
Lugnut's gang were a gang of street punks led by Lugnut that were seen in Season 3 and 5 of the 1987 TV series. The gang is notable for being the 'old gang' that Bebop and Rocksteady were a part of before they were working for The Shredder in a new gang.


At some point prior to the events of Turtle Tracks, Rocksteady and Bebop were members of a Gang led by an muscular Punk named Lugnut, however they both left this gang for unknown reasons to work under the employ of the Shredder and the Foot Clan in a new gang that they were made the leaders of. Lugnut continued to lead the gang throughout the events of the first three seasons until their first appearance on screen in "The Gang's All Here".

April's Infiltration[]

Channel 6 Reporter April O'Neil encounters the gang when snooping around undercover as a punk for an expose on big city gangs. Lugnut, High Five, Jersey Red and three unnamed members of the gang spot her and give chase, catching up a short time later and interrogating her. April doesn't introduce herself, with Lugnut simply addressing her as 'Babe' instead, she excuses her snooping by feigning an interest in joining the gang. As the gang find the concept of her joining laughable, April is then put through a series of initiations to prove herself. First she has to beat Jersey Red in a fight, which she manages to do, unknowingly assisted by Michelangelo who had been transformed into human. Next she had to burglarize a house and bring the stolen good back to the gang, which she accomplished by putting on a shown of 'robbing' some old fake jewelry from her own apartment. April is promptly accepted as a member of the Gang.

Reunion with Bebop and Rocksteady[]

In order to move a shipment of electronic goods at the docks, Shredder and Krang had a need to recruiting people who look like "waterfront types", so they tasked Bebop and Rocksteady with tracking down their old "gang that they used to belong to" to recruit them for the task. The two mutants eventually managed to track down Lugnut's Gang and had a brief reunion. The Gang didn't recognize Rocksteady and Bebop at first due to their mutated animal forms, Bebop recognized and called out to Lugnut, High Five and Jersey Red, but did not name the remaining four members who he presumably did not recognize, including April.

Despite not initially believing their claims of being Bebop and Rocksteady, Lugnut was convinced by a show of stupidity by the two. The mutant henchmen then inform Lugnut that they had a job for the Gang and let them know the details about the job at the docks. The gang agrees to do the work and Bebop, Rocksteady, April and the six gang members are soon at the dock stealing a shipment of electrical goods. April tries to surreptitiously contact the authorities but is discovered and finally recognized by Rocksteady. At this point the Ninja Turtles arrive and engage in a short fight with Lugnut's Gang and Bebop and Rocksteady. Lugnut and the unnamed member wearing a bandana are trapped in a net by Raphael, Jersey Red and High Five slip on slick left by Leonardo and fall overboard, while Donatello sprays the two remaining members with a hose and knocks them into lifebuoys.

Possible Split[]

The unnamed member of Lugnut's gang who wore a Bandana is later seen leading a group of three other new thugs robbing a store in Season 4's Superhero for a Day. It is not known if these were new or unseen members of Lugnut's gang, or if he had left and started a new gang entirely.

Future Hijinks[]

Three members of the gang appeared once more in the episode"Once Upon a Time Machine", Lugnut, Jersey Red and High Five. Here they are recruited to work for Shredder and Krang once more, except this time directly. The three of them are recruited to travel into the future to the year 2036 alongside Bebop, Rocksteady, Shredder and Krang as part of a nefarious plot. However they are once more stopped by the Ninja Turtles.


