

In the episode Mutagen Monster, when Shredder tries to hijack some train cars carrying mutagen components, Bebop and Rocksteady throw the switch on the signal box during an argument and cause the cars to collide and derail. A duo of bulls drink from the resulting mixture, mutating and fusing into one giant bull with multiple horns and spikes growing out of its body.

When Vernon (hoping to out-scoop April on the train wreck story) arrives at the crash site, the bull scares him into fainting and then goes to squash him (fusing its front legs into one big front leg). The Turtles (after arriving to warn April about the leaking chemicals are mixing together to make mutagen and learning Vernon is at the accident scene), arrives in time to save Vernon from harm, but are at a loss as to how to deal with a creature with such immense size and strength.

Just then, Shredder returns with Bebop and Rocksteady in an attempt to salvage some of the chemicals, but Shredder decides that the mutant bull would be a vastly more valuable prize. Unfortunately, even he doesn't have any idea how to capture or control it, and after several fruitless attempts by both parties to catch it, the bull splits into two copies of itself. The sight of this is too much for Shredder, and he returns to the Technodrome again. Meanwhile, the two bulls work together to corner April, but crash into each other when they attempt to stamp on April and fuse back into one, bigger-than-ever mutant bull, which makes off for the city.

At the Lair, Donatello discuss with Splinter that because the mutagen was impure, the bull's mutation is not stable, and that by placing it in an atom smasher they could break it down into the original two bulls.

Meanwhile, at the Technodrome, Shredder requests Krang's help in catching the bull, and Krang gives him a giant nose ring and a control device that will make the bull follow orders. However, because Krang (correctly) suspects that Shredder intends to double-cross him, he keeps a more powerful control device for himself. While Donatello sets up the atom smasher at the local university, the other Turtles predictably find that the bull is in a China shop, wrecking the place. Shredder returns to the surface, scaring the bull out of the shop, and the three turtles lure it to the university.

However, Shredder follows and has his own lure - a mountain of salt, which the bull stops to lick, and when it does so Rocksteady jumps out of the salt and inserts the control device into the bull's nose. Before Shredder can fully take control of the bull, April's van crashes into the salt truck and sends the control device flying into Bebop's hands. Bebop tries to control the bull himself, but only succeeds in steering it right into the building containing the atom smasher, which Michaelangelo activates, reducing the mutant bull into four ordinary bulls (two copies each of the original two bulls).

