The Ninja Turtles are a team of four Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and the main protagonists of the 2012 TV series.
- Hamato Yoshi / Splinter (late adoptive father, spirit)
- Hamato Yuuta (late adoptive grandfather)
- Tang Shen (late adoptive mother)
- April O'Neil (surrogate sister)
- Casey Jones (surrogate brother)
- Leatherhead (surrogate brother)
- Hamato Miwa / Karai (adoptive sister, Yoshi's daughter)
- Spike / Slash (surrogate brother, Raphael's former pet)
- Hachiko (Saki's pet)
- Ice Cream Kitty (Michelangelo's pet)
- Chompy Picasso (Raphael's pet)
- Oroku Saki (Yoshi's late adopted brother)
Prominent allies[]
- Kirby O'Neil
- Jack J. Kurtzman
- The Mighty Mutanimals
- Renet
- The Utrom
- Professor Zayton Honeycutt / The Fugitoid
- Commander G’Throkka / Sal Commander
- Zeno
- The Aeons
- The Daagon
- Shinigami
- 1987 Turtles
- Ivan Steranko / Rocksteady
- Anton Zeck / Bebop
- Takeshi / Tiger Claw
- Alopex
- Miyamoto Usagi
- Mr. Murakami
- Martin Milton / Sir Malachi
- The Punk Frogs
- Dr. Cluckingsworth
- Bernie
- Lord Simultaneous
- Sumo Kuma
- Kintaro
- Akemi
- Esmeralda
- Vulko
- Victor Frankenstein
- Frankenstein's Monster
Prominent Enemies[]
- Baxter Stockman / Stockman-Fly
- The Purple Dragons
- The Kraang
- The Triceraton Empire
- Vizioso Mob
- Antrax (status unknown)
- Scumbug (status unknown)
- Vrax Belebome / Bellybomb
- Kavaxas (banished to the Netherworld)
- Foot Cultists
- The Neutrinos
- Oroku Saki / The Shredder / The Super Shredder / Undead Shredder (undead, willingly banished to the Netherworld)
- Kraang / Kraang Prime
- Knight / Kraang Subprime
- Dr. Victor Falco / The Rat King
- K’Vathrak / The Newtralizer
- Savanti Romero
- Count Vlad Dracula
- The Pharaoh
- Monoculus
- Emperor Zanmoran
- Captain Mozar
- Sergeant Zog
- Lord Vringath Dregg
- The Vreen
- Armaggon
- Savanti Romero
- Ho Chan (sentient spirit, banished to the Netherworld)
- Za-Naron
- Creepweed
- Speed Demon
- Overmind
- Chris Bradford / Dogpound / Rahzar (undead, forcibly banished to the netherworld)
- Hattori Tatsu (sentient spirit, banished to the Netherworld)
- The Hammer
- Jei
- The Foot Clan (disbanded)
- Foot-Bots
- Karai
- Xever Montes / Fishface
- Takeshi / Tiger Claw
- Anton Zeck / Bebop
- Ivan Steranko / Rocksteady
- Slash
- Punk Frogs
- The Dream Beaver
- Skullface McGillin
- Sumo Kuma
- Ironically, each one of the Turtles have taught (or attempted to teach) Ninjutsu to someone else except for Leonardo, who is the most knowledgeable and skilled in ninja combat and training as well as the team's leader.
- When they're in combat or being stealthy, the Turtles' pupils and irises vanish from their eyes, leaving them with empty, white eyes, which are similar to that of the 2003 incarnations. It's possibly because their eyes are covered with white membranes, the nictitating membranes, that in normal turtles protects the eyes when they are diving.