

Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids.

Lucia Rosetti is a human-born mutant gazelle and the antagonist of the "Redemption" storyline that took place in IDW's Jennika II issues 4–6.


Lucia was the wife of mob boss Antoni Rosetti. However, she began to lust for power for herself, and hired the Foot Clan to have Antoni killed. The Shredder tasked his assassin Jennika to take care of the job, and Jennika cut him down in front of the Rosettis' son, Antoni Jr.

During Old Hob's bioterrorist attack, Lucia was mutated into an anthropomorphic gazelle. Her son, however, was at their home outside of the vicinity of the blast, and remained unmutated. While Lucia worked to try to take over her late husband's business, the men loyal to Antoni began grooming Junior to take over the business with their benefits in mind, using him as a figurehead while they ran it themselves. Lucia found out about Jennika and set up a plot to have her employed as her assassin. She staged an attempt to leave the Mutant Town wall in plain sight of Jenny so that she'd take pity on her, telling a half-truth about how the mob was influencing Junior, but left out her own involvement with getting her husband killed and wanting to take over.

Lucia banked on her sob story, as well as revealing her identity as the widow of Antoni to play on Jenny's guilt, and asked her to get her outside the wall to see her son. Jenny refused, stating that it'd be too dangerous, but Jenny suggested that she could sneak out alone and take a message to him.

Jennika sneaked into the Rosetti compound and gave Junior a note from his mother, and fought off "Big Tony"'s loyalists. Antoni Jr. gave Jennika his favorite toy to give to his mother before she left.

Jenny returned to Lucia and reported her mission mostly accomplished, telling her that she didn't have an opportunity to receive a reply to her note. She gave Lucia the toy and said she'd be willing to bring him another message in a couple of days. After Jenny went on her way, Lucia callously dropped the toy on the ground and told her henchmen, a mutant bulldog and mutant polar bear, that Jenny may have more use to her than even she anticipated. Redemption, part 1

Over time, Jennika delivered several messages to Junior, until one night, the Big Tony loyalists finally got smart and were waiting to ambush her in Junior's room. After fighting them off, she took Junior into Mutant Town to be with his mother. Junior spent a lot of time hanging out with Jenny and the Splinter Clan, training in dōjō sessions, going to a After the Bomb concert, and just generally playing with the mutant kids and having fun. Eventually, when coming to pick up Junior from the dōjō, Lucia revealed her true plan, to have Jennika be her assassin so she can take her "rightful" place at the head of the crime family, as well as train other assassins for her, including her son. Jennika angrily refused, and walked Junior home. At the door to Lucia's house, Jenny was steadfast in her refusal, and in response, she had her goons attack Jenny. Even though Jenny was making handy work of them, Lucia got frustrated and tagged Jenny in the back of the head with a taser, knocking her unconcious. Redemption, part 2

Jennika awoke chained in a basement, and Lucia attempted to still coerce her into working for her - including threatening Lita, and when Jenny shot back that the Splinter Clan would deal with them without a problem, she brought in Junior and threatened harm to him if she didn't comply. Lucia also revealed to Jenny that she paid for the Foot to kill Big Tony, and also told Junior that Jenny was the one who actually did the deed, causing him to run off in tears.

Junior returned later and had a heart-to-heart chat with Jennika, where she revealed that she was trying to make up for her murderous past and didn't want to hurt anybody, as Junior did not want to, either. The two hatched a plan. When Lucia returned, Jenny pretended to finally accept the deal, and Lucia demanded that she begin immediately giving instruction to her son. Junior feigned fear and hugged his mother, but was secretly picking her pocket for the key to the chain securing Jennika. Junior pretended to strike out at Jenny and Jenny "blocked" the punch to take the key, unlocking herself and beating down the bulldog and polar bear henchmen, while a third henchman (a wolf) ran off in fright. Jennika escaped with Junior and took him down into the sewer to April, who took him to live with her parents until a better solution could be derived.

Jennika returned to the surface with Zink disguised in clothes resembling Junior's. They walked into Lucia's line-of-sight and ran when she and her goons spotted them. They turned down an alley and hid, where there was an open manhole, and left another one open further down the path for Lucia and her goons to ascend. The second open manhole lead right outside the Mutant Town wall, where the Earth Protection Force and Federal Bureau of Investigation arrived promptly and drew guns on them, before quarreling over who had jurisdiction over the arrest. Redemption, part 3

See also[]
