Mikey Does the Right Thing
Tale of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles episode
Tales s1 e2 title
Season Code: 001
Episode: 2
Original airdate August 9, 2024 (Paramount+)
Written by Matthew Bass
Producers: Louis J. Cuck
Seth Rogen
Evan Goldberg
James Weaver
Josh Fagen
Alan Wan
Christopher Yost
Supervising Director  Colin Heck
Storyboard Artist: Sebrina Gao
Jerry Gaylord
Laura Gille
Episode chronology
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"Leo Nardo Stands Alone" "Raph Thinks It Through"

Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Season 1
August 9, 2024 - August 9, 2024
List of Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles episodes


  1. Leo Nardo Stands Alone
  2. Mikey Does the Right Thing
  3. Raph Thinks It Through
  4. Donnie Hangs Tough
  5. Bishop Makes Her Move
  6. Night of the Mechazoids
  7. Raph vs. Water
  8. Mikey Takes Charge
  9. Splinter and April Fight a Goldfish
  10. Donnie Goes Deep
  11. Leonardo Saddles Up
  12. The Pearl

Season 1Season 2

"Mikey Does the Right Thing" is the second episode of Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. It aired on on August 9th, 2024.


To save his brothers, Mikey needs the help of Bishop's intern, Rod. But Rod wants something in return... to be turned into a MUTANT! To save the day, Mikey has to become... RESPONSIBLE.

Appearing in Mikey Does the Right Thing[]

Major characters[]

Minor characters[]




Voice-over introduction[]

Leonardo: Previously on the "Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles"... People assume me and my brothers have amazing adventures all the time. Well, we don't. We pretty much just go to school. So I made one up and put it in a comic. There's our dad yelling at us in vermin to be careful. But here, we got lured into a trap by the woman known as Bishop! She's got a grudge against mutants or something. But for the first time, I was all alone, separated from my family. With the courage of a true hero, I defeated Bishop's Mechazoid! Uh, April helped. My brothers are still out there though, alone.


Michelangelo and Rod flee from Mechazoid 03 in a garbage truck, with Rod driving. The two argue about escaping from the robot and Rod insists that Mike is holding him hostage, despite Mike's objections to the contrary. 03 catches up with them and starts breaking into the truck with a buzzsaw, and the pair jump out of the truck and duck into an alley. Rod thinks this is where Mike will now eat him, and Mikey asks him why he thinks he's the bad guy despite the fact that he's trying to save Rod's life. Rod asks him to give him one example of him saving him, and Mike points out just five minutes ago, as well as the shipyard earlier in the night.

Mike flashes back to the fight at the shipyard, where the Turtles were having trouble fighting off the Mechazoids. Rod objects when Mike's flashback version of Donatello calls him a "chump" and says that the Mechazoids aren't allowed to harm humans, but Mike interjects that the Mechazoid definitely had its designs on Rod. Back in the flashback, Mike tackles Rod and gets him out of the way of the attacking Mechazoid, then attempts to carry him to safety. Rod realizes that maybe Mike did save him.

Mike begins despairing over how he doesn't know what to do next since he's out of his element. Rod puts a hand on his shoulder and Mike thanks him for the comfort, but Rod insists he just wanted to feel his "weird mutant skin". Mike insists they keep moving; Rod apologizes and says ever since he found out mutants were real, he's wanted to meet one. Mike is surprised that he thinks mutants are cool, since his boss is trying to kill them. Rod describes her as weird and intense, and says he's only working for her because his dad is bankrolling her robots. Mike realizes that this means Rod can just call his dad and stop Bishop, and Rod agrees... but only on the condition that Mike helps him become a mutant. Mike thinks this is a horrible idea and refuses, as he doesn't even know what mutagen would do to a human. Rod offers to throw in $1,000,000 and Mike suddenly agrees. Rod takes a selfie of himself and Mike and uploads it to a photo-sharing service.

Meanwhile, Mechazoid 03 replaces the arm it lost in the chase with part of a bicycle that the garbage truck had run over. It suddenly gets an alert of Rod's photo and hones in on Mikey.

Rod and Mike head to the New York City Zoo, where they prepare to figure out a way to mutate Rod. Mike admits that he doesn't have a plan, since that's usually Leo's thing. Rod lists off that Leo's the leader, Raphael is the muscle, Donnie is the smart one, and wonders why Mike's role is. Mikey says he brings a certain "je ne sais quoi" to the team and hits himself in the head with his nunchaku, to which Rod deduces that he's the "lame one". Mike shoots back that Bishop makes robots and has evil plans but Rod is just an "adult intern" and points out his piercing gaze. Rod reveals he has anisocoria "like David Bowie" and that his mom says that makes him super special.

Mikey finds this weird and decides to continue their journey. He hops the gate to the zoo and enters, and Rod attempts to climb up the gate and fails. Mike facepalms, but then sees a fuse box nearby and gets an idea.

At the bear exhibit, one of the night security men teases a bear with a candy bar, and his partner says that the zoo keepers were pretty strict against that. The first one is swiped at through the bars by the bear, who misses, and he laughs it off. The lights suddenly go off and Dale wonders if the bear did it, and his partner mocks him. They go off to find the culprit. All of the cages in the zoo open up, and Rod walks through the gate to find that Mike has shoved his nunchaku into the fuse box.

Elsewhere, Mechazoid 03 follows Mike and Rod's tracks to the zoo.

Mikey hops across the roofs of the zoo buildings, and Rod excitedly follows along on the ground. The power comes back on just as the night security guys head into the security station and spot Mike and Rod on one of the screens, then head out to take care of them. Meanwhile, as Mike and Rod pass a fountain, a sea lion leaps out of it and growls at Rod, terrifying him. Mike pulls him away and then realizes that the power is back online, which means so is the security and also all of the doors and cages are re-locked. Mike says they should bail, but Rod flatters him in an attempt to get him to continue going through with the plan. Mike locates the animal hospital on the zoo grounds and performs some ninja flips to reach it undetected. Rod jogs slowly across the path and is winded by the time he closes the short gap.

Inside the vet clinic, Mike begins grabbing supplies. While Mike begins extracting some of his blood, Rod goes on and on about what being a mutant will change in his life. Mike tells him he actually sounds like the kind of guy who shouldn't have mutant powers, but Rod tries to convince him to continue. Just as Mikey is about to inject Rod, night security busts in and stops them. Before they can advance on them with their stun batons, however, the bear from earlier busts in after them. Dale tries to distract the bear by throwing a candy bar at Rod, and Rod knocks it away. The humans continue knocking the candy about, until the bear crashes into a cage door and has another cage drop on its head. A monkey and a snow leopard get loose, and although it appears intimidated at first, the leopard simply sneezes and falls asleep.

Mike finally injects Rod, and he begins making noises and posturing, but nothing happens. Rod wonders why he hasn't transformed into a "Mutagen Man" and Mike offers that maybe it takes time. Rod notices that Mike has a vial on his belt and that Mike tricked him. Mikey says he probably saved Rod's life, but they're suddenly interrupted again when Mechazoid 03 busts in through the ceiling. Rod ignores it and tries to get the vial from Mikey, but it bounces all over the clinic and into a waste bin, where it spills and pours into another vial that had a substance in it. A pigeon flies in through the ceiling and enters the waste bin, drinking the substance and mutating.

Tucker zaps the Mechazoid with his stun baton, knocking it out, and the pigeon freaks out, running around and flailing. Before the security guard can hit the pigeon with his baton, Mike flips him out of the way and approaches the pigeon with a calming voice, petting him on the head. Mike says he'll call the pigeon "Pigeon Pete".

The Mechazoid comes to again, and begins chasing Mike once more. It also sets its sights on Rod, and due to his anisocoria, labels him as a mutant. Pete picks up the candy bar and goes to eat it, but Mike takes it from him and uses it to lure the bear over. Mike sticks the candy bar under the robot's head, and when the bear approaches, it curls up in the fetal position and the bear begins wailing on it. Mike, Rod, and Pete escape into a bathroom. Mike comforts Pete when his butt falls into the open toilet, and he assures Rod that he will save him and Pete. The Mechazoid, having somehow escaped the bear, breaks into the bathroom and targets Rod again. Mike fights off the Mechazoid, tearing both of its arms off, and bashing its head in with a hand dryer.

Mike implores Rod to call his dad to get call off the robots, and Rod agrees despite Mike not really keeping his end of the bargain, but then realizes that his phone broke in the scuffle. Mike says they can just find a landline and call him up, but Rod doesn't know his dad's number off-hand. He says they could just ask Bishop because she's "old" and would probably know the number, but Mike says they'll just go to her headquarters and stop her outright. Rod, Mike, and Pete head out, and moments later, the Mechazoid reaches out and grabs the hand dryer....


  • This episode was uploaded as the 3rd episode on Paramount+ Australia.

See also[]
