

Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids.

Monty is a human-born mutant moose who appears in the IDW comics continuity.


As with all denizens of Mutant Town with unexplored histories, all that is known about Monty's past is that he was a victim of Old Hob's mutagen bomb.

Raphael, who became the constable for Mutant Town, made Monty his deputy. After the Punk Frogs razed and destroyed the Splinter Dōjō in retaliation for the Splinter Clan allegedly kidnapping Bonnie, he, Wanda, Hector, Carmen joined the Splinter Clan in raiding the Punk Frogs base.TMNT #129

After Mayor Baxter Stockman was blackmailed by April O'Neil and Oroku Karai to end his participation in the Armageddon Game, by threatening to reveal all his dirt to the public, the good mayor was forced to agree to their terms. One being to ratify Mutant Town as a new borough of New York and to establish a joint mutant-human taskforce to form an official police force.The Armageddon Game #8

In the aftermath when Mutant Town's quarantine fully ended, it appears Monty had entered the task force and became a full-time recognized officer. However during a string of mutant murders in Mutant Town, Monty and his human partner came across Raphael near another victim. Monty having no choice was forced to arrest his former boss and take him into custody.TMNT #140

Monty was present at Raph's interrogation with Detective Farrillo who was convinced that the mutant was responsible for the murders. Despite Raph's dubious origins as being an animal-base mutant, Monty was skeptical that Raph committed the murders, given the turtle was the former constable of Mutant Town and wanted to have Chief Kara Lewis hear his friend out. Lewis was also of the same mind and ordered Farrillo to uncuff Raph, though it was unnecessary as the ninja had already undid the cuffs himself, causing Monty to crack a smile as Raph left.TMNT #141

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