Beginning in 1988, Playmates Toys has been the main producer of TMNT action figures. Their original line, called simply Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for the most part (some sub-lines have additional branding), ran until 1997, when they began releasing another line of action figures for the new live action television series, Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation. Some markets, however, continued to receive reissues of the figures released in this nine year span until 1999.
The first line of action figures was a hodgepodge of characters and incarnations, although most of them were (sometimes loosely) based on the 1987 TV series. A couple of sublines were based on the first theatrical films, however, and a few characters from other incarnations, as well as original characters developed only as toys, were released.
- April O'Neil
- Bebop
- Donatello
- Foot Soldier
- Leonardo
- Michaelangelo
- Raphael
- Rocksteady
- Shredder
- Splinter
- Ace Duck
- Breakfightin' Raphael
- Baxter Stockman
- Casey Jones
- General Traag
- Genghis Frog
- Krang
- Leatherhead
- Metalhead
- Rat King
- Rock 'N Roll Michaelangelo
- Sewer-Swimmin' Donatello
- Usagi Yojimbo
- Wacky Walkin' Mouser
- Creepy Crawlin' Splinter
- Donatello, with Storage Shell
- Don, the Undercover Turtle
- Giant Turtles Donatello
- Giant Turtles Leonardo
- Giant Turtles Michaelangelo
- Giant Turtles Raphael
- Fugitoid
- Killer Bee
- Leo, the Sewer Samurai
- Mike, the Sewer Surfer
- Mondo Gecko
- Muckman & Joe Eyeball
- Mutagen Man
- Napoleon Bonafrog
- Needlenose
- Panda Khan
- Pizzaface
- Raph, the Space Cadet
- Ray Fillet
- Scumbug
- Slash
- Slice 'N Dice Shredder
- Sword Slicin' Leonardo
- Triceraton
- Wingnut & Screwloose
- Antrax
- Chrome Dome
- Classic Rocker Leo
- Dirtbag
- Grand Slammin' Raph
- Groundchuck
- Head Spinnin' Bebop
- Heavy Metal Raph
- Hose 'em Down Don
- King Lionheart
- Leonardo with Storage Shell
- Lieutenant Leo
- Machine Gunnin' Rocksteady
- Make My Day Leo
- Michaelangelo with Storage Shell
- Midshipman Mike
- Movie Star Don
- Movie Star Leo
- Movie Star Mike
- Movie Star Raph
- Pro Pilot Don
- Punker Don
- Rahzar
- Raphael with Storage Shell
- Raph, the Green Teen Beret
- Rappin' Mike
- Sergeant Bananas
- Shell Kickin' Raph
- Shell Slammin' Mike
- Skateboardin' Mike
- Slam Dunkin' Don
- Slap Shot Leo
- Space Usagi
- Super Shredder
- T.D. Tossin' Leo
- Talkin' Donatello
- Talkin' Leonardo
- Talkin' Michelangelo
- Talkin' Raphael
- Tattoo
- Tokka
- Walkabout
- Wyrm
- Zak, the Neutrino
- 5th Anniversary Collector's Turtle
- April
- April, the Ninja Newscaster
- April, the Ravishing Reporter
- Bandito Bashin' Mike
- Beach Combin' Mike
- Cave Turtle Leo and his Dingy Dino
- Chief Leo
- Classic Party Reptile Leo
- Classic Clownin' Mike
- Crazy Cowboy Don
- Delta Team Don
- Dimwit Doughboy Rocksteady
- Doctor El
- Giant Bebop
- Giant Rocksteady
- Halfcourt
- Head Droppin' Don
- Head Droppin' Leo
- Head Droppin' Mike
- Head Droppin' Raph
- Hot Doggin' Mike
- Hothead
- Lifeguard Leo
- Karate Choppin' Mike
- Kooky Kavalry Leo
- Kowabunga Kickboxin' Leo
- Krang's Android Body
- Merdude
- Mona Lisa
- Monty Moose
- Movie III April
- Movie III Kenshin
- Movie III Princess Mitsu
- Movie III Samurai Don
- Movie III Samurai Leo
- Movie III Samurai Mike
- Movie III Samurai Raph
- Movie III Splinter
- Movie III Walker
- Movie III Warlord
- Movie Star Foot Soldier
- Movie Star Splinter
- Mutatin' Bebop
- Mutatin' Donatello
- Mutatin' Leonardo
- Mutatin' Michelangelo
- Mutatin' Raphael
- Mutatin' Rocksteady
- Mutatin' Splinter
- Navy Seal Mike
- Ninja Knockin' Bebop
- The Original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
- Powerliftin' Don
- Power Punchin' Rocksteady
- Private Porknose Bebop
- Raph, the Magnificent
- Rock 'n Roll Mondo Gecko
- Sandstorm
- Scale Tail
- Sewer-Cyclin' Raph
- Sewer Scout Raph
- Spike 'n Volley Don
- Super-Swimmin' Raph
- Toon Burne
- Toon Dask
- Toon Don
- Toon Irma
- Toon Kala
- Toon Leo
- Toon Mike
- Toon Raph
- Toon Shredder
- Toon Vernon
- Toon Zak
- Track 'n Field Leo
- Turtle Troll Don
- Turtle Troll Leo
- Turtle Troll Mike
- Turtle Troll Raph
- Yankee Doodle Raph
- Black Belt Boxer Mike
- Cartwheelin' Karate Don
- Cave Turtle Don and his Trippy Tyrannosaurus
- Cave Turtle Mike and his Silly Stegosaurus
- Cave Turtle Raph and his Tubular Pterodactyl
- Channel 6 Newsvan with April (green uniform repaint)
- Don as Dracula
- Farmer Mike and his Turtle Tractor
- Giant Movie III Samurai Leo
- Giant Movie III Samurai Raph
- Giant Movie Star Don
- Giant Movie Star Leo
- Giant Movie Star Mike
- Giant Movie Star Raph
- Giant Mutatin' Don
- Giant Mutatin' Leo
- Giant Mutatin' Mike
- Giant Mutatin' Raph
- Giant Turtle Troll Don
- Giant Turtle Troll Leo
- Giant Turtle Troll Mike
- Giant Turtle Troll Raph
- Hot Spot
- Jump Attack Jujitsu Raph
- Leo as the Wolfman
- Mighty Bebop
- Mike as Frankenstein
- Movie III Samurai Evil War Horse with Castle Guard
- Movie III Samurai Rebel War Horse with Rebel Soldier
- Movie III Turtlepult with Whit
- Mutatin' April
- Mutatin' Foot Soldier
- Mutatin' Rahzar
- Mutatin' Shredder
- Mutatin' Tokka
- Night Ninja Bebop
- Night Ninja Don
- Night Ninja Leo
- Night Ninja Mike
- Night Ninja Raph
- Night Ninja Rocksteady
- Raph as the Mummy
- Rhinoman
- Road Ready Don
- Road Ready Leo
- Road Ready Shredder
- Road Ready Splinter
- Robotic Bebop
- Robotic Rocksteady
- Scratch
- Somersault Samurai Leo
- Splinter
- Super Don
- Super Mike
- Super Shredder (chef boyardee exclusive repaint)
- Airforce Mutation Donatello
- Airforce Mutation Raphael
- April
- Arctic Donatello
- Breakin' Loose Leonardo
- Bride of Frankenstein April
- Captain Leonardo
- Cave Beast Bebop and his Bodacious Brontosaurus
- Cave-Woman April and her Radical Raptor
- Chief Engineer Michaelangelo
- Chief Medical Officer Raphael
- City Wars Playset
- Construction Mutation Donatello
- Construction Mutation Leonardo
- Construction Mutation Michaelangelo
- Creature from the Black Lagoon Leonardo
- Cruisin' Leo with Classic Sewer Cycle
- Cyber Samurai Bebop
- Cyber Samurai Don
- Cyber Samurai Leo
- Cyber Samurai Mike
- Cyber Samurai Raph
- Cyber Samurai Shredder
- Deep Sea Diver Leonardo
- Dimension X Wars Playset
- Dwarf Don
- Eggsplodin' Donatello
- Farmer Donatello with Modern Mutant Tractor
- First Officer Donatello
- Gatekeeper Rocksteady
- Hero Hatchin' Michaelangelo
- Invisible Man Michaelangelo
- Krang's Android Body
- Kung Fu Donatello
- Kung Fu Michaelangelo
- Kung Fu Raphael
- Kung Fu Rocksteady
- Lunar Leonardo
- Moon Landin' Michaelangelo
- The Mutant Raphael
- Pizza Tossin' Don
- Pizza Tossin' Leo
- Pizza Tossin' Mike
- Pizza Tossin' Raph
- Pizza Wars Playset
- Retro Rocket Raphael
- Road Racin' Mike with Kowabunga Bike
- Robotic Foot Soldier
- Safari Michaelangelo
- Savage Leo
- Scuba Divin' Raph
- Sewer Wars Playset
- Shell Splittin' Raphael
- Shogun April
- Shogun Don
- Shogun Leo
- Shogun Mike
- Shogun Raph
- Shogun Shredder
- Shogun Shoate
- Shogun Splinter
- Shogun Triceraton
- Supermutant Bebop
- Supermutant Donatello
- Supermutant Leonardo
- Supermutant Michaelangelo
- Supermutant Raphael
- Supermutant Rocksteady
- Supermutant Shredder
- Supermutant Splinter
- Surfin' Leo with Mondo Mutant Surfer Tube
- The Crushin' Slam Bam Combo
- The High Flyin' & Road Raggin' Combo
- The Mutant Military Combo
- The Totally Tiny Turtle Combo
- The Turtle Tenderizin' Combo
- Touchdown Donatello
- Warrior Bebop
- Undercover Donatello
- Undercover Leonardo
- Undercover Michaelangelo
- Undercover Raphael
- Barbaric (The Savage Dragon)
- Battle Damage Dragon (The Savage Dragon)
- Donatello (Jim Lee Sculpt)
- Michaelangelo (Jim lee Sculpt)
- Raphael (Jim Lee Sculpt)
- Communications Specialist Leonardo
- Covert Specialist Raphael
- Demolition Specialist Donatello
- Submergence Specialist Mike
- Dino Jammin' Combo
- Firefightin' Frenzy Combo
- Metallized Motorin' Combo
- Mighty Muscle Combo
- Pizza Police Combo
- The Mutant Combat Combo
- Metallized Turtle Travelin' Combo
- Metal Mutant Donatello with Lion Spirit Armor
- Metal Mutant Leonardo with Dragon Spirit Armor
- Metal Mutant Michaelangelo with Beetle Spirit Armor
- Metal Mutant Raphael with Phoenix Spirit Armor
- Metal Mutant Shredder with Tiger Spirit Armor
- Ninja Shooter Donatello
- Ninja Shooter Leonardo
- Ninja Shooter Michaelangelo
- Ninja Shooter Raphael
- The Savage Dragon (The Savage Dragon)
- She-Dragon (The Savage Dragon)
- Sumo Michaelangelo
- Sumo Raphael
- Warrior Chrome Dome
- Warrior Metalhead Michaelangelo
- Warrior Rocksteady
- Warrior Winged Donatello
- Warrior Winged Leonardo
- Andro-Skeleton Leonardo
- Coil Cool Donatello
- Dynatronic Donatello
- Lickety Split Leonardo
- Mighty Mech Michaelangelo
- Rapid Recoilin' Raphael
- Robomatic Raphael
- Robotation Michaelangelo
- Stretch Donatello
- Stretch Leonardo
- Stretch Michaelangelo
- Stretch Raphael
- Stretch Shredder
- Ankyl Leo
- Donatello Water Warrior
- Leonardo Wind Warrior
- Michaelangelo Thunder Warrior
- Pterano Don
- Raphael Fire Warrior
- Stego Raph
- Tricera Mike
- Tyranno Shredder
- Leonardo (Jim Lee Sculpt)
- Giant April
- Metal Mutant Bebop with Fish Spirit Armor
- Metal Mutant Rocksteady with Serpent Spirit Armor
- Metal Mutant Warhorse
- Road Ready Raphael
- Savage Leo with Sewer Warcat
- Knight Mike
- Shogun Bebop
- Spellcaster Splinter
- Team Ninja Don
- Team Ninja Leo
- Team Ninja Mike
- Team Ninja Raph
- Warrior Bebop
- Warrior Rahzar with Fur
Also See[]
- List of Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation action figures
- List of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003 series) action figures
- List of TMNT (film) action figures
- List of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012 series) action figures
- List of Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles action figures
- List of Roleplaying Toys