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[The episode started off with a new Tv show.]
Zee: Oh, no! Super bad times for all!
Coolstar: Does great danger arrive? Where?
Blip: Kill-beast-bots from planet seven. Are here with steely resolve! Captain Coolstar, what are we going to do? [gets smack] ow!
Coolstar: Get a hold of yourself, man!
[The alien monkey mascot whimpers.]
Lunk: Don't worry, Squeakums. We'll blast 'em with mighty super robo mecha!
Coolstar: Team! Combine in teamwork mode!
All: Super! Robo! Mecha! Force! Five! Team! Five! Go!
Raph: What the heck is this nonsense? It's terrible!
Mikey: Terribly awesome! I found these old tapes in a dumpster.
Raph: Tapes?
Mikey: Check it out.
Leo: Dude, this is awful. And you guys complained about space heroes.
Raph: Their lips don't even match what they're saying! I could never watch a show this bad!
Zee:[On TV] There are too many of them, captain!
Raph: So she's the princess of an entire planet? Cool.
Lunk:[on tv] Engage lasertron fury!
Mikey: Yep, and she also pilots the robot's left leg. She rules! But that scientist dude made the robot.
Donnie: The story has such an intricate, layered plot. Four stars!
Blip: P-p-princess, I'd like to invite you For space dinner if you please, yes?
Zee: What? I date a weakling like you? Not for 10,000 zarkon crystals!
[They laugh]
Mikey: Donnie, that is so you and April, dude!
Donnie: It is not! Meh, this show is lame anyway. The plot makes zero sense! I'll be in the lab.
[In Donnie's lab, Donnie looks at the photo of April.]
Donnie: What am I to April anyway? I'm worse than a nerd. I'm a freak! We're all total and complete frea--
[Donnie stared at Mutagen Man.]
Donnie: Sorry, Timothy.
[He begins to feed him with a few fish food]
Donnie: Doesn't matter anyway. April blames us for her dad's mutation. I have to find an antidote, A retro-mutagen! And pretty soon you won't have to be a barely sentient glob of intestinal goo any longer Now, let's see.
[He tested on one but it exploded into ice.]
Donnie: Oh! Frozen? Oh, great. Another batch lost! I swear, if it's the last thing I do, I'm gonna find a cure And win April back.
[Timothy started to use his long mouth and began to suck the mutagen.]
[theme song]
[In highschool, April was trying to get a normal life after breaking the friendship of the Turtles.]
April: This is it, April. A new start. Just pretend you're a normal girl. Don't talk about alien robots or mutant dads and don't even think about turtles- ![trips over] Ah! Ugh. Are you serious?
[She looked over and saw a teenage boy using his puck with his hockey stick. The boy wore a black hat with a gray shirt, a black vest, and gray pants.]
Casey Jones: Nice job stopping my puck like that. You got some moves, Red.
April: [gets up] Umm, you could start with "sorry."
Casey: Sorry you got in the way! What were you doing blocking the hallway like that anyway?
April: Blocking the...? [scoffs] Exactly who do you think you are?
Casey: You signed up for extra cred, right? Well, rejoice, 'cause I'm the guy you're gonna tutor.
April: [scoffs] Great.
Casey: Look, if I don't pass trig, they'll kick me off the hockey team. Nobody else wants to tutor me. They're all intimidated by my supreme awesomeness.
April: So this is you asking me for help? Charming.
[Casey leans to her.]
April: Fine. Meet me at the park at 7:00. Don't be late.
Casey: It's a date, then.
[He threw his stick and aimed the puck at a water fountain.]
Casey: Yes!
April: So what's your name anyway?
Casey: Casey Jones.
[Outside at night, Mikey is skateboarding.]
Mikey: Bo-bo-bo-booyakasha! Whoa.
[Mikey noticed the pizza box.]
Mikey: Hello? This slice belong to anyone, huh? Ha. Then it's all mine!
[Unknown to him some shadows are lurking. Something knocked him down.]
Mikey: Ow! What the heck was that?
Leo: That was a stealth attack! And that's what we're practicing In today's training session.
Mikey: No fair! I couldn't see you coming!
Raph: That's why they call it "stealth", genius!
Donnie: Why would you eat random pizza you found on a roof anyway?
Mikey: Roof pizza is like one of my ten favorite kinds of pizza!
Leo: Okay, guys, listen up! The two keys to stealth: Misdirection and camouflage. Got it? Raph and Mikey, you guys are up!
Mikey: Ehh, I don't wanna do this anymore, Do you, Raph? Raph?
[It turns out everyone is gone.]
Raph: Shell wedgie!
[Raph appears and grabs Mikey's belt]
Mikey: [screaming] Ow! Ugh! No fair! Stealth attacks are lame! [struggling]
[Donnie is still thinking about April on the water tower as he went over the edge.]
Donnie: April's always studying in the park around this time. Would it seem weird for me to just show up?
[He looks and sees April in the park with Casey.]
April: Okay. Show me how you solve for X
Casey: You just dig, right? 'cause "x" marks the spot.
April: Have you ever opened this book?
Casey: School isn't really my thing. When I graduate, I'm becoming either a pro hockey player or an international bounty hunter.
April: Those are quite the options.
Casey: Who wants a normal life anyway, right? Hold still, Red. You got a smudge on your face.
[Donnie's eyes widened and becomes furious and jealous.]
Donnie: She's on a date? I can't believe it. With some punk human kid. What are they saying?
[Out of blind jealousy, Don tries to hear, but he suddenly falls into the dumpster, April and Casey hears it but doesn't know where it came from. Donnie opens the dumpster lid.]
Donnie: Man. This *sniff* stinks.
[back at his lair]
Donnie: Ridiculous! And they were swinging together! Swinging! And then she looked at him. Can you believe it? She gave him that look, like this. [does cute eyes] Why was she even with him? Because he's human, that's why! Big deal! You know how many people are human? I'm almost done with your voice box. How's that?
[Timothy began to speak with a loud staticy voice.]
Timothy/Mutagen Man: S-speaking t-to you, Don-nieee?
Donnie: Hey, it works! [laughing] Let's see April's boyfriend design something like this!
Mutagen Man: I Like Ap-ril Don-nieee.
Donnie: Yeah, you and me both, Pulverizer. I just have to face it. She'll never wanna be friends again.
Mutagen Man: April... Friend?
Splinter: Donatello, my son. I would like to speak with you.
Donnie: Um, sure, Master Splinter.
[As Donnie leaves, Mutagen man's mouth comes out and starts to go for the mutagen.]
Splinter: Today, I will teach you to enjoy falling down.
Donnie: Why would I ever-- whoa!
[Splinter sweep kicks him and makes him fall.]
Splinter: Did you enjoy that?
Donnie: No!
Splinter: Then let's keep trying.
[After many failed attempts of falling]
Splinter: Do you like it yet?
Donnie: No, sensei. Not at all.
Splinter: Hmm. Then perhaps one cannot make someone like something.
Donnie: Of course not. No one wants to be.. Oh, I get it. You're talking about me and April.
Splinter: My son, for someone so intelligent, The obvious often eludes you.
[Meanwhile, Timothy had absorbed the mutagen. Green limbs formed from the mutagen man's canister body. It breaks free and walks to the photo.]
Mutagen Man: M-m-must find April!
[The sound made Donnie and Splinter look.]
Splinter: What was that?
[Donnie heads outside and sees that the Mutagen man is gone.]
Donnie: [gasps] Timothy! He's gone.
[Outside, Mutagen man is looking around for April.]
Mutagen Man :Wherrre isss April O'Neil?
[The people start running away from him. The mutant grabbed a man and shakes him.]
Mutagen Man: Human, help find Aprilll!
[He roars as a police car arrives, Two police officers step out and become shock to see the mutagen man.]
Bill: What.. What is it, Jim?
Jim: Some kinda granola-crunchin' hippy, Bill! Get on your knees and put your hands on your... Jar!
Mutagen Man: Po-lice, help find Aprilll!
[he walks toward the man.]
Jim: Stop where you are Whatever you are!
[They tried to hit him with their batons but the blob grabbed the stick when the photo broke.]
Mutagen Man: [enraged] Stupid humans. Hurt me? [roars] Go away!
[He punched Bill and Jim back right at the police car.]
Bill: Ugh. So what'll I tell dispatch? A bottle of goo with arms and legs on the loose?
[At the lab, Donnie stared at the broken wall as Metalhead bleeps.]
Donnie: Yep, it's a mess, Metalhead!
Mikey: Donnie? Sensei? Whoa.
[Leo, Raph and Mikey had arrived and notice the destruction.]
Leo: What happened? Are you guys okay?
Donnie: Timothy somehow escaped, and I think he went after April. Come on, I'll fill you in on the way.
[They head outside]
Donnie: I didn't know it, But I think all of my April talk made Timothy go after her!
Raph: You told your thoughts and feelings to a pile of guts in a jar?
Donnie: He's a good listener.
Leo: How dangerous is this thing?
Donnie: Well, he obviously doesn't know his own strength! He could end up hurting her.
Leo: Her T-Phone's still off. There's no way of tracing the signal.
Donnie: Actually, she might be at the park. On a date.
[Everyone stops.]
Raph: And you know this how?
Donnie: Um, maybe I was... following her.
Mikey: Well, that's not creeptastic.
Leo: Okay, so they're either at the park, or April's headed back home. Donnie, we'll take the park. Raph and Mikey, you two head to April's.
Raph and Mikey: On it!
[Down below, April and Casey are walking down the sidewalk.]
April: We didn't get much studying done.
Casey: Is studying all you do? You gotta learn to relax. Cut loose a bit.
April: Hey, I "cut loose"! You have no idea the kind of crazy things I do!
Casey: What, like being a science olympian?
April: You like pushing buttons, don't you, Jones? I bet you-
[Mutagen man appears.]
Mutagen Man: April!
April: [annoyed] Donnie's monster? Can't I go a month without some mutant attacking me? [to Casey as he shields her] What are you doing?
Casey: Whatever that thing is, It's pure evil and completely cool-looking. I'll handle this, sweetheart.
April: Sweetheart?
Mutagen Man: [roars] You punk kid!
April: I don't think it likes you.
Casey: We're even.
[Mutagen man launched but April and Casey dodges, causing the blob to crash between some cars.]
Casey: Come on, come on! Gimme something. Yes!
[Mutagen man throws Casey into a dumpster. He began to use the bar as a weapon but Mutagen man dodged as the teen crashed onto the wall.]
Mutagen Man: [growls] Now I crush you!
[April used her fan and knocked him]
April: Back off, gruesome!
[Casey lifted his head up to see April attacking the Mutagen Man.]
Casey:[groans] I'm liking what I see.
Mutagen Man: Wait! April friend!
April: Friend? You're the one who attacked us, you walking anatomy class!
[Casey stands up, cracks his neck and alongside April, with all of their strength start defeating the monster. Casey tries to hit him, but Mutagen man grabs his weapon, dissolving it.]
Casey: Acid hands? Wow.
[The blob punched him. April jumps forward but Mutagen man knocks her back.]
Mutagen Man: April!
[Casey grabbed April onto his bike and pedaled off.]
April: How fast can you pedal?
[Mutagen man started to chase them.]
Mutagen Man: No! Stop! April will come back!
April: For a big guy--thing-- he's fast!
Casey: Let's see him outrun this!
[He throws the remains of the bar at Mutagen man and trips, then gets hit by a truck.]
Casey: Yes! We did it!
Mutagen Man: April, wait! Be good, friend!
Mikey: Not so fast, barrel full of ug-lay!
Raph: Donnie's right. Pulverizer's been drinking mutagen. You're not going anywhere, pal.
Mutagen Man: No! Must find April.
Mikey: What happened to you, Pulverizer? You turned into some kinda Mutagen Man!
[Mutagen man roars in anger and stomps the ground with his hands. Mikey gets himself stuck in a dumpster and pins Raph.]
Raph: Mikey! Lemme go!
Mutagen Man: Good-bye, tur-tllle.
[He reaches Raph only for Leo to slice it away and disolve into acid.]
Leo: Let 'em go!
[Donnie helps get Mikey out.]
Mikey: Thanks, dude.
[Donnie gets in front of Leo before he could attack the blob.]
Donnie: No! Don't hurt him!
Raph: What? That thing just tried to melt my face!
Donnie: All he wants to do is make April our friend again.
Mutagen Man: No! April not turtle friend. April only my friend!
Donnie: [angry] What? I thought you were trying to get April back for me! [uneasy] Um, us.
Mutagen Man: Turtles hurt April! Hurt me! Must de-stroy Turtles!
[They prepare themselves to battle but the remaining ooze melted down in Mutagen Man’s tank.]
Mutagen Man: Powering down...
[he collapses]
Leo: What happened?
Donnie: He ran out of mutagen! Quick, let's get him into the Shellraiser!
Raph: Remind me why we're bringing mr. Personality here back to the lair?
Donnie: What he did isn't his fault, Raph. It's mine. He was lonely! All my April talk made him want a friend. But more importantly, Timothy's DNA: could be the key to retro-mutagen.
[As Donnie talks, Mutagen man's mouth pulled out a canister and started to suck it in]
Donnie: I could cure April's dad and him if-- [gasps] oh, no.
[The Shellraser spins out of control and Mutagen Man escapes.]
Mutagen Man:: APRILL!
[The shellrasier stops as everyone gets out.]
Raph: I thought he was out cold!
Leo: We split up and find him.
Donnie: There's no need to split up. We know where he's headed.
[Meanwhile, Casey and April look around.]
Casey: Hmm. No sign of any hideous organ monsters. So do all of your "study sessions" go like this?
April: You have no idea.
Casey: So when's our next date? You can tell me all about that crazy metal fan you're carrying.
April: "Date"? Don't get ahead of yourself there, Jones.
[Mutagen Man peeks around the corner.]
Mutagen Man: April.... I'm coming for...
[The turtles appear]
Raph: Where do you think you're going, handsome? April's house?
Leo: Keep him in the alley! We can't let April's boyfriend see us!
[Donnie frowns]
Mutagen Man: Leave Mutagen man alone!
[He slammed his fists.]
April: So another study session tomorrow?
Casey: Possibility.
[Meanwhile, The turtles did their best to keep Mutagen Man out of the way.]
April: [gasps] Wait! Hold on!
Casey: I knew it. Something you wanna say to me, red?
April: Yeah. Um… You don't wanna go down this way because, uh, Toxic fumes. Why don't you take this side street over here? You can get home faster!
Casey: Whatever you say, O'Neil. Later.
[April looks and sees the turtles fighting the organ mutant.]
April: I knew they had something to do with this. Just keep walking, April. It's not your problem.
[Mikey continued to dodge the acid hands.]
Mikey: Ew, man-hands!
[Leo lunged at him but Mutagen Man knocks him away.]
Donnie: Try not to hurt him! Lead him away from the street!
Raph: Little tough when he's swinging acid hands at me!
[He dodged as the organ mutant throws a car right at them, they doded.]
Mikey: Booyakasha! Ugh!
[Mikey and Raph get caught in the acid hands while Leo got tangled by the long mouth.]
Mutagen Man: April Is mine!
Donnie: Not if I can help it!
[He slammed his bo on the mouth, releasing Leo, Mikey and Raph.]
Mutagen Man: Destroy you all!
Leo: Donnie, we have no choice. Whatever the Pulverizer... Timothy was Is gone now.
Donnie: But if we destroy him, I might never find a retro-mutagen. What about April's dad?
Raph: What about April?
Donnie: We need to distract him. Misdirection and camouflage!
[They hide in the shadows.]
Mutagen Man: [growls] Tur-tles gone?
[Donnie gets in the shellraiser and takes the mutagen and vial.]
Donnie: I hope this works!
[Mutagen Man looks around and notices some objects. Raph attacks, followed by Leo and Mikey.]
Mikey: Over here, Mutagen Man!
Leo: No, over here!
[Donnie appears holding the mutagen that he mixed.]
Donnie: Hey. Timothy! Mutagen! That's right. This way. Come closer.
Mutagen Man: M-ore muta-gen!
[Donnie gets knocked down and the canister breaks.]
Donnie: Whoa! No! Don't drink it, Timothy!
Mikey: Oh, no. Not again!
[Mixed with the vial, Mutagen man started to freeze.]
Mutagen Man:: [voice slowing] Don-nie? Some-thing's wro-nggg.
[The mutagen man is now frozen.]
Donnie: I'm sorry, Timothy.
Leo: Wow! Awesome move, Donnie. Real scientific!
Donnie:[sadly] Yeah. Real scientific. [walks over and places his hand on the glass] Don't worry, my friend. One day I'll find a cure.
Raph: It's okay, Donnie. You did what you had to do. Let's just go home.
[Later back at the lair]
Turtles: Yeah! Right on! Yeah, that's so rad! Ha, ha! Oh, yeah!
Splinter: How are you, my son?
Donnie: [startled gasp] Sensei, I created a monster. Who could've squashed the girl I'm totally into. How do you think I feel? I'll probably never see her again.
Splinter: April's decision to stay away is her own choice. We must let her come back in her own time.
Donnie: Yeah, but what if she never does?
Splinter: Never lose hope, Donatello.
[Donnie turned his attention to the characters of Zee and Dr. Blip.]
Zee: Oh, Dr. Blip! You saved me with all of your might And brave intelligence! How I adore this!
[She started kissing him.]
Donnie: Yeah. There's always hope.