Some TMNT stuff was always meant for grownups. |
The first book of this four-issue mini-series kicks off during the events that occurred during TMNT Volume Four #5, specifically the time period immediately following the arrival of the Utrom’s “Moon Island” on Earth. Michelangelo is swept up in the tension and chaos that grips New York in the wake of humanity's first contact with alien life!
Appearing in Michelangelo: The Third Kind, part 1[]
Major Characters[]
Minor Characters[]
- Ambassador Cesse Mon Zir Te
- Jingo
- Dr. Leon Harmon
- Loretta Swan
- President of the United States
- Roswell
- Aliens
- Mutant Turtles
- Humans
- Utroms
Main Locations, Vehicles, and Accessories[]
- Gun
- New York City
- Moon-Island
- New York Harbor
- Pier 41
- Turtle Lair
- Nunchaku
- Police cruiser
Utrom vessels float above New York City. The streets are filled with cars and people, as usual, but many are staring into the skies. In New York Harbor, a New York Police Department cruiser holds position near the Utrom Moon-Island base. An officer states that Homeland Security is on the radio and that they’re freaking out. They want to know what the Harbor unit has. The officer in charge says to tell them they just don’t know.
Two days later, in a televised address, the President of the United States speaks to the people. He states that he realizes these are strange and unprecedented times and thanks the American people for their calm and patience while his administration assesses this situation. He informs everyone that he and the Vice President have been moved to a secret location as a cautionary measure.
A group of “patriots” are shown watching the broadcast. The President informs the public that in the days since the visitor’s arrival, senior cabinet officials have met directly with representatives of the several alien cultures that now inhabit the Moon-Island off the southern tip of Manhattan. The aliens have assured them that their intentions are pure. Per the request of the government, the aliens have agreed to restrict themselves to their Moon-Island. He goes on to assure people that reports of aliens sighted in Manhattan are unproven and would be in violation of the visitors’ agreement.
One of the “patriot” men seated on the couch scoffs that the President is attempting to pacify them into believing the aliens are only here temporarily. The woman seated next to him agrees and another man shushes them because the President is continuing. The President reminds them that as humans their greatest strength is their ability to adapt, and that ability is being called upon. The visitors have expressed a desire to be friends and to aid humanity. Though there have been media reports about a cancer cure, there is no such cure. Rather, there has been an offer by the aliens to guide and assist the medical community in finding one.
The President then says that their amazing technologies cannot overshadow the fact that they are here uninvited. He tells the public that they will not be allowed to inject themselves onto this Earth without the acknowledgement that it is, in fact, our earth, not theirs. All cultural and societal laws must be adhered to. One of the “patriots” shouts his agreement. The President says that the visitors have stated that their intent is to take their place among us for the period of one year, and if at that anniversary they are asked to leave, they will do so. He intends to hold them to that promise. Once again, he urges the American people not to panic, but also urges vigilance. He then ends his address.
The channel then cuts to News 13, where a pair of broadcasters proceed to interview Dr. Leon Harmon of the American Cancer Institute who’s there to talk about the alien cure for cancer. The “patriots” begin to discuss the President’s address. One of them says it’s a trap and can’t believe the government doesn’t know this. He can’t believe the President is letting them stay. He thought the President would come in with some nukes and blow them back to the moon. One of the gang members, called Barry, asks if the other man knows how many people have died or are dying from cancer.
Barry goes on to ask if they realize what the alien ambassador is offering to all the people living with that death sentence. The other man tells Barry he’s only saying that because of his mom. Barry acknowledges that his mom has stage four cancer. Jingo interrupts to tell Barry he’s a fool. He says that Barry’s mom would be a fool to let them put some kind of alien substance into her body. The man on the couch tells them he’s trying to listen to the TV, and they all hush up. One of the broadcasters says that sources have confirmed that there will be a public introduction of the alien ambassador to the American people in one hour. The feds have requested that due to the unknown nature of the alien’s powers, people not attend the event but instead watch it on TV. News anchor Dick says that’s certainly something to take into account before anyone goes rushing down to Pier 41.
Down in the lair, Michelangelo, who has been watching the news coverage, turns the television off. He proclaims this to be “cool”. At Pier 41, a stage has been erected as well as police barriers. A huge crowd has gathered, and many people carry signs that are either for or against aliens. Several aliens are on the stage and people are urged to remain calm and behind the barriers. Mikey, completely covered by a scarf, hat and cloak, circulates in the crowd. He is determined to get closer and winds his way through the people, but accidently bumps into someone. The guy gets mad and calls out to the “homeless guy”, but Mikey keeps walking. This angers the guy who grabs Mikey’s cloak and yanks it off of him, sending his hat flying as well.
The people around him react violently, shouting that he’s an alien hiding among them. Responding to the outcries, a pair of police officers arrive and order Mikey to turn over the sticks in his belt and come with them. The arrive at the barrier and another officer checks his handbook, saying that Mikey’s type has no registration. They decide to get him up on the stage quickly because the crowd is getting ugly. As Mikey takes the stairs up to the stage, one of the aliens says that they don’t know who “that creature” is. Ambassador Cesse Mon Zir Te says to remain calm and the Utrom says that he knows of him and not to be alarmed. As Mikey walks over to stand with them, Ambassador Te tells him to explain himself later but for now, he must pretend to be with them.
Once again, the mob is urged to be calm. However, people begin grumbling that an unregistered alien in the crowd. They start to panic that others may be hiding among them. People begin yelling and Ambassador Te tries to calm them. However, the police are no longer able to hold the crowd back and an officer shouts that they need to get the aliens out of there. They are too late because people begin to storm onto the stage. The Utrom urges Ambassador Te to go quickly and Mikey takes up a defensive stance. A riot breaks out and Mikey begins to fight attackers. The police resort to mace to disperse the crowd and Mikey yells for them to stop macing him because he’s one of the good guys.
Unable to see, Mikey is about to be mobbed but the Utrom turns back to help. He uses repulsor rays built into his robotic suit to push people back and asks if Mikey’s okay. Mikey says he can barely see but he can still fight. Once more using his repulsor rays, the Utrom says that there’s no need for that. He then says that it’s time to go. The pair exit through the back of the stage and begin running. Mikey asks where the Ambassador is and the Utrom tells him he saw to it that the Ambassador and his entourage were safely escorted away. They should be back on the island by now.
Mikey is glad to hear that and wonders if the two of them are safe, but the Utrom says he doubts that there will be anywhere in the city where they’ll truly be safe now. The two begin talking as Mikey expresses hope that the cops can handle that crowd. The Utrom says without them there, the crowd has nothing to focus their anger on. Mikey then says he should be heading home. He shakes hands with the Utrom and introduces himself. The Utrom does so as well, saying that he is Klag. Then the two separate, going in opposite directions.
Elsewhere, Barry enters an apartment building and knocks on the door of number 25. The door is opened by his mother, who is surprised to see him because she thought he had to work at the art museum. He tells her he took the day off because he wanted to see her and asks how she’s feeling. She replies that she’s feeling good today, and the idea of a cure has given her hope. She then asks if Barry wants something to eat. They enter the kitchen and Barry says that sounds good, so his mom offers to make him her special tuna burgers. As she sets about preparing the food, she asks if he’s still hanging out with that rough bunch. Barry tells her they’re not so bad and then asks what she thinks of the aliens coming.
His mom says she thinks it’s exciting and that she never thought she’d live to see this day. In answer to his question, she says she thinks they are there to help humanity. She is sure they have much to offer if only he’ll open his mind. Barry becomes defensive as he asks if she thinks he has a closed mind. She begs him not to fight and all she’s saying is she’s noticed something different in him since he started hanging out with that gang. While she’s speaking, her cat Roswell goes to his food bowl.
Barry’s mom tells him he used to be so nice but now he seems angry and suspicious. He says maybe she should be suspicious too, that the aliens have come here and without firing a shot, they’ve taken over. His mom asks if this is his friends talking. He says no, that his friends don’t tell him what to think and he doesn’t need her to tell him what to think either. Barry then states that she has a cat named “Roswell” and that means it’s obvious she’s an alien lover. That she might even be an alien. As he stares at her, he imagines her face changing until she looks like an alien to him. She asks if he’s okay and he pulls a gun on her, saying he should have known. She exclaims and he pulls the trigger.
To be continued…