
Michaelangelo is one of the four mutated turtles raised and trained by ninja master Hamato Yoshi. He appears in the Eastman and Laird's Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles Adventures.


In the debut issue of the comics, the backstory of the Hero Turtles origin is told. It is the only time in the original Fleetway comics that Michaelangelo is seen with his signature nunchaku. Free Mini Comic

Croc Wars[]

When a report comes in that April O'Neil has gone missing, the Turtles immediately go in search of her. Mikey and Raphael eventually spot Footbots carrying containers holding Robot crocodiles.

The Green Menace[]

Michaelangelo and his brothers battle Father Nature, someone who can control plants and demands a payment of $10 million dollars or he'll sic his plants on the city. Rather than being weaponless, Michaelangelo is show using a .

The Un-Nice Ice-Cream Scheme![]

In the Turtle Lair, three Turtles are waiting for Mikey to return with pizza. However, he comes home with four ice cream cones that he got for free. Before anyone can enjoy the ice cream, it comes to life.


  • His debut issue is the only comic in the Fleetway continuity outside of Archie reprints in which Michaelangelo uses his signature nunchaku. In every other case, he either fights barehanded, sometimes uses a , or utilizes an improvised weapon. However, in one panel of said issue, he is depicted as brandishing katana, likely as an artistic error.

See also[]
