro, Black Adam, Cyborg, Doctor Fate, Enchantress |
"So does the ninja turtles." | Sub-Zero |
"Sorry Blue Steel, still gotta punch you." | Blue Beetle |
"Splinter says you got something to teach me?" | Batman |
"Superman? I must be dreaming." | Superman |
"Want a sai in the eye, wiseguy?" | Aquaman, Bane, Blue Beetle, Gorilla Grodd, Green Arrow |
"Well duh, pointy hat." | Raiden |
"You won't last a New York minute." | The Flash, Green Arrow, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Power Girl, Raphael, Vixen |
"Your head will crack before my shell does." | Bane, Catwoman, Cyborg, John Stewart, Joker, Mr. Freeze, Wonder Woman |
1P Dialogue | Opponent(s) |
"After I win, you're buying pizza" | Starfire |
"Any last words, Supes?" | Superman |
"C'mon dude, another experiment?" | Donatello, Firestorm |
"Can you handle a nunchuk beatdown?" | Black Lightning, Blue Beetle, Catwoman, The Flash, Power Girl, Vixen |
"Chill, dude, it's a compliment." | Sub-Zero, Swamp Thing |
"Cowabunga! I'm fighting Batman!" | Batman |
"Depends on if you hit me with that stone fist." | Hellboy |
"Do not get between me and pizza." | Black Adam, Deadshot, Donatello, Mr. Freeze |
"Don't shellabrate too soon." | Black Canary, Cheetah, Michelangelo, Robin, Wonder Woman |
"Double the Mikey, double the fun." | Michelangelo |
"Dude, I'm young, not stupid." | Brainiac |
"Dude, let's get this over with." | Bane, Black Adam, Captain Cold, The Flash, Joker, Michelangelo, Raphael, Red Hood, Robin |
"Evil us's? Hah! Whatever dude. | Michelangelo |
"Get serious thought to walking away, dude." | Bizarro, Gorilla Grodd, Grid, John Stewart, Red Hood, Robin |
"Gonna wish you took me seriously." | Bane, Bizarro, Catwoman, Cyborg, Darkseid, Grid, Harley Quinn, John Stewart, Supergirl |
"Got a few rounds in ya?" | Black Canary, Deadshot, Michelangelo, Swamp Thing |
"Gotta come with me, bro." | Michelangelo |
"Grab a controller and learn something." | Donatello |
"I paused my game for this?" | Black Manta, Jay Garrick, Raphael, Robin, Vixen |
"I think you and Leo come from the same clutch." | Batman |
"I'm young, dude, not a newb." | Bane, Blue Beetle, Cyborg, Grid, John Stewart, Reverse Flash |
"It's Michelangelo. Friends call me Mikey." | Aquaman, Brainiac, Poison Ivy, Power Girl |
"Keep dreaming, dude." | Aquaman, Black Lightning, Black Manta, Captain Cold, Doctor Fate, Donatello, Green Arrow, Jay Garrick, Joker, Raiden, Reverse Flash |
"Let's keep this friendly, lady." | Black Canary, Cheetah, Supergirl, Wonder Woman |
"Let's skip this. I'm starving." | Black Adam, Deadshot, Donatello, Enchantress, The Flash, Mr. Freeze |
"Nah. You got me craving barbecue." | Firestorm |
"No way, dude. It's classic." | Batman |
"Not sorcery. Ninjitsu." | Raiden |
"Now you look tough, amigo." | Aquaman, Atom, Bane, Black Adam, Black Lightning, Darkseid, Gorilla Grodd, Green Arrow, Jay Garrick, Joker, Raiden |
"Now you're worth getting off the couch form." | Atom, Darkseid, Green Lantern, The Flash, Harley Quinn, Supergirl |
"Oh, it's on. Winner picks the toppings." | Raphael |
"Okay Starfire, let's do this." | Starfire |
"Only if you've got cheat codes, dude." | Atom, Black Manta, Green Lantern, Jay Garrick, John Stewart, Michelangelo, Superman |
"People get spurned up about mutants." | Atrocitus, Cheetah, Cyborg, Doctor Fate, Harley Quinn, Scarecrow, Starfire |
"Relax. He'll know what to do." | Michelangelo |
"Science is exhausting." | Atom, Donatello, Firestorm |
"So you're a real live devil, huh?" | Hellboy |
"Somebody's about to be roasted." | Blue Beetle, Donatello, Enchantress, Michelangelo, Mr. Freeze, Scarecrow |
"That costume is sick, Sub-Zero." | Sub-Zero |
"That is like... creepy dork, dude." | Atrocitus, Bizarro, Darkseid, Enchantress, Gorilla Grodd, Grid, Reverse Flash, Scarecrow |
"That's it! No more Mr. Nice Turtle!" | Aquaman, Brainiac, Poison Ivy, Power Girl |
"That's why I got nunchaku." | Blue Beetle, Gorilla Grodd, Mr. Freeze, Poison Ivy, Red Hood |
"There's two of us? That's rad." | Michelangelo |
"This is gonna be totally wicked." | Atrocitus, Captain Cold, Catwoman, Cheetah, Grid, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Scarecrow |
"Those flames look pretty hot." | Firestorm |
"Time for this turtle to level up." | Atom, Black Canary, Enchantress, Green Arrow, Green Lantern, Supergirl, Swamp Thing, Vixen |
"Tuna fish and grape jelly pizza, Raphael." | Raphael |
"Turtle power is the new Kryptonite." | Superman |
"Up next, Turtle Snoozer." | Atom, Black Lightning, Captain Cold, Catwoman, Doctor Fate, Green Lantern, Joker, Michelangelo, Power Girl, Red Hood, Reverse Flash, Superman, Wonder Woman |
"What the shell are you supposed to be?" | Atrocitus, Bizarro, Black Manta, Cyborg, Doctor Fate, Green Arrow, Swamp Thing, Vixen |
"Why so defenseless, bro?" | Deadshot, Raphael |
"Yep. You're fighting a turtle." | Atom, Raiden, Starfire |
"You gotta play my new game, Donnie." | Donatello |
"You worry too much, Batman." | Batman |
"Your madness has a method, Brainiac?" | Brainiac |
2P Dialogue | Opponent(s) |
"A ninja turtle needs to kick your butt" | Swamp Thing, Wonder Woman |
"Big mistake blowing me off." | Aquaman, Catwoman, Supergirl, Vixen, Wonder Woman |
"Call 'em like I see 'em, bro." | Swamp Thing |
"Do not let Donnie run tests on me." | Michelangelo |
"Dude, I could be gaming." | Atom, Enchantress, Firestorm, Green Arrow, Leonardo, Scarecrow |
"Gonna embarrass yourself, dude." | Bizarro, The Flash, Hellboy, Michelangelo |
"Got the shell to back that up?" | Aquaman, Black Canary, Black Lightning, Captain Cold, Darkseid, Green Arrow, Michelangelo, Mr. Freeze, Reverse Flash, Robin |
"Helps if I know the question, Batman." | Batman |
"Hope you're ready to fail, epicly." | Bane, Black Canary, Captain Cold, Deadshot, Gorilla Grodd, Joker, Michelangelo, Starfire |
"I can be a monster, Hellboy." | Hellboy |
"I got the whole ninja thing covered." | Black Adam, Blue Beetle, Cheetah, Cyborg, Doctor Fate, Green Lantern, Jay Garrick, Poison Ivy, Sub-Zero, Superman, Vixen |
"I should've wear my red bandana." | Atrocitus |
"Is that a good thing, Raiden?" | Raiden |
"I-It was Donnie, not me." | Raphael |
"It's Superfreak, right?" | Superman |
"Less "skipped", more like "forgot about it"." | Batman |
"Major pwnage, coming up!" | Catwoman, Green Lantern, Hellboy, John Stewart, Reverse Flash, Scarecrow |
"My controller battery died, Raph." | Raphael |
"My shell gets wickedly itchy if it gets too dry." | Starfire |
"Not making turtle soup, I hope?" | Firestorm, Joker |
"Seems like a really bad idea, bro." | Bizarro, Michelangelo |
"Splinter trained us since we were hatchlings." | Cyborg, The Flash, John Stewart, Raiden, Sub-Zero |
"Think it's time to reboot your console." | Atom, Darkseid, Enchantress, Gorilla Grodd, Grid, Mr. Freeze, Poison Ivy, Red Hood |
"Unless you're some kind of evil twin." | Michelangelo |
"Will you taste good on a pizza?" | Blue Beetle |
"You'll be rage quitting in a heartbeat." | Atom, Atrocitus, Black Manta, Cheetah, Doctor Fate, Grid, Harley Quinn, Power Girl, Raphael, Red Hood, Robin, Sub-Zero |
"You're just gonna end up shell shocked." | Black Adam, Black Lightning, Deadshot, Harley Quinn, Jay Garrick, Power Girl, Supergirl |
In Battle[]
- "Shell shocked!" - During Super Move
- "Bro!" - Character power
- "Yo bro!" - Character power
- "Hey bro!" - Character power
- "Donnie!"/"Raph!" - Character power
- "High five!" - After character power (Mikey)
- "Yes!" - After character power (Mikey)
- "Nice!" - After character power (Mikey)
- "Good job!" - After character power (Mikey)
- "You want a few pointers?" - After winning a round
- "Sensei overestimated you." - After winning a round
- "Next time, try patience." - After winning a round
- "Complete disciplined break-down." - After winning a round
- "You should study with Master Splinter." - After winning a round
- "Master Splinter sends his regards." - After winning a round
- "I blame whoever trained you." - After winning a round
- "Now that'll hit the spot." - Outro
- "Mmmmm..." - Outro
- "Bye bye!"
- "Didn't even need an electro-grenade." - After winning a round
- "Analysis suggests this fight's over." - After winning a round
- "You weren't worth leaving the lab for." - After winning a round
- "You'd do better if you knew physics." - After winning a round
- "Should I catalog your weaknesses?" - After winning a round
- "Got a theory on why you're losing." - After winning a round
- "Rejecting science never works." - After winning a round
- "Where do you come from?" - Outro
- "Pizza..." - Outro
- "Let's go!" - Getting Hype
- "Come on!" - Getting Hype
- "My turn!" - During Super Move
- "Just what where you thinking?" - After winning a round
- "First step: admit you have a problem!" - After winning a round
- "I'm snoring over here." - After winning a round
- "The beating stops when morale improves." - After winning a round
- "You couldn't beat a Mouser." - After winning a round
- "Casey so needs to see this." - After winning a round
- "Great turtle or greatest turtle?" - After winning a round
- "You're turtleneck-deep in it." - After winning a round against the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
- "Nice!" - Outro
- "Pepperoni..." - Outro
- "Gnarly!" - After a combo
- "Cowabunga!" - After a combo
- "Coming through, bro!" - During Super Move
- "Sleeping on the controller, bro." - After winning a round
- "You're such a scrub." - After winning a round
- "Mikey achievement unlocked!" - After winning a round
- "Turtles for the win!" - After winning a round
- "All this winning's making me hungry!" - After winning a round
- "Looks like it's game over." - After winning a round
- "I tried to be friendly." - After winning a round
- "Pizza trophy unlocked!" - Outro
- "Get over here..." - Outro
Defense Wagers[]
- "Earning my hero stripes today."
- "Shredder's got nothing on you."
- "You make Bebop look good."
- "Thought you had skills."
- "You can quit if you need to."
- "Getting now why I'm in charge?"
- "Touch my bros, answer to me."
Attack Wagers[]
- "Sensei's taught me well."
- "I got some turtle power left."
- "I trained all my life for this."
- "I won't let master down."
- "Nah, let's keep training."
- "Turtles never quit."
- "Good luck getting through the shell."
Defense Wagers[]
- "Too much brain power for you?"
- "So much for this experiment."
- "Your failure proves my theory."
- "Who needs inventions?"
- "You're better than I predicted."
- "Need more proof why you stink?"
- "I have lab rats who fight harder."
Attack Wagers[]
- "There's no denying turtle power."
- "My turtle power's off the charts."
- "Time for the gadgets."
- "What's wrong with my theory?"
- "Overstating your chances, dude."
- "Your thesis is flawed."
- "Here comes the equal opposite reaction!"
- "Not what my calc shows."
Defense Wagers[]
- "Now you taking me seriously?"
- "No gas in the tank?"
- "When do you get nerfed?"
- "I should've listen to sensei."
- "What else you got, dude?"
- "You know you suck, right?"
- "Shellapped by a turtle."
- "Cheap pool too shallow, huh?"
Attack Wagers[]
- "That's cause I fight angry."
- "Making me angry, dude."
- "I can still take you."
- "Go for it, loser."
- "Whatever, dude."
- "You're so not impressing me."
- "Never mock a turtle."
- "I'm not done leaving scars."
Defense Wagers[]
- "Chillax, dude!"
- "This is embarrassing, dude."
- "Too bad you can't respond."
- "This one's for Master Splinter."
- "Can't pop up this shell."
- "Looking a little shell shocked."
- "Hands off my pizza!"
- "Cheap hit, dude."
Attack Wagers[]
- "Time for me to level up."
- "I'm not tempting fate."
- "You're totally going down."
- "Next time, try a combo."
- "Like shell, dude."
- "Cause I'm a hero in a half-shell."
- "Ain't no stopping a ninja turtle."
- "Then maybe you're glitching."