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[The episode started out in the lair.]

Mikey: No! You can't! No! No! No! No! My +1 ring of awesome didn't save me. Avenge me. Ahh, avenge the beloved elf. Guh!

Leo: Relax, Mikey. Your elf is fine. For now. But suddenly, your party is attacked by evil, vicious monkey goblins!

Mikey/Donnie: Huh?

Leo: You have to roll a 2 or higher, to avoid being bitten.

[Mikey, Raph and Don roll the dice.]

Both: 20.

Raph: 1?

Mikey: Critical fail, dude!

Leo: The monkey goblin bites. Raph loses 11 hit points.

Raph: 11? Give me that! I'm gonna use my magic sword +3 to strike.

Kitty: [meows]

[Splinter enters and takes out a frozen treat.]

Splinter: Hmm. What is all of this?

Leo: It's called Mazes & Mutants. We found it in the trash up top.

Splinter: A game? Don't you have mutagen to find?

Donnie: But, Sensei, we just beat the Kraang and Shredder's forces. We could use just one day to relax.

Splinter: I cannot understand why you play a fantasy game when your lives are already fantastic.

Mikey: Me next! Everyone's favorite elf wants to attack goblins too. [rolls dice] Aw, yeah! +1 ring of awesome!

Splinter: Something is not right here.

[Somewhere, a male voice spoke and watching them through his mystic orb.]

???: Excellent, my fellow anthropomorphized animals. Play to thine heart's content, for thy true game is about to beginith.

[Wizard laughs evilly as his brown eyes narrow and glares at the turtles.]

[Theme song]

Zee: It's Mind Master!

[Coolstar attempts to fight Mind Master.]

Mind Master: Take this and so on, Dash Coolstar!

[Mind Master cast a spell on Dash.]

Lunk: Dash, what's wrong?

Coolstar: Mind master. He's filling my brain with horror and madness. I'm trapped in my own mind!

Zee: You can fight against it, Dash! I believe in you to break free. Yes, I do!

[He breaks free.]

MInd master: No! His mind is too very great!

[Dash defeats him with a bazooka.]

Raph: Where did he pull out the bazooka?

Donnie: I have theories. None of them pleasant.

Mikey: [mimics trumpet] Hear ye, hear ye! We have seen the future, and it is larp.

Leo: Larp: Live action role play. We dress up as our heroes, then finish our Mazes & Mutants game in the sewers.

Donnie: Cool! Sounds like fun.

Raph: Sounds like stupid. Count me out.

Mikey: Come on, Raph. If you play with us, I'll let you wear my +1 ring of awesome. [holds a unicorn ring.]

Raph: Oh, really? Can I? That would be so keen, Mikey. Forget it. I don't do rings.

Leo: That's three votes to one. Let's LARP.

Donnie: If we're gonna larp, we're gonna need costumes!

[Everyone started to gather some makeshift objects they wanted to try, and started dressing up.]

Mikey: Leo the Knight. Donnie the Wizard. Mikey the Elven thief. Thank you very much. Raph the Dwarf Barbarian. [to Raph] Psst, you should larp on your knees. So you look like a real Dwarf Barbarian.

[Raph shoves him.]

Mikey: Come on, dude. It's slomo time.

[Later, the turtles explore the sewer.]

Leo: I've set up the game so we can finish in the tunnels. Whoever solves the clues and defeats the dragon wins.

[A dummy appears disguised as a tree troll.]

Mikey: Ah! It's a deadly tree troll! Get it! Get it! Get!

[Mikey shoots it and Donnie and Leo whack it. Raph pokes it and the dummy collapses.]

Leo: Well done, adventurers. The Troll is defeated.

Mikey: Oh, yeah! That's how I do it, uh!

Donnie: Hey, I found something. [reads words] "Soon you will find yourself in a haze. Solve the riddles to beat the maze."

[Leo looks at the words.]

Leo: [confused] That's not the clue I wrote down.

[Mist started to form.]

Mikey: The haze! Just like the rubber tree Troll said.

Raph: [cough] It smells. You been eating asparagus again, Mikey?

Donnie: Wow, Leo, you really hooked this game up.

Leo: This wasn't me.

[Once it cleared, it now became a dungeon.]

Donnie: A dungeon? Um, what did you mean exactly when you said it wasn't you?

Mikey: Leo's just being humble. This is amazing. Everything feels so realistic.

[The ground rumbles and columns drop down. The turtles run for their lives.]

Leo: What was that?

[An arrow flies past them.]

Raph: What was that?

Leo: This way!

[They begin to run as arrows shot right at them.]

Donnie: Leo, I appreciate all the hard work you put into this, bro. I really do. The craftsmanship is a thing of beauty. It's commendable. But, um, [shouting] WHAT IS GOING ON?!

Leo: I have no idea. Are we really in medieval times?

Mikey: Dude, I don't want to be stuck in the 1980s.

[A puff of green magic appeared to reveal a mutant sparrow. He wore a cloak and hood and a wand with a green gem on it.]

Donnie: Who is?

Raph: What the-

Mikey: Weird.

Malachi: Thou possesseth questions. I am the one who possesseth thy answers.

Mikey: What did he say? I don't speak Spanish, dude.

Malachi: My name is Sir Malachi. I am the one who changeth your clue. I am the one who broughteth you here. And I am the one who will rewardeth you. If you win the quest.

Leo: Win the quest?

Malachi: You four turtles must solveth the puzzles three. And defeateth the dragon, to free princess April. Then and only then will I releaseth you.

Donnie: [enraged] April? You have her? Why you... you....

Mikey: You let her go! Or I'll possesseth your faceeth! Righteth?

Malachi: If thou succeedeth, I will free your princess. And send all of you safely back home. Fail and the dragon devours her. And thou will be trapped in the maze forever! Forever!

[He laughs evilly.]

Raph: Well, maybe we don't want to play your game.

[Raph charges until Malachi disappears, making the turtle land on the ground instead.]

Malachi: Thou will play for thine lives!

[Monkey trolls are formed by magic.]

Leo: Monkey goblins! Monkey goblins. Real monkey goblins?

[Donnie is trying to fight off the monkeys.]

Donnie: A lot freakier than one inch miniatures!

[Raph is getting attacked by the monkeys since he had trouble swinging his ax.]

Raph: This ax is impossible!

Mikey: You can't play like Raph the ninja turtle. You have to play like Raph the Dwarf Barbarian.

Raph: [grumpy] Never should've agreed to be a Dwarf.

Donnie: Do these monkey goblins remind you of something or someone?

Leo: They almost look like Rockwell.

[They started to surround the monkeys until they disappeared.]

Donnie: What is going on? And where did those things come from?

Leo: No idea. But there's only one way out of here.

[Flames lit up, lighting up the dungeon.]

Raph: We're not really gonna do this, are we?

Leo: Unless you know some other way out, we have to play Sir Malachi's game.

[They began to head around the maze.]

Mikey: If this is a dungeon maze, it's probably loaded with traps, so watch your step. I never want to see you get hurt +1 ring of awesome, so shiny and beautiful, my magical source of power. My awesome.

[Raph hits Mikey with his helmet.]

Raph: I'll give you a magical headache.

[Mikey hisses. The team soon stopped as a projection of Malachi appears]

Malachi: Wanderers. Mine congratulations on solving the first puzzle. And now for thy second riddle.

Raph: You stupid bird head. [Leo hits him] Oof!

Malachi: A maze is like a brain. A dungeon is a mind. Make one slip, and you'll be forever left behind.

Mikey: Can this get any weirder?

[They fell down the hole but Mikey saves himself with a makeshift plunger. Below him was a pit of magma.]

Raph: Guess so.

[They climb back on.]

Donnie: I think all of those tiles are trapdoors.

Leo: You heard him, team. Ninja stealth.

[They begin to avoid the traps and Mikey loses his dagger.]

Mikey: My dagger of limitless skill! Eh. It wasn't all that.

Donnie: That was too close.

Leo: What is going on here?

Mikey: I'm gonna tell you what's going on, Leo. This is all magic.

Raph: There's no such thing as magic.

Mikey: It's the power of the ancient elves, dude.

Raph: Why am I having this conversation? I just want to hit Sir Nerdachi so hard. He turns back into an egg. I want to clobber his feathery face into a pillow. I want to...

[They fall down into another area.]

Malachi: Sir Raphael, you challenge my power, the power of the Gray Highland wizards of the north?

Raph: You must be eating some really crazy birdseed.

Malachi: That doeseth it. Zinza makooloo carookoo chookoo!

[Malachi cast his magic in a blue puff of smoke. Once it cleared. Raph's head was replaced with a turkey.]

Raph: Bring it on! Yeah! Give me your best shot! Let me see what you can really do.

Donnie: Raph, you, um....You have the head of a turkey.

Mikey: [laughing] Dude, that is so awesome. Gobble, gobble, son, like a turkey do.

Raph: What? AHH!! [runs around screaming]

Malachi: That's right! You're playing by my rules now. Anyone who forfeits the game next. Turns into a squirrel. [Mikey squeals] And now for the next riddle. Where you thinketh you are, trouble if you boast; if thou taketh too long, you shall be as toast.

[He disappears as a fireball opens up.]

Donnie: Oh, no! Flaming boulder! Flaming boulder!

[They begin to run away.]

Mikey: Hoteth! Hoteth! Hoteth!

[They took cover from the window. Mikey tried to put the fire off of Raph. Later, they cross the ledge to avoid the lava.]

Raph: I've been giving this some thought. About me being a turkey?

Leo: Uh, no, about the riddles. I think I get it. All the riddles are really one single riddle.

Mikey: You're saying the riddles point out the true nature of this place.

Raph: You actually understand what Leo is talking about?

Mikey: +1 ring of awesome, dude. Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa!

[He accidentally activated the door.]

Mikey: Ring of awesome.

[They entered a treasure room and found Princess April in a bubble.]

Donnie: April!

April: Guys! Thank goodness! Can you get me out of this snow globe?

Leo: Hold on. We'll have you out in a-

[There was a low rumble.]

Mikey: Uh, refresh my memory. Was there some mention of a dragon?

[Suddenly, a dragon enters and there's his green tail and appears from the shadow and above April's bubble.]

Mikey: Leatherhead?

[Everyone dodges as the dragon blows fire at them.]

Mikey: Leatherhead. But I thought you were gone forever, dude.

[Everyone begins to dodge Leatherhead.]

Donnie: We got to save April!

Leo: It's not trying to hurt her. Just us.

Raph: Critical hit!

[Raph leaps at Leatherhead but landed on his back and falls]

Raph: Critical fail.

[The beast grabbed him by the mouth and tossed him at Donnie. The others tried to fight back but the dragon attacked.]

Leo: Ugh, our weapons are useless.

Mikey: Leatherhead, we're pals. I don't want to have to fight you. I'm sorry, Leatherhead. I hope someday you'll find it in your heart to forgive me.

[He shoots his arrow on the snout.]

Leo: That...That can't be the real Leatherhead.

[Meanwhile, Donnie is trying to free April.]

April: Really?

Donnie: I'm trying!

April: It's cool. Sorry. I mean, maybe just try a little harder?

Leo: Donnie!

Donnie: Stay put, April.

[The turtles continue running from the fire.]

Leo: If we imagine our weapons are magical and all powerful, we can defeat Leatherhead.

Mikey: Yes, that's the answer.

Raph: But that makes no sense!

Leo: Trust me. Believe! Focus. Use your imagination.

[Leo begins to use his imaginary sword and defeats Leatherhead. April disappears.]

Donnie: April? What's going on?

Raph: This whole adventure is totally looney! Show your ugly bird head, Malachi!

[Malachi appears.]

Malachi: Well done, fellowship of turtles. Now I shall prepareth thy next adventure. Then I will playeth the game with you forever. And ever and ever!

Leo: Forget it, Malachi. We figured it out.

Mikey: We did?

Leo: This whole thing is an illusion. It's not real.

Mikey: It's not?

Malachi: Nonsense! Thou mustest travel the maze. Until my heart's contentethery.

Leo: No way.

Malachi: With mine first attack, I cast magic fist!

[He starts to create a magical fist that blows them back.]

Mikey: Told you. Power of ancient elves.

Malachi: Lightning of Lorenzo! Rockets of Ravendorf!

[Donnie gets electrocuted by lightning. while Leo dodged the fireworks.]

Leo: Everyone, listen. Malachi is a mutant. He's creating the maze inside our minds.

Raph: Inside our minds? Are you crazy, Leo?

Mikey: He's got magic, but I've got the +1 ring of awesome.

Malachi: Thou thinkest thou can surprise the game master? I cast egg bombs of power!

[Egg bombs fire as Mikey dodges.]

Mikey: My ring of awesome. It failed.

Leo: Mikey, give me that ring.

Mikey: You...You want to carry my ring?

Raph: Not exactly.

[He throws the ring at Malachi and falls down.]

Malachi: Ow..That smarteth!

[He starts to use electric powers and started to electrify the turtles.]

Leo: Guys, focus! The only way we can beat this is if we all believe it's not real.

Donnie: I get it. And I don't believe!

Mikey: Leo says it's not realeth. Leo says it's not realeth. Yes!

[Raph gets raised into the air.]

Leo: It's up to you now, Raph.

Raph: I'm trying.

Leo: Raph!

Raph: I don't believe!

[A bright light flashed.]

Raph: Yes! I'm handsome again.

Leo: We're not playing anymore, Malachi.

[A flash of white and everyone is back to the sewer.]

Mikey: We're back!

Malachi: Oh, man! Ooh!

Donnie: You shall not pass!

Leo: We were in the sewers the whole time. What were you trying to do?

Malachi: [speaking in English accent] I..I..I just wanted to play. My name is Martin Milton. I used to be obsessed with Mazes & Mutants. Every hour, every day. All that changed the day I was feeding the birds on my roof. I donned fair cloak and wizardly hat, to become Sir Malachi, the sparrow Wizard. I went into the sewers to play a solo larping game of Mazes & Mutants. When I accidentally found you. I made sure you found the game. I was so happy you liked it, so happy indeed. I just wanted people to play with.

Mikey: Dude, solo larp? That is so sad.

Donnie: Aw, Malachi wasn't entirely bad. He did leave us clues that everything was an illusion. It really was a game.

Leo: You can go, Malachi. But you have to promise that you'll never force anyone to play with you ever again.

Malachi: Sounds faireth to me. Goodbyeth, my friends! Live long and larp.

Mikey: And thus the turtle champions fought the Wizard Sir Malachi. And won by the sheer power of their awesomeness! Booyakasha! Um, guys? Hey, wait up!

[Mikey drops his ring and goes after his brothers as the episode ends.]
