

Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids.

Loretta Swan is a character appearing in the Mirage mini-series Michelangelo: The Third Kind. She is Barry's mother.


Michelangelo: The Third Kind, part 1[]

Loretta Swan lives in apartment 25 in a New York City apartment building. Her son, Barry, goes to see her after having spent the day in the company of his friends at H.A.A.R.M. headquarters. Barry listened to the reports about the alien visitors and expressed hope that they could actually find a cure for cancer, since his mother was fighting the disease. The leader of H.A.A.R.M., Jingo, and the other members of harm chewed him out for believing any alien promises. When Barry's mom answers the door, she is surprised to see Barry because she thought he was at work. Barry says he wanted to see how she was doing, and Loretta says she's feeling good - that the alien's talk about a cure has given her hope. The pair go into the kitchen so that Loretta can make her special tuna burgers. They begin to talk again about the alien visitors and about Barry's friends, who Loretta views as a bad influence on her son. Barry starts to get angry, and Loretta thinks his friends are keeping him from being open minded. He says it's obvious that she's an alien lover, after all, she has a cat named Roswell. He stares at her as he says that she might even be an alien. To his eyes, her face slowly changes so that she is alien in appearance. Barry immediately pulls a gun, saying that he should have known. Loretta screams his name, but he shoots her.

Michelangelo: The Third Kind, part 2[]

Two New York City detectives arrive at Loretta Swan's apartment. Inside, Officer Murphy is waiting for them. Loretta is lying on the kitchen floor, dead from a single bullet to the brain. It is apparent that she was preparing a meal for two and Murphy mentions that she has a son named Barry who has priors. Detective Clover wants the kid picked up for questioning.
