
[Episode starts at the Dojo, where the turtles are training.]
Raph What? Are you fighting a guy in slow motion?
Leo I suppose I could do it faster if I ignored my form, like you.
Raph Ignore this form!
[Raph and Leo start training until Splinter seized them by using pressure points on their necks. He releases them as the two crumble to the ground.]
Splinter Competition is an excellent motivator but not when it turns you against each other. So now, you will spar two on two.
Leo Okay, I'll take Don-
Splinter You will take Raphael. You two must focus on working together, not competing with each other.
Leo Okay, so me and Raph against Mikey and Donnie? Uh, isn't that a little unfair?
Donnie [suspicious] Wait, what are you trying to say?
Raph Um, how can I put this gently? We're way better than you guys.
Mikey [scoffs] At fighting, maybe.
Raph Uh, that's what I meant.
[Mikey and Donnie look angry]
Mikey Oh? Fine.
Splinter Hajime!
[Leo and Raph easily beat Donnie and Mikey. They switch places again and beat the two younger brothers again.]
Splinter Yame!
Raph You were right, sensei. Working together is fun.

[theme song]

[At Shredder's lair. Shredder tented his hands while looking calmly at Dogpound, who walked over to Shredder.]
Dogpound The Purple Dragon gang agreed to raise our cut to 80%. No complaints.
Shredder [a bit intrigued then rest his hands on the throne's armrest.] It seems your mutated form has its advantages. But do not forget our primary goal: Locating Splinter and the turtles.
[Fishface swims from below.]
Fishface [angrily]  If I weren't stuck in here, I would have caught Splinter by now.
Dogpound But you are stuck in there.
[Dogpound starts taping on Fishface's cage. Inside, there’s a much louder sound that gives Fishface a severe headache. He grabs his gills and swims around in pain.]
Fishface No, no, no, no! Stop that! [swims around] Stop that! Ow! Ow! Stop it! Stop it!
Dogpound [laughs] I'm sure you'll have your chance to shine one of these days. Master Shredder might get hungry for sushi.
[The fish mutant pressed his hands and his side of the face against the glass furiously.]
Fishface Why don't you get in the water and say that?
Shredder Enough, Xever! Bradford is right. You are useless to me this way.
[Fishface growls and angrily swims away.]
Shredder I'm counting on you. Find me information I can use, or Xever won't be the only one missing his legs.
[At the living room,]
Leo Look, guys. Raph and I may be better fighters, but you're still an important part of this team.
Donnie [annoyed] As important as you two?
Leo Uh, very important. We shouldn't compare ourselves. It's like apples and oranges.
Mikey [muttering] Yeah, if apples were way better, which they are.
Donnie So the truth comes out.
Mikey You guys think of us as some kind of B-team.
Raph Good one, Dr. Name-enstein. We'll call you the B-team.
Mikey Thanks. I mean, hey!
Leo There's no shame in it. Look, they've got a B-team, too.
Ryan We'll need backup. You two in the shirts you're coming with us.
[They teleport to a planet before Ryan and Crankshaw flip away, the two crew members getting hit with a laser and disappear.]
Crankshaw Rodriguez and that other guy they're gone!
Ryan Well, that's why we bring them along.
Donnie [upset] Thanks a lot.
Leo The point is, they had an important function. [eats a slice]
[April arrives. She looks sad.]
Donnie April, what's wrong? Are you okay?
April I just got mugged by some Purple Dragons. They stole my phone.
Leo Don't worry. We'll kick their butts for you.
Raph Yeah, we'll teach those punks to mess with April O'Neil.
April Guys, it's just a phone. I'll get another one.
Donnie Come on. What's the point of being a ninja if you can't help your friends when they get robbed?
Splinter April is right. It is best to let this go.
Leo What do you mean? Why shouldn't we get her phone back?
Splinter One cannot predict the consequences of battle. Every fight has the potential to stir a hornet's nest. A simple cell phone does not justify this risk.
Raph What risk? It's the Purple Dragons. Even Mikey and Donnie could beat 'em.
Donnie & Mikey [offended] Hey!
Leo Don't worry, sensei. We'll be careful.
[They leave]
April Eh. What ya gonna do?
Splinter Hope my next pupil is more obedient.
[he tosses her a staff.]
[At the purple dragon hideout. Tsoi is throwing some kunai at a poster of a turtle while Sid watches.]
Tsoi Right in the shell. Let's see you beat that.
Sid Watch and learn.
[Sid throws a kunai but misses. Tsoi laughs]
Sid Oh, that's it. No more bets.
Tsoi Come on, your luck'll turn around.
[Suddenly, he gets kicked.]
Fong The turtles?
Raph Sup?
Fong Get 'em!
[Tsoi leaped toward Mikey, who took out his nunchucks.]
Mikey Bring it.
Raph Comin' through!
[Raph kicks him away, before Mikey could even do it. Fong and Donnie charge.]
Leo I got it.
[Leo kicks Fong, stealing Donnie’s chance.]
Fong Let's get out of here!
[The purple dragons tried to run since Sid was already knocked down. Leo gets in the way and pushes Fong to the wall.]
Leo You punks stole a phone from a friend of ours. We want it back.
Fong Whatever. We steal a lot of phones.
Leo Well, let's see 'em. Now!
[The dragons show them the stuff they stole. Among them was April’s phone.]
Donnie Hey, that looks like it.
[Suddenly, something rumbled.]
Mikey Does anyone else feel that?
Sid What's going on?
[Sotic creatures with one eye that are red with two legs, and a singlebots let out a snarl like a cat and started gathering all the stolen stuff.]
Sid Hey, those things are stealing the stuff we stole.
Leo Wait, where's-
[Fong had run off with the phone]
Leo He's got the phone. B-team, get him! We'll handle the metal.
Donnie Hey, we are-
Leo Just go!
Raph If you guys can't handle it, don't be ashamed to call for help.
Mikey Oh, yeah? Well, maybe you should call us for help. Or don't call us. We'll call you. Wait, I mean-
Donnie I think they got it.
[Mikey blows raspberries. Leo and Raph start to fight the robots as they retreat to the underground hole.]
Leo Come on. Let's see where these things are coming from.
[Leo and Raph jump into the hole. Sid and Tsoi appear and jump into the hole while Fong leaves to look for Dogpound.]
Dogpound What is it?
Fong One of our guys jacked this earlier tonight. Then those turtles came looking for it, said it belongs to a friend of theirs.
Dogpound Really?
[Above, we see Mikey and Donnie looking below from the glass window.]
Fht. Then those turtles came looking for it, said it belongs to a friend of theirs.
Dogpound Really?
Mikey Aww, man. We can't take Dogpound on our own. Maybe we should wait for Leo and Raph.
Donnie And tell them we chickened out? Then they'll never stop calling us the B-team. We'll use stealth. With the right plan, we can grab the phone without Dogpound ever seeing us. Okay?
[At Stockman's lair, the robots have put down the stolen stuff.]
Stockman Well done, my pretties.
[The two turtles arrive.]
Raph [Spinning his sai.] Dexter Spackman.
Stockman It's Baxter Stockman!
Raph I was close.
Stockman So you're here to stop me again. Well, you don't stand a chance against my M. O. U. S. E. R. S.
[Mouser snapped at its jaws two times.]
Leo M.O.U.S.E.R.S?
Stockman Mobile offensive underground search, excavation, and retrieval sentries.
Leo Seems a little forced.
Stockman Since my test robbery was successful, it's time to move on to bigger targets. These are about to make me very, very rich.
Raph And we're gonna make you very, very hurt.
[Stockman pulls out a mouser spray can and sprayed red mist on them.]
Leo Acid! Protect your eyes! [both started choking but stops for a moment]
Raph Wait. We're fine.
Leo *cough* You're right. Get him!
Stockman Get me? No, you will be the ones who will be getting got. Gotten? Get them!
[The Mousers begin to attack and Raph and Leo easily defeat them.]
Raph All gone.
Stockman Good thing I made extra.
[He activates the button from his remote and a batch door opens up to reveal more mousers. The big door opens as the mouser horde rushes out of the hangar and swarms at Leo and Raph. The mousers attack Leo and Raph.]
Leo I'm calling it. Time to go.
Raph I'll allow it.
[They leave with the mouser bots chasing them.]
Stockman You can't run forever. Soon, the mousers will crush your bones in their jaws. [The last batch of mouser ran out leaving stockman alone.] Such is the fate of anyone foolish enough to trifle with Baxter Stock-
[He gets knocked down by Sid who was with Tsoi.]
Donnie We need a diversion, so we can grab the phone. How about this? We'll make them think the police are here. We'll need a bullhorn, some flashing lights, and a siren.
Mikey Operation: Cop out!
Donnie Or we can make them think the place is on fire. We'll need a smoke machine, an orange light, and some firefighter jackets.
Mikey Operation: Burn out.
Donnie Or we could find the breaker box and shut off the power. We'll need um, nothing.
Mikey Operation: Blackout. No, lights out. No, power out. This one's too good, I can't handle it.
[Meanwhile, Leo and Raph run on the rooftop. They stop for breath.]
Leo You think we lost them yet?
[The mousers are on the road chasing them.]
Raph I'd say no.
Leo How are those things tracking us?
Raph It's gotta be that stuff he sprayed us with.
Leo All right, we better call Donnie.
Raph You want to get bailed out by the B-team? Forget that.
Leo Maybe we won't have to. Whatever this stuff is, we'll just wash it off.
[He sliced a water tower and sprayed some on himself and Raph.]
Raph Ah! Cold!
Leo That ought to do it.
[The mouser bots appear on the rooftop snarling like cats.]
Raph Of course, we could call Donnie just to say hi.
[Meanwhile, Donnie and Mikey are still thinking.]
Donnie I've got it. I'll use my T-Phone to hack the CIA computer system, then reroute a satellite over the building and focus its beams to give them all splitting headaches.
Mikey Operation: Spaced out.
Donnie That's when you go in, wearing a tinfoil hat to protect yourself... [his phone rang] I'm kind of in the middle of something.
Mikey Is that Leo? Tell him my operation names.
Donnie What's the matter? Oh, don't tell me the A-team needs our help.
[Leo and Raph are stuck on the water tower.]
Leo Uh, no. No, of course not. No, we're great. I-I'm just, you know, checking to see if you guys need any help.
Donnie We got this. We followed Fong to the defunct futon factory on fifth.
Mikey [laughs] Say that five times fast.
Donnie Anyway, we've got an awesome plan to get the phone back. How are you guys doing?
Leo Uh, you know. Good ish.
[The mouse bots are chewing on the iron as they snarl.]
Leo Whoops, call waiting! Gotta go! [to Raph] You were right. We've got to beat these things on our own if it kills us. Okay, bad choice of words.
[The water tower breaks, sending them falling,]
Dogpound Can't you unlock it?
Fong It's encrypted or something.
[Door bangs and Dogpound answers, Sid and Tsoi had brought Stockman, tied up.]
Stockman Uh, nice doggy?
Tsoi This guy used his little robots to steal from us, which means he's stealing from you.
Dogpound [growls] I don't have time for this. Get rid of him. I've got turtles to find.
Stockman Wait! Turtles? I hate those guys. I can help. In fact, I'm already helping.
Dogpound Explain
Stockman My M.O.U.S.E.R.S are destroying the turtles as we speak. Uh, two of them, at least.
Dogpound So you make robots. You must be good with electronics.
Stockman The best. There's nothing I can't build, hack, or fix.
[Dogpound frees him from his ropes.]
Dogpound Could you hack into this phone?
Stockman You insult me, sir. Something so easy would be a waste of my talents.
Dogpound Well, then, start wasting your talents before I waste you.
[Above the rooftop]
Donnie Okay, let's do this.
Mikey B-team is go!
Donnie Don't call us that.
Mikey Oh, right.
[Leo and Raph are still fighting the mousers. Leo impaled a few mousers with his katana.]
Leo Look, Raph, mouser-kebabs.
[Raph tossed two more down the rooftop]
Raph These things are a cakewalk.
[They get down and put one of the mousers in a trash can. Another lunged but they tossed it in. More Mousers started to come around the corner.]
Leo Now!
[They kick the trash can toward the robot, knocking one down.]
Leo I could do this all day.
Raph Same here.
Leo Raph!
[Raph gets out of the way as the van crashes the mousers.]
Raph That was so fun.
Leo It's almost too much fun.
[They run off.]
Stockman There. My decryption program is ready.
[The lights go out.]
Dogpound What's going on?
[They look around as the turtles grab the phone.]
Dogpound The phone!
[Dogpound pounced on the two turtles since he can see in the dark.]
Mikey Well, that plan didn't work.
Dogpound Worked great for me. Get the chains.
[Donnie and Mikey are chained on the wall.]
Stockman We'll have access to the phone in about ten minutes.
Donnie You're wasting your time. There's nothing on it.
Stockman It's got a GPS log, doesn't it? [Donnie gasps] Once I unlock this phone, we'll see every place it's ever been.
Mikey The Museum of natural history!
Donnie Or the lair.
Mikey That's even worse!
Dogpound If that phone tells me where Splinter is, I'll have no reason to keep you alive. And if it doesn't tell me, I'll get the answers out of you. [punches the wall and looks threateningly at Donnie and Mikey] That's what I call a win-win.
[Leo and Raph continue on, running out of breath.]
Leo Okay, this is crazy. Maybe we should call-
Raph [exhausted] We can do this. I got an idea.
[The mouser bots screech as Leo and Raph are on the lamp post.]
Leo Up here, metal mouth!
[He jumped down and sliced a few robots. Then he jumped into a hydrant which made the mouser bite into. Water gushed right out. Raph then gets off, causing the lamp post to fall, electrocuting the mousers.]
Raph Told you we didn't need those guys.
[another mouser appears as even more arrive.]
Leo Oh, come on.
[They entered the warehouse and closed the door.]
Raph Okay, I admit it. I wish Donnie were here. I bet he could find a way to get these things off our tail. Make the call!
[A mouser burst through the door. Meanwhile, Dogpound hears the T-Phone, he takes them off from their belts.]
Dogpound We'll check these next.
Donnie T-phones, self-destruct!
[The T-phones explode. Dogpound was now annoyed and glared at Donnie. Back with Leo and Raph.]
Leo Mikey's not answering either. Something's wrong.
Raph I should've known they'd need us to bail them-
[The doors flew open, knocking them down.]
Stockman Almost done. 98, 99... Yes, One hundred. And processing, processing. Come on. And finished.
[Leo and Raph enter, bursting through the window]
Dogpound The turtles!
Leo Not so fast, Dogpound. And Dexter Spackman?
Stockman [angrily] Baxter Stockman!
[Dogpound attacks as Leo. Leo spins above him and runs while Raph kicks him. Leo then grabbed the phone.]
Stockman How did you escape my M.O.U.S.E.R.S?
Leo We didn't.
[The mousers land on top of Dogpound and Stockman. Once they are down, Leo then begins to slice the chains off of Mikey and Donnie's hands.]
Raph We're here to save the day, as usual.
Donnie Oh, yeah. Looks like you guys were doing great.
Raph You try fighting off two thousand robots!
Fong Let's beat it!
[The purple dragons retreat. The mouserbots started to come after them.]
Leo Mikey! Keep away!
[Mikey catches the phone as Dogpound tries to chase him. He runs up to the second floor. Donnie then finds a camera inside the mousers.]
Donnie A gamma camera. It detects radioisotopes. That must be what he's tagged you with.
Raph Oh. How do we get it off?
Donnie You can't. It wears off gradually. But if someone else got sprayed, they'd give off a stronger signal.
[Mikey falls and drops the phone. Donnie then whacks Dogpound.]
Donnie We gotta get Stockman's spray. It controls the M.O.U.S.E.R.S.
Mikey You mean that thing?
Stockman I'll handle this, dog man. One spritz and they're mouser chow.
[Raph attacks and throws his shurikens at Stockman's spray, it unleashes the gas that gives Mousers too much signal that they start chasing them around. Dogpound fights them off and they run away. Stockman trips and Dogpound carries him. Dogpound grabs the phone, but Donnie destroys it with kunai.]
Donnie Hang it up, Dogpound. Your call just got dropped.
[Dogpound leaves, breaking through the wall as the mousers chase him.]
Leo Nice job, guys.
Raph Yeah, from here on out, you're the "A-" team.
Donnie That's probably the best we're gonna get out of him.
Mikey Hey! Guys?
[At the Dojo.]
Splinter I hope you all see that by choosing your own battles poorly, you created your own crisis.
Donnie Yeah, there's definitely some irony there.
Leo Okay, it got a little out of control, but we learned our lesson. And at least we got April's phone back.
April You did? Sweet.
[The phone breaks in pieces.]
Leo Uh, the important thing is it didn't end up in the wrong hands.
April Gee. Thanks, guys.
Donnie Uh, don't worry, April. you can have one of my custom-built T-phones.
April Ooh, cool.
Mikey Just don't say, "T-phone, self-destruct."
[Confused, April looks down and the T-Phone does just that. Her hands jolt as it does so.]
Mikey Or else that happens.
[April stares at the now smoking phone, shocked by what just happened. Meanwhile, at Shredder's lair...]
Stockman Ow! Hey, let go.
Dogpound [Drops Stockman.] Here he is, master.
[Stockman looks from behind at Shredder.]
Shredder Baxter Stockman. Your interference has cost me the turtles and Splinter. [Grabs Stockman by the collar and picks him up.] You should pay with your life.[Pointed his deployed katar blade, scaring Stockman.] Fortunately for you, I may have use for your skills.
[Shredder retracted his Katar blade back into his gauntlet then dropped the Stockman. Stockman looks behind Dogpound with a scared expression. Episode ends.]