Mrs. Jones is the mother of Casey Jones, aunt of Sid Jones, and the later mother-in-law of April O'Neil. She is also a direct ancestor of Cody Jones.
Physical appearance[]
Mrs. Jones is middle-aged woman with black hair and some wrinkles on her face. She also wears square glasses and is shorter than her son, Casey. Mrs. Jones has a slender and thin build, but somewhat muscular arms, as she was able to open the farmhouse door despite Casey trying to hold it shut. She was also able to lift a suitcase with two hands, although with a slight difficulty as it was obviously heavy.
In Back to the Sewer, Mrs. Jones has not changed much, except she's now less muscular and her hair has gone gray. She also wears a wedding dress to her son's wedding.
In 2003 cartoon series, Mrs. Jones is very stubborn, angry, brisk, abrasive and resolute woman, who dislikes April, but quickly warms up to her.
According to April, Casey's annoying habits come from his mother, Mrs. Jones. Despite these traits, Mrs. Jones is loving and caring mother and is extremely overprotective towards her son. She can also be quite emotional, as seen that she cries in happiness as her son getting married, and Kon comforts her.
The mother of Casey appears in the episode H.A.T.E. in season 3 of the 2003 TV series. In season 4 she appears as her younger self during Casey's flashback in Dragons Rising. She also appears in the Back To The Sewer episode Wedding Bells and Bytes.
Casey's mother in the 2003 cartoon series appears to be a much more resolute and brisk person than in the Mirage comics. After the death of her husband by the Purple Dragons she was very careful not to let her son fall into the wrong hands. When April first met her, she made her son's 'fiancee' undergo a series of rigorous tests. Through clenched teeth April passed them with the help of Leonardo and Splinter. Casey's mom was pleased that April passed all her tests and told her she could now call her "Mom".
But on this occasion Mrs. Jones discovered the two secret helpers and asked Casey to tell her the story about them someday. Later she told her wayward nephew Sid Jones of the Turtles and Splinter, when Casey's and April's wedding was imminent—on the condition he not tell a soul about Casey's special friends or she'll "bust his kneecaps." Mrs. Jones then witnesses her son getting married and cries emotionally, with Kon comforting her.