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A Mechanosquid is a giant underwater machine shaped like a squid. The people of Turtlantis use the squid to patrol the waters outside of the city. It appears in the Saturday Morning Adventures comics.
After the adventures in The Turtle King, Part Two, the Turtles return the Psychological warfare enhanced battle suits they "borrowed" from TCRI. They apologize to Professor McGuffin who says that no harm was done and that Dr. North will be please to know the equipment functioned so well. Then Professor McGuffin asks for their help in retrieving an underwater probe from the ocean. He has them take a TCRI submarine so they can locate the probe. Almost at once they are grabbed by a mechanical squid, which damages their navigation equipment. The squid delivers the sub to Turtlantis, an underwater city filled with friendly inhabitants. When the Turtles meet the rulers, King Lodrom and Queen Kallista, Michelangelo tells them they were looking for a missing scientific probe. Queen Kallista says that they have the probe and left the Mechanosquid behind to see if anyone came to retrieve it. Voyage to... Turtlantis