

Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids.

Miyamoto Usagi is the descendent of the protagonist of Usagi Yojimbo, from whom he is named. This Usagi is the star of his own series, Space Usagi.

Usagi first appeared in February 1992's Space Usagi in the third Usagi Yojimbo Color Special, and then a few months later in the short story "Hare Today, Hare Tomorrow", which was a back-up story to "Masks, part 2" in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #47. Despite having appeared early in a TMNT book, and having an action figure in the original toy line, he never actually has been depicted as meeting the Turtles. A Space Usagi animated series was planned, but aside from a short pilot, nothing ever came of it. [1] He was supposed to appear in the second season of Fast Forward, but it was never produced.

