Mission of Gravity
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003) episode
Mission of Gravity
Season Code: S03E15
Episode: 67
Original airdate February 5, 2005
Written by Marty Isenberg
Supervising Producer Lloyd Goldfine
Producers: Gary Richardson
Frederick U. Fierst
Al Kahn
Norman Grossfeld
Thomas Kenney
Supervising Director  Roy Burdine
Story Editor: Michael Ryan
Episode chronology
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"The Darkness Within" "The Entity Below"

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Season 3
October 9, 2004 - April 23, 2005
List of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles episodes


  1. The Christmas Aliens
  2. Space Invaders, Part I
  3. Space Invaders, Part II
  4. Space Invaders, Part III
  5. Worlds Collide, Part I
  6. Worlds Collide, Part II
  7. Worlds Collide, Part III
  8. Touch and Go
  9. Hunted
  10. H.A.T.E.
  11. Nobody's Fool
  12. New Blood
  13. The Lesson
  14. The Darkness Within
  15. Mission of Gravity
  16. The Entity Below
  17. Time Travails
  18. Hun on the Run
  19. Reality Check
  20. Across the Universe
  21. Same As It Never Was
  22. The Real World, Part 1
  23. The Real World, Part 2
  24. Bishop's Gambit
  25. Exodus, Part 1
  26. Exodus, Part 2

Season 1Season 2Season 3Season 4Ninja TribunalFast Forward - Back to the Sewer

"Mission of Gravity" is the sixty-seventh episode of the 2003 TV series, which originally aired on February 5, 2005. It had 2.98 million views on the 4kids website as of 2008.

Appearing in Mission of Gravity[]

Major characters[]

Minor characters[]


Objects and vehicles[]



Voice-over introduction[]

News Anchor Dwight: And now to our continuing coverage of the floating Beijing Crisis. Its been several months since the invading Triceratons lifted the entire Chinese capital into the stratosphere. The atmospheric shield that surrounds the city has been proven impenetrable. The city is kept aloft by a huge Triceraton anti-gravity generator. And while efforts by Beijing's top scientific minds to gain control of this alien technology have been undertaken, the results have proven near disastrous.
Scientist: Must reverse energy flow.
News Anchor Dwight: With no way in, no way out, and no way down, there seems to be no way to save the poor people of Beijing.


Open with a Foot helicopter landing in a private airfield as Dr. Chaplin runs out to greet it. Stepping out of the chopper are Oroku Saki, Karai, Hun and Baxter Stockman. As the group enters a hanger, we learn that Chaplin has created a blimp that can get through Beijing’s protective energy field. Saki sends Stockman and Hun on a "suicide mission" to Beijing to retrieve the anti gravity generator. Karai is visibly upset when she realizes that stealing the generator will kill everyone in the city, a fact that doesn't bother Shredder in the least.

The Turtles race along the rooftops in New York City. The guys spot yet another group of Foot operatives excavating the land. Leonardo notes that there are no NYC police officers here to guard the operation, so whatever the Foot are looking for, it must be important. Donatello gets another scrambled signal on his Shell Cell, much to everyone's annoyance. However, this time the brainy ninja is prepared and uses a device to track the signal. Surprisingly, rather than tracking the signal, Don's handheld computer begins downloading something. The Turtles decide to investigate this Foot salvage site.

Back at the Foot air hangar, Chaplin confronts Baxter Stockman and explains how distraught he is to see the doctor in such deplorable condition. The young scientist takes Baxter's tank off of its stand as Stockman protests in fear - thinking the lad is up to no good (he sure seems to be). Chaplin calmly turns off Baxter's holographic image, silencing him, and walks off grinning. Hun rubs his chin in thought, but does nothing to intervene.

Back at the salvage site, the Turtles discover the Foot are excavating a Triceraton supply ship. After the Turtles sneak into the fallen craft, the doors shut tight and lock them inside. The ninjas struggle to escape as Karai appears out of the shadows...

Karai asks for the Turtles' help. Raphael, Mike and Don are hesitant, but Leonardo wants to hear her out.

Chaplin gives Stockman a new robot body. Stockman, ever the evil scientist, dupes Chaplin into joining Hun and he on the Beijing mission. Chaplin, who apparently is truly smitten with Stockman, enthusiastically agrees.

Karai explains Shredder’s plan to the Turtles, and they agree to help stop him. Unfortunately, they’re not sure how to shut down the antigravity generator. As Donatello says this, Professor Honeycutt’s voice is heard from inside the Turtle's bag. Don grabs the palmtop he traced the signal with earlier, and finds the Fugitoid’s image on screen! A brief and happy reunion ensues - well, not too happy for Mikey, as he discovers that the Professor had to sacrifice his "non-essential information" due to limited storage space and among that info was his memory of Michelangelo. Honeycutt describes how he uploaded a backup of his memory onto communications satellites in case of his demise. Explanations completed, the Professor offers to help them shut down the generator.

Cut to the blimp where Karai has snuck the Turtles on board in a crate. As the blimp goes through the force field, Hun “accidentally” hits a button that sends both Karai and the crate falling towards Beijing.

As the Turtles fall, they deploy glider packs and are able to safely land. Leo saves Karai at the last moment - rather than being thankful, the woman is completely nonplussed.

Cut to Chaplin as the blimp has landed. Getting the police and scientists away with a bunch of Mega-Mousers, Chaplin is powering down the generator while Stockman and Hun wait in the blimp.

Cut to the Turtles as they arrive. Leo, Mike, and Raph fight off the mousers as Don and the Professor (via the palmtop) approach Chaplin. Unfortunately, Beijing is already falling towards the Earth.

As everything begins to fall, Chaplin exclaims the generator itself won’t move. Hun and Stockman don’t seem to care as they simply fly away, leaving Chaplin in mid air, falling with everything else. As Don holds onto the generator, he plugs the Professor in. As the professor reconfigures the generator, he makes it so the energy shield comes down, and the entire land mass will descend slowly. As the landmass lands, the Professor destroys the generator as well as the mousers with an electromagnetic pulse. Unfortunately, Don realizes the Professor set Beijing down in the wrong direction.

Cut to Shredder’s Control Center as Stockman and Hun approach. The two are going to tell Shredder they failed because of the supposedly deceased Karai and Chaplin. But as they enter, we see Karai and Chaplin both alive (onscreen still in Beijing), having informed Saki of their treason. Saki is not happy with Hun and Stockman, and as the camera pulls away from the Foot Mansion, we hear the men scream.

See also[]


Leonardo: Karai?
Karai: We need to talk.
Raph: Talk to the sais, 'cause the ears ain't listening!

External links[]
