
The New York Comic Caucus is the premier superhero, fantasy, sci-fi adventure event of the year. It appears in the Back to the Sewer episode “Super Power Struggle”. It is a yearly convention attended by numerous costumed playing (cosplay) participants. The Comic Caucus takes place in New York City inside a convention center.


Inside the main exhibit hall are exhibitor booths, one of which is run by Fastidious Man. His booth contains comic books and an airtight display case containing the Green Mantle’s cape, which he found when he was a child in 1968.

Determined to acquire the cape, Doctor Malignus attends the Caucus, breaks open the case, and steals the cape. When Fastidious Man calls for help, a security guard chases Malignus. This security guard is Al Gordon, the original owner of the cape and the man known as Green Mantle.

Michelangelo brings Raphael to the Caucus and then changes into his Turtle Titan costume. When he can't convince Raph to attend with him, dressed as "Tortoise Boy", Mikey swings down to the sidewalk in front of the convention center in order to mingle with the masses. He is busy bragging and offering to sign autographs when Malignus, pursued by Gordon, run out of the building. Mikey doesn't notice them, but Raphael does and goes to Gordon's aid.

The name “New York Comic Caucus” is an obvious allusion to the New York Comic Con.
