
In the IDW continuity, Link is one of the Purple Dragons, and was first encountered by the Turtles when Michelangelo and Angel Bridge fought outside the Second Time Around store. He was easily subdued by Leonardo, and accompanied the Turtles to the nearest Foot Clan building, though he was unwilling to fight the Foot.

During the Hun micro-series issue, Link was in favor of joining the gang war, suggesting that they put it to a vote. He was then defeated by Arnold Jones, and ended up following Jones when he took over the Purple Dragons.

In the Chasing Phantoms arc, he was confronted by Casey Jones, who had been advised to take control of the Dragons. Link attempted to drive him off with a broken bottle, but Casey easily defeated him. He later accompanied Jones to a battle between the Turtles and Darius Dun's forces.


  • He is called "Link" because he sometimes carries a length of heavy chain with him, possibly as a weapon.