
In the 1987 cartoon series, Lotus is a female ninja from Japan that temporarily replaced The Shredder whom she easily defeated (along with Rocksteady and Bebop). She was hired by Krang to destroy the Turtles. She developed a respect for Leonardo, after they dueled to a standstill before she resorted to a trick sword to knock him out. When they met the second time she tried to get him to become her partner as "ninja for hire", but he refused. She ended up turning on Krang and teaming up with the Turtles. She escaped to continue her mercenary lifestyle, telling Leonardo that there was little gold in goodness, though she hoped that they would one day be on the same side. Her personality and demeanor, as well as her character's place in the series, is similar to that of Karai though Lotus's character came first in any animated series. She was voiced by Renae Jacobs whom also voiced April. She first appeared in the episode Beware the Lotus and returned in Farewell, Lotus Blossom. Some fans would problably consider her as Karai's 1987 counterpart do to her simalarities.
