
Mei Pieh Chi (clone), aka Venus (clone), appears in the live action series, Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation.

On orders from Dragon Lord, Cornelius Quease sets about collecting DNA from each of the Turtles, which he will use to create clones of them. The Mei Pieh Chi/Venus clone is the last of the clones to be created. As the Turtles walk through the sewers after Donatello accuses Raphael of having attacked him, he tells them the story of the encounter. His watch once again detects another presence, just as it did earlier. Quease’s robot comes around a corner and Venus kneels down to look at it. She touches the “eye” with a finger before the robot rolls away. Quease uses the sweat and oil from Venus’ fingertip to acquire the DNA sample he needs to create her duplicate.

After one full clone team has been created, Dragon Lord wants Quease to grow an army of mutants for him. Once that army is complete, Dragon Lord will himself be mutated into what he terms as “a glorious dragon deity”.

Each clone is fitted with a Mega Spinal Thermostat which is attached to the upper part of their carapace. A coiled cord runs up from the Thermostat to the back of their head. Dr. Quease uses the Mega Spinal Thermostat to control the clones. Using a special tool, he can adjust the thermostats to flood the clones’ veins with rage endorphins.

During a fight in Quease’s laboratory with the real Turtles, Raphael lifts and spins the Venus clone before dropping her onto a metal rack. While she’s down, he yanks the Thermostat off of her carapace, which immobilizes her. After all of the clones are defeated, Quease activates a device that carbonizes the clones in liquid nitrogen, which completely disintegrates the remains.

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