

Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids.

Lucienda Van Pelt is a poacher and the self-proclaimed "Queen of the Fur Trade". Ninjara, Raphael, and Naga encounter her and her son Trapper Jon capturing foxes in Yosemite National Park. Ninjara and Naga want to stop them, but Raphael had promised Master Splinter that they'd stay out of trouble.

After nightfall, Naga sneaks away from their camp and attempts to free the foxes, but is caught by on of Jon's traps. When she wakes up, Ninjara finds her brother missing and realizes where he might have gone. Ninjara and Raphael beat up the poachers and frees Naga and the foxes. Fox Trap!


  • Although her name "Van Pelt" is an obvious nod to her occupation, it is a Dutch toponymic surname meaning "from Pelt", which was a region in Limburg, Belgium.

See Also[]
