
Shredder: Hamato Yoshi's disciples are turtles? And yet they managed to defeat you?

Chris: Not just turtles. Man-sized turtles. Trained in ninjutsu. And I almost had them.

Xever: Till you lead us into their trap. If you'd let me take them down when I wanted Chris: Then we'd never find Hamato.

Shredder: Silence. You were such a promising student. I expected much more from you.

Chris: Sensei, give me another chance. I will not fail you again.

Shredder: No, you won't. Xever, you are in charge.

Chris: I won't take orders from this gutter trash.

Shredder: Is that so?

Chris: Unless you want me to, master.

Xever: I've already put the word out on the street to watch for the turtles. And when I find them, I'll peel them out of their shells and drop them at your feet.

[theme song]

April :You guys want to speed it up a little?

Donnie: Are you saying turtles are slow?

Mikey: That's a hurtful stereotype.

Leo: Trust us, April. We are better off keeping a low profile. We find people treat us better when they don't know we exist.

April: Sorry. I'm just so excited to get you out of the sewer for a change.

Raph: What are you talking about? We go out all the time.

April: Yeah, but tonight you're going to do something besides hitting people.

Raph: Aww.

April: Don't worry. You're going to love this noodle place I found.

Donnie. And you're sure we'll be welcome?

April: Oh, yeah. Mr. Murakami doesn't care what you look like. In fact, he won't even know what you look like. He's blind.

Mikey: Awesome. [grunts] I mean, for us obviously.

[grunting, glass shatters]

April: Oh, no.

Donnie: Who are those creeps?

April: The Purple Dragons. They think they own the streets around here.

Leo: So much for not hitting people tonight.

Raph: Oh, well.

Mikey: Booyakasha!

Purple dragon:Huh?

Leo: All right, let him go. You don't want any trouble.

Raph: We, on the other hand, do.

Purple dragon Fong:Whoa, those guys were serious. There really are giant turtles.

Miikey: You've heard of us? Dudes, we're famous.

Donnie: That's bad.

Mikey: Oh. Right.

Fong:Whatever you are, this neighborhood is ours. So why don't you slither back to the ocean you came from?

Donnie: Actually, we're freshwater turtles. I suspect that we're derived from the diamondback terrapin but it's possible we're a common box-

Fong:Get 'em!

April: [gasps]

Mikey: Huh? Thanks, April.

April: You're welcome. Duck!

Leo: Get out of here.

Fong:Come on. Let's go. This ain't over, greeny.

Donnie: "Greeny"? Really? I wonder how many brain cells he put to work on that.

Raph: You just let him go? What the heck was that?

Leo: They weren't exactly a threat. They'd had enough.

Raph: Dude! They were beating up a blind guy. There's no "enough". Now they'll think we're wimps and we don't have the guts to finish the job.

April: Wow. That was great, you guys.

Donnie: Thanks, April. Did you see when I caught the one guy and flipped him onto the counter? Did it look cool? I bet it looked cool.

April: The coolest.

Donnie: You didn't see it, did you?

April: No, I did not.

Murakami: My friends, I'm indebted to you. Please, allow me to make you a meal. Free of charge

Raph: I think we can allow that.

Murakami: What is your favorite dish?

Turtles: Pizza!

Donnie: Oh, Murakami-san, that was awesome!

Mikey: You're like a ninja but for food.

Murakami: Pizza gyoza.

April: Pizza gyoza?

Raph: Wow.

Mikey: Delish!

Donnie: It's like I got a one-way ticket to Flavorville.

April: This is really good too, you know.

Leo: Uh, Murakami-san, do the Purple Dragons come around a lot?

Murakami: [sighs] Yes. They demand protection money but I refuse to pay. They will surely return.

Raph: Well, they wouldn't if somebody hadn't wimped out.


Raph: Whoa, whoa, Leo. I think he's had enough. You better let him go.

Leo: I get it. You're making fun of me for not mercilessly pummeling a helpless man.

Raph: Yes, I am.You showed weakness. Those guys only understand one language.


Raph:No. Fists.

MIkey:What about feet?

Raph:[sighs] They understand feet.

Donnie:That would make them bilingual.

Raph:Argh! The point is we can't go soft on them!

Splinter:To show mercy is not soft. It is a sign of true strength.

Raph:But, sensei, they're criminals. This is war.

Splinter:A Daimyo of the "in times of peace, never forget the possibility of war. In times of war, never forget compassion."

Raph:I'm guessing that guy lost a lot of wars.


Splinter:You see? Mercy.

Raph:Ow! Okay, look. Compassion is great. But the Purple Dragons are not going to leave Murakami alone.

Leo:So we'll track down the Dragons and make sure they got the message. And if they didn't, we'll send them one. Special delivery.

Raph:Was that meant to sound tough or stupid?

Donnie:How are we gonna track someone down when we can't talk to anybody?

April:I'm looking for the Purple Dragons.

Man:I don't know what you're talking about.

April:Don't worry, I can protect you. I'm an undercover cop.

Man:You look like you're 16.

April:I know. I'm really good at this.Whoa. [chuckles]

Man:Let me see a badge.

April:Are you crazy? I can't carry a badge. That would blow my cover.

Man:I suppose that makes sense.

Leo:April said this was the place.

Mikey:Cool. Can we get tattoos? I want to get one of my face on my face. It'll be like I'm wearing a mask and the mask is me. I just blew your minds, right?

Donnie:You know they use needles for that.

Raph:Can it, dorks. There he is.

Fong:We saw that gang of turtles you were looking for. And we'll tell you where, for a price.

Leo:Freeze, dirt bags. Uh-oh.

Xever:I think we can find them ourselves.

Mikey:Oh, man. This is awkward. It's Chris Bradford, my ex-friend. And that other guy.

Xever:The name is Xever. So you don't forget, I'll write it on your shells with these.

Leo:You're making me sorry I let you go. Turtles, fall back!

Raph:We're giving up? Again? You kidding me?

Leo:Yes, it's all part of my hilarious "let's all live" routine.

Xever:Hey! Stay and fight, you cold-blooded cowards!

Raph:Man, could that fight have been any more embarrassing?

Mikey:Sure. We could have been hit in the face with pies. [growls]

Leo:It's called fighting smart, Raph. The Purple Dragons have Bradford and Xever on their side now. Last time, we barely beat those guys.

Raph:Yeah, because they're willing to fight to the finish. The only way to beat them is to be just as ruthless as they are.

Splinter:Raphael, this Xever can cross lines that you won't. This may make him dangerous, but it does not make him strong.

Raph:But Xever wins fights. Isn't that what matters? And he never shows anyone mercy.

Fong:Please, please. I helped you find the turtles, didn't I?

Xever: Idiota. You led them to our hideout.

Chris:So much for your street connections. You really think these common hoodlums can tell us anything useful?

Xever: They'd better. Where'd you see those turtles?

Fong:The east village. Some old man's noodle shop. Murakami's. We were roughing him up and they jumped in to protect him.

Xever:Oh, did they?

Chris: Big deal. How are you going to make sure the turtles don't get away again?

Xever:Easy. I'll give them a reason to stay.

Leo:April, what's wrong?

April:It's Murakami. Someone took him and left this.

MIkey: Sweet! Free knife.

Donnie:The note, dummy. "No more running. If you want the old man, meet us on the roof of the fortune cookie factory. "

Raph:Well, what are we waiting for? Let's bust in there and save Murakami.

Leo:Not so fast. Think, Raphael.

Donnie:There's two words that don't usually go together.

Leo:This is obviously a trap.

Raph:Well, what choice do we have?

Raph:Maybe we do need to think more like Xever.

Donnie:But master Splinter said-

Leo:I know. But Xever crossed the line dragging Murakami into this. He's got to learn that we can cross the line too. No more Mr. Nice turtle.

Raph:Yes! I never liked Mr. Nice turtle.

Leo:Okay, he's strong, so speed and stealth are essential. Okay, everybody know the plan? - Mikey?


Leo:Are you sure?


Leo:Tell me what it is.

Mikey:Um maybe we should go over it one more time?

Leo: Gentlemen, welcome to the other side of the line.

Mikey:Now I'm definitely going to need a tat. Ow!

Raph: Dang, this sucker's heavy. [grunts and groans]


Raph: Don't apologize to him.

Mikey: I mean, sorry I didn't drop you harder!

Raph:There you go.

Leo:Cozy in there? Good.

Donnie:Uh-oh, you guys. Look.

Mikey:Dude, Xever's a jerk.

Leo:We're here, Xever. Now let the noodle man go.

Xever:Sorry, there's been a change of plans.

Leo:Actually, there's been another change of plans.

Donnie:I love it when a change of plans comes together.

Leo:You let our friend go and we'll let your friend go.

Xever: [laughs] He's not my friend.

Leo:Uh, we're not kidding. Okay, s-stop or we'll toss him.

Xever:Go ahead. It'll save me the trouble.

Leo: Uh, Raph?

Raph::Aw, crud.

Xever:That's what I thought. Attack!

Chris:How could you be so sure they were bluffing?

Xever:I wasn't.


Chris:All right. Let's settle the score, pond scum.

Donnie:We're the ones who didn't want to throw you off the roof.


Xever:See, Bradford? That is how you catch turtles. And next, I'll show you how to filet them.

Chris:You'd never have caught them without me and you know it.

Xever:Oh, yes. What would we have done without your brave leadership from inside the trash can?

Xever:Now, if you'll excuse me, it's time to cut these turtles into little pieces.

Leo: I don't think so.

Mikey:I got him!

Leo: Nice save, Mikey.

Mikey:Don't look down, Murakami-san. Or, um, listen down.

Murakami:Accept this token of my gratitude. Pizza gyoza.

Donnie:Awesome. Thanks, Murakami-san.

Murakami:You're welcome, turtle-san.

Donnie:Wait, how did you-

Murakami: I do have other senses. Touch, smell.

Leo:You don't think we're weird and scary?

Murakami:Rou saved my life. Who am I to complain?

Donnie:Just try one. Sometimes things that don't seem like they go together actually make a great couple. I mean, food.

April:[sighs] Fine. Whoa. These are amazing.

Splinter: You boys showed your strength today.

Raph:Yeah, but we almost got beaten.

Splinter:Your strength was mercy. That is why the Purple Dragon helped you.

Leo:Well? Say it.

Raph:Okay, okay. You were right.

Leo:Ahh, see? That wasn't so

Raph:Your wimpiness might not be totally useless

Leo:Oh-ho. I'll show you who's wimpy. No mercy!

Shredder:This is unacceptable.

Chris:Humble apologies, master Shredder.

Xever:I swear, next time, we will -

Shredder: Enough! I shall deal with Hamato Yoshi's disciples myself.
