
Nightmare King is the ruler of Nightmareland. He is a character appearing in the Saturday Morning Adventures comic series.


Out on patrol Halloween night, the Turtles are kidnapped by Creepy Eddie and taken to Nightmareland. As he's telling them that someone said his name three times, so he gets to have fun, Phil the demon lawyer shows up. Phil doesn't want Creepy Eddie making to many puns or bad jokes because the Nightmare King hates them. When the Turtles finally make it to the end of the yellow brick road before midnight, Creepy Eddie reneges on the deal he made. He intends to keep them in Nightmareland forever so he can get his payback. When Raphael asks how they're going to get out of this, Donatello has an idea. He reminds his brothers that Creepy Eddie gloats with puns. Don begins to goad Creepy Eddie into making a bunch of bad puns, after which he then laughs maniacally them. Suddenly, Phil shows up and tells Creepy Eddie that he was warned about the puns. Creepy Eddie tries claiming that none of it was his fault, but Phil has no sympathy. Two giant, red hands with long, sharp nails reach up out of the ground to grab Eddie. He pleads with the Nightmare King to give him another chance, but the Nightmare King only clutches him tighter. Eddie makes another bad pun and then acknowledges that he couldn't help himself. The Nightmare King drags Creepy Eddie down into the ground.

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