
The Mousers are robots that were created by Baxter Stockman and through this affiliation enemies of the Ninja Turtles. These destructive robots are around three feet tall and walk on two legs. Their metal bodies have no arms and have a large, elongated head with jagged metal jaws strong to bite through steel.


The Turtles are riding with April O'Neil in her van when a truck suddenly speeds past them, leaving a wave of billowing money in its wake. An instant later, April's van is hit by another vehicle. Angered, April chases the truck responsible for the havoc on the streets. She gets close and everyone realizes the truck is driven by Baxter Stockman, accompanied by his Mousers. When Stockman sees who is following him, he orders the Mousers to tear April's van apart.

Climbing on top of the van, the Turtles do battle with the Mousers and notice that the green lights on their heads is new. Both Donatello and April realize that the green light has something to do with the fact that every time Stockman's truck passes a stoplight, it turns green for the entire intersection. Don immediately sets to work rewiring one of the Mousers while his brothers dispose of the rest of them. When the rewiring job is done, the coast is clear for the Turtles and April to end the car chase and stop Stockman.

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