Maison de Fromage is a cheese shop located in New York City. It appears in the Saturday Morning Adventures comics.
After being sprayed by a strange blue gas, the Rat King loses his ability to control rats but gains the ability to control reptiles, which brings the Turtles under his power. Hoping to find a way to regain his dominion over rats, he sends Donatello back to his lab at the Turtle Lair to study the canister which held the blue gas. Rat King then tells the other Turtles that they will help him acquire weapons. To this end, they break into the TCRI building. In the psychological warfare lab, the Turtles acquire three psychological warfare enhanced battle suits, making the trio look like giant rats. The Turtle King, Part One
In an attempt to regain the respect of the city's rat population, the Rat King first stop is Maison de Fromage, a cheese shop. A fiery blast from the weapon in Leonardo's suit breaks out the front window so that Michelangelo and Raphael can throw cheese out to the waiting rats. The Turtle King, Part Two