
The Mousers are robots created by Baxter Stockman and through this affiliation are enemies of the Turtles. The Mousers have a large, oval-shaped head containing sharp teeth in jaws strong enough to bite through steel. They walk on two legs and have backward bending "ankles", like chickens.


In the Dreamwave comics, the Mousers make their first appearance in A Better Mousetrap. The story is told almost entirely from April O'Neil's viewpoint and occurs while she is unconscious. Throughout the comic, Mousers appear, starting with a battle against the Ninja Turtles. April first sees them when, in her dream, they burst through the window of her childhood apartment. As the story progresses, April is eventually menaced by the Mousers who have been sicced on her by her employer, Baxter Stockman. The Mousers corner April in an underground sewer tunnel, but the Turtles arrive in time to destroy the Mousers and save her.
