Makibishi | |
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A Makibishi, (lit. "thrown/scattered caltrop"), is the Japanese term for a Caltrop.
Makibishi, (a.k.a. igadama), sharp spiked objects that were used in feudal Japan to slow down pursuers and also were used in the defense of samurai fortifications. Makibashi were one of the items supposedly used by ninja. Iron makibishi were called "tetsubishi" while the makibishi made from the dried seed pod of the water chestnut formed a natural type of makibashi called "tennenbishi". Both types of makibishi could penetrate the thin soles of the shoes such as the waraji sandals that were commonly worn in feudal Japan when the makibashi was dropped on the ground or planted in advance. Makibishi could be carried in a bag attached to a belt along with other commonly carried weapons and/or tools such as shuriken and kaginawa. Makibashi could be thrown like a shuriken and could also be used against an enemy on horseback.
TMNT Mirage series[]
- Leonardo is in battle with a mysterious ninja in Blind Faith. The last thing he sees is a cloud of tetsubishi being thrown his way. Their drug-tipped caltrops poke his skin and he collapses in a daze.
TMHT Adventures series[]
- The Pharaoh deploys pyramid shaped caltrops in order to stop the Turtles in their Turtle Van from following him to his hideout in The Pharaoh!. The caltrops pop the van's tires, forcing the Turtles to proceed on foot.
TMNT 2012 TV series[]
- In the 2012 series, in Panic in the Sewers, the Turtles, (Raphael and Donatello), are seen using makibishi to puncture the tires of a truck driven by Fong, who was holding April O'Neil captive on Dogpound's orders.
TMNT IDW series[]
- In the TMNT IDW issue 111, the Turtles prepare to protect the Splinter Dōjō from Old Hob's spies by deploying caltrops.