[Opening sequence and theme song.]

[Episode begins inside the turtles’ lair.]

Leonardo "Alright, Donatello, prepare to defend yourself."

Donatello "Yeah, yeah, Leonardo. Anything you say."

Leonardo "Yeoh!
[He attempts to kick Donatello and misses, though the other turtle hasn’t moved. Leonardo lands on the floor.]

Ooh! What kind of a block was that?

Donatello "Well, it worked, didn't it? Uh, look, it's been fun, but I gotta get back to my workshop."

Leonardo "But we're not finished practicing. Master Splinter left me in charge while he's away and I order you to stay."

Donatello "Lighten up, Leonardo."

[Leonardo enters the kitchen where Michelangelo has just tossed pizza dough into the air.]

Leonardo "Michelangelo, why weren't you at ninja practice?"

[The dough falls and lands on Michelangelo’s head.]

Michelangelo "Hey, dude. But, I am practicing.
[He lifts off the dough.]

Some outrageous new pizza recipes.

Leonardo "If we're gonna stay first-class ninjas, we must remain on the cutting edge."

Michelangelo "Cutting edge. That reminds me...
[He tosses the dough up, grabs a knife, and cuts the dough into six slices that land on the table. He grabs on.]

Care for a slice, dude?
[He takes a bite.]

Mmm, it's even good raw.

Leonardo "Michelangelo, you are a sorry excuse for a defender of truth and justice."

Michelangelo "Oh, lighten up, dude. Defenders of truth and justice get hungry too, you know."

[Raphael is hopping around on the couch as he watches a game show.]

Raphael "Take door number three! Take door number three!"

Leonardo "I can't believe you."

Raphael "Believe me, the prize is behind door number three.
[Leonardo turns the TV off with the remote.]

Hey, why'd you do that?

Leonardo "With all the important things to do in this world, you waste your time watching TV."

Raphael "Haven't you heard? All work and no play makes Raphael a dull turtle."

Leonardo "Master Splinter will be very upset when he hears about your total lack of discipline."

[Raphael snatches the remote out of his hand and turns the TV back on.]

Raphael "Leonardo do yourself a favor and try to lighten up, will ya? Door number three. Door number three!"

[Cut to Donatello’s workshop. He works on a gadget while Michelangelo and Raphael look on.]

Michelangelo "So how long you figure Splinter's gonna be up on that mountaintop?"

Donatello "Until he finishes communing with nature."

Raphael "Or some hunters mistake him for a large raccoon, whichever comes first."

Michelangelo "Well, I sure wish he'd hurry. I can't take much more of Leonardo bossing us around."

Donatello "Likewise. Hey, hand me that socket wrench, will ya?"

[Michelangelo hands him the wrench and Donatello begins pounding on the gadget.]

Michelangelo "Forget that thing. You oughta work on some invention that'll lighten up Leonardo."

Raphael "Hold everything, you already have.
[He opens a closet filled with gadgets.]

It's your personality-modifying ray.

Donatello "Whoa, whoa. No, no, fellas.
[His brothers start tossing things out of the closet.]

Not the personality modifier. It isn't perfected yet.

Michelangelo "Bingo! I found it!"

Raphael "That's it, alright."

Donatello "Hey, let go of that thing.
[He tries to grab it.]

It could be dangerous.

Raphael "So could living with Leonardo."

[All three fall to the floor as they wrestle for control of the modifier.]

Leonardo "What's going on here?"

[The modifier goes off and shoots Leonardo with a ray. It knocks him down.]

Donatello "Oh, now look what you guys did."

Raphael "What we did? It's your invention."

Donatello "Uh, Leonardo? Are you alright?"

Leonardo "Ah, me? Alright?
[He stands up.]

Hey, guys! I never felt better in my life.

Raphael "I don't believe it. You're actually smiling."

Leonardo "Why shouldn't I smile? Life's a blast! And with that old fuddy-duddy Splinter gone, hey, we don't have to do anymore stupid ninja exercises."

The other three "Stupid ninja exercises!"

[Leonardo backflips away, chanting in a sing-song voice.]

Leonardo "No more katanas! No more hooks! No more sensei's nasty looks!

Ooh! Whoopee!

The other three "Alright!"

Raphael "That ray actually worked!"

Michelangelo "Leonardo's turned into a totally fun-loving dude."

Donatello "Oh, I don't know. We might've opened a Pandora's box."

[In the city, two goons are setting up some giant speakers on top of a building.]

Knuckles "All set. Plug it in, Fingers."

Fingers "Alright, Knuckles."

Knuckles "Okay, the keyboard's plugged in, the amp's on, and the speakers are heated up."

Fingers "Then we are ready to rock and roll."

Knuckles "Everything's set, Mr. Cleff."

G. Cleff "That's Maestro Cleff to you. Now, pay attention. You are about to witness the most important performance in the history of music."

[He approaches a keyboard. Knuckles and Fingers cover their ears.]

Fingers "Whatever you say, mice toes."

Cleff "Call my compositions ridiculous, will they? Let's see what those music critics say about my latest masterpiece."

[He laughs and begins playing music on the keyboard. The speakers blare the music across the nearby park. A couple cover their ears.]

Man "Hey, that's gotta be the loudest sound I ever heard."

Woman "What? I can't hear you. Someone's making the loudest sound I ever heard."

Man "I'm getting out of here."

Woman "Not me, I'm getting out of here."

[They run. A statue shakes and then crumbles. Large pieces of rock fall in the park and people scream and run. Cleff stops playing.]

Knuckles "Whoa, look at 'em all panicking down there."

Fingers "Hey, Maestro. Your stereo worked like gangbusters."

Cleff "This was merely a test. They wouldn't pay to hear me play. Now they can pay to see that I don't. When I'm through, I'll have this city groveling for mercy."

[He laughs. Cut to the Channel 6 news building. A phone rings.]

Switchboard "Channel 6 News, just a moment.
[Answers another call.]

Channel 6 News. What's that? The park was just destroyed by sound waves?
[Phone rings.]

Give me a break! Channel 6 News. A man on the roof of city hall? With a giant stereo? Is this some kind of gag?

Burne Thompson "April! Where are you?"

April O’Neil "At the dog show, Chief. You assigned Vernon and me to cover it, remember?"

Thompson "Well, forget about those mutts. Get over to city hall, pronto. Some maniac is on the roof blowing things up. Go! Go! Go! Go!"

April "Right, Chief. We're practically there. Come on, Vernon. We're on our way to city hall."

[She grabs his arm and pulls him along. The Channel 6 news van pulls up in front of city hall. April looks up and sees Cleff and his goons.]

April "Look, there he is."

[Vernon holds the camera and April prepares to report.]

Vernon "Alright, April. We're rolling."

April "This is April O'Neil—"

Vernon "And Vernon Fenwick—"

April "Reporting live from city hall, where a real-life drama is taking place."

Knuckles "We're all plugged in, Mr. Cleff."

Fingers "Your adoring public awaits."

Cleff "Excellent. Then I won't keep them waiting."

[He begins playing and the music blares.]

Vernon "What is that?"

April "The story we're here to cover.
[The microphone and camera shatter.]


Vernon "I'll file the story back at the office."

[He jumps in the van and speeds away.]

April "Vernon! You can't just leave me! I guess he can."

[The music pulls the van apart.]

Vernon "Whoa!"

[Buildings start to fall apart. Debris rains down on pedestrians, who scream and run.]

April "I've gotta find shelter! Good! The treasury building. They built these walls real thick.
[The music intensifies. The entry to the treasury building collapses.]

I gotta contact the turtles.
[She grabs her turtlecom.]

This is April calling the turtles. Come in, turtles.
[The turtlecom explodes.]

Oh, no!

[Alarms start ringing at the treasury building. April looks over to see Knuckles and Fingers loading gold bars into the back of a truck.]

April "So that's what he’s after! Oh, no!
[A stone lion on a ledge just above her breaks apart and falls.]


[The music continues to blare as April leaps.]

April "Ahh!
[She falls through an open manhole and lands in the sewers.]

 Oh, thank heaven for open manholes. Burne told me to get to the bottom of this. Well, I guess this is the bottom.
[She starts running and then stops at a cross-tunnel.]

Hold on. If I remember my sewer system guidebook, I should be able to find my way out of here. I'd recognize that sludge pump anywhere. That means the turtles' lair is this way.

[She starts running again. Meanwhile, Raphael, Michelangelo, and Donatello sit at the kitchen table in the lair. Each has a place setting before them and are wearing bibs.]

Michelangelo "Whoa, I am one hungry turtle."

Raphael "Yeah.

Hey, Leonardo, where's our dinner?

[Leonardo approaches with a roasted turkey on a tray. He’s wearing a chef hat and sporting a fake mustache.]

Leonardo "Voila. Ha ha ha.
[French accent.]

Le dinner is, uh, how do you say... she is, uh, served.

Donatello "Great, roast turkey."

[He grabs onto a leg and the turkey explodes. All three seated turtles are covered in gunk. Leonardo laughs.]

Leonardo "Oh, you guys oughta see yourselves. What a bunch of turkey-covered turkeys!"

Donatello "You're a real barrel of monkeys, you know that, Leonardo?"

Michelangelo "Yeah, dude. That exploding turkey was a total yuk."

Raphael "Yuck is the perfect word."

Donatello "Who's gonna clean up this mess?"

Leonardo "Never fear Messieur, I will take care of it toute suite.
[He pulls out a seltzer bottle and sprays his brothers.]

As we say in my country, au reservoir.

Get it?

[He laughs even more and darts out of the kitchen.]

Michelangelo "Dudes, it looks like using the personality-modifying ray on Leonardo was a real no-brainer."

Raphael "Well, that figures. It was your idea."

Michelangelo "Yeah, well, it was yours, too, dude."

Donatello "Okay, let's not argue. We all wanted Leonardo to lighten up, remember?"

Michelangelo "Yeah, but not like this. The dude's turned into a walking whoopee cushion."

Donatello "I never thought I'd say this, but I'm actually starting to miss the old Leonardo."

April "And I miss all of you."

Donatello "April, how'd you get here?"

Raphael "From the looks of your clothes, it wasn't first-class travel."

April "It's a long story, and I'm hungry. Do you have anything to eat?"

Michelangelo "Aw, sure, dudette. Just peel something off the wall."

[The turtles, minus Leonardo, sit in the living room listening to April’s story.]

April "So that's when Vernon left me stranded, with city hall falling down around my ears."

Michelangelo "Man, that Vernon is such a wimpezoid."

April "All we know about this G. Cleff guy is that he's some kind of frustrated composer who's determined to get even with the world."

Donatello "Well, let's find out what he's been up to since you left him."

[He turns on the television to find Vernon doing a newscast.]

Vernon "Hello, world. This is Vernon Fenwick, ace correspondent, bringing you a danger-filled, up-to-the-minute, on-the-spot report."

April "Vernon!"

Vernon "G. Cleff, the mad maestro, has struck again. This time, it was the diamond exchange, plundering it of a fortune in jewels."

April "Stealing my report! Oh, I'd like to wring his neck."

[She turns the TV off.]

Raphael "Take a number. Right now, we have more important things to deal with."

Donatello "With that ultrasonic sound system at his disposal, it'll take everything we've got to stop him."

Raphael "I say it's time we turtles went to work. And we'll need Leonardo to lead us. So let's go get laughing boy."

[The trio go looking for Leonardo in his room.]

Michelangelo "Yo, Leonardo! Duty calls, dude."

Raphael "Yeah, time to get our shells in gear."

Donatello "He's not here."

Michelangelo "Scope it out, dudes. He left us a note.
[He opens the envelope and a spring launched fake snake shoots out and clamps onto Raphael’s face.]


Raphael "That Leonardo. Ha ha. What a cutup."

[Michelangelo reads the note.]

Michelangelo ""Ciao, babies. I'm off to enjoy myself.""

Donatello "Guys, we're in serious sewer sludge."

[Surf music plays as Leonardo rides a wave on his surf board.]

Leonardo "Oh, wow. Dynamite surf today. Alright! Awesome wave! Cowabunga!
[He flips off the board to land on the beach, arms raised for a crowd of cheering onlookers.]

Nothing to it, dudes. Surfing's in my blood.

Surfer "Hey man, where'd you get that totally bodacious wetsuit?"

Leonardo "In a puddle of chemical mutagen."

[Cleff and his gang drive a flatbed truck in front of a bank and park.]

Fingers "Here we are, Maestro. The Third National Bank."

Cleff "Excellent. Prepare for a brief, but touching, musical interlude.
[He begins playing and the speakers on the truck blare.]

Oh, what a delightful symphony.
[The front of the bank explodes.]

It's music to my ears.
[Alarms are ringing.]

Now, proceed with the withdrawal.

Fingers "Excuse me for asking, Maestro, but don't we have enough money yet?"

Cleff "No, you oaf. I need additional financing to create a more powerful stereo with even larger speakers."

[Knuckles walks out of the bank with two filled sacks.]

Knuckles "Why's that, Maestro?"

Cleff "'Cause then, my soft-brained friend, we won't have to rob cheesy little banks. We'll be able to rob entire cities! Ha, ha, ha, ha!"

[The turtles fly over the city in their turtle blimp while searching for Leonardo.]

Raphael "Any sign of Leonardo, Donatello?"

Donatello "Not hide nor hair of him."

Michelangelo "I'm not surprised. The dude's got no hair on his hide."

Donatello "Hold it. We're picking up something. There he is. On the beach."

Raphael "That's right below us. Hang on, I'm taking us down."

[Leonardo is lying on a blanket on the beach.]

Leonardo "Oh, man. What a sweet life."

[He sits up when he sees the turtle blimp come towards him.]

Raphael "Leonardo, quick. We need ya’."

Leonardo "Hey, guys. Pull up a strip of sand and catch a few rays."

Donatello "This is serious. We need your help."

Raphael "Yeah, some maniac is blowing up the entire city."

Leonardo "Hey, lighten up. It's only one measly little city. The country's full of 'em."

Donatello "No, no, no. You don't understand."

Leonardo "Now, look. There's a gnarly wave out there with the name "Leonardo" written on it. And I'm about to catch it. Have a nice day!"

Donatello "Guys, we've created a Frankensurfer."

[The turtles continue on in the blimp, without Leonardo.]

Raphael "Well, Donatello, any sign of the mad maestro?"

Donatello "Could be. We've got an unfriendly on the roof at two o’clock."

Michelangelo "Just how unfriendly is the dude?"

Donatello "It's G. Cleff."

Raphael "Well, that's about as unfriendly as they get."

Donatello "Well, I say we go after him."

Raphael "Without Leonardo?"

Donatello "What choice do we have? Here, put on these helmets."

Raphael "What are these supposed to do?"

Donatello "Hopefully protect us from Cleff's sound system."

Michelangelo "Are batteries included?"

[Cleff’s goons spot the turtle blimp.]

Fingers "Hey, look what's headed this way. Well, what do you know? It's the Gotham blimp."

Michelangelo "Let's get those dudes."

Donatello "Alright, Cleff, the gig is up."

Cleff "Not till I've played my finale. Or, should I say, your finale. Let them hear their own personal farewell song."

Knuckles "Ready when you are, Maestro."

[The speakers are tilted up towards the blimp. Cleff begins to play and the soundwaves shake the blimp.]

Michelangelo "Whoa, what a note."

[The helmets crack and then shatter.]

Raphael "So much for the helmets. Worse news yet, the controls don't work either."

[The glass on a panel breaks and punctures the balloon.]

Michelangelo "Oh, dudes! We've got ourselves a blowout!"

[The blimp zips through the sky, completely out of control.]

Turtles "Whoa!"

Donatello "Pull up! Pull up!"

Raphael "I'm pulling! I'm pulling!
[The control handles snap off.]


Michelangelo "Oh, great. There goes the resale value of this thing."

Donatello "Aim for that open space between those buildings."

Raphael "Don't you just hate a backseat blimp driver?"

[The blimp flies between the buildings and then hits one, dumping the turtles out. They hit an awning over a cafe and bounce into chairs at a table.]

Donatello "Ohh! Oh, what luck. Saved by a sidewalk cafe."

Michelangelo "Couldn't you have picked a pizzeria?"

Raphael "Look, G. Cleff's gone."

Donatello "Where do you think he'll strike next?"

Raphael "What's the difference? We'll never get close enough to stop him as long as he has that supersonic stereo."

Michelangelo "We need an edge, compadres."

Donatello "In other words, we need Leonardo."

His brothers "Right!"

Donatello "But how do we get him? He's having too good a time."

Raphael "It's simple. We'll convince him to come back to the lair with us, then you'll reverse the effects of the personality-modifying ray."

All "Lots of luck."

[The turtles next appear in the turtle van, as they once more search for Leonardo.]

Michelangelo "Where to next, dudes?"

Donatello "Well, I checked out all the beaches, and there's zero surf. So what would a dedicated surf nut like Leonardo be doing?"

Michelangelo "Skateboarding. What else?"

Donatello "Right. So all we have to do is locate all the skateboard areas."

[His monitor shows dozens of blips.]

Raphael "Oh, great. Skateboard city."

Donatello "I'll isolate any green, shell-backed skateboarders. Jackpot. We found him."

[Leonardo is laughing and skateboarding as the van pulls to a stop nearby.]

Leonardo "Woo! Whoopee!"

Michelangelo "Yo, Leonardo!"

Leonardo "Hey, amigos. Wanna join the party? First, I'll have to teach you dudes a couple of basic moves. Like gleaming the cube."

[Leonardo does some trick riding, which includes climbing the side of the van, and handstands. He finally comes to a stop.]

Donatello "Leonardo, you've got to come with us."

Michelangelo "Right, we can't handle this G. Cleff dude without you."

Leonardo "Tough tamales, guys. Life's too short for hassling baddies. I'd rather party hearty. Ow!"

Raphael "Okay, now what?"

Donatello "This calls for the ultimate weapon... the net nabber."

[He presses a button and a net shoots out at Leonardo.]

Leonardo "Oh, yeah? Well, nets to you.
[He spins on his skateboard, pulls a katana, and slices the net in half. Then he laughs.]

Hey, as long as we're flinging things, try this on for size.

[He throws a smoke bomb into the van.]

Raphael "Ew!"

All "Argh! Uh!"

[They all cough as Leonardo laughs at them.]

Leonardo "Hey, lighten up, guys. Can't you take a joke?"

Donatello "Very funny. The turtle van is gonna smell for weeks."

Leonardo "Hey, no problem. I'll wash it out for you."

[He skates over to a fire hydrant and breaks the cap off. Water sprays the van and the force washes the turtles out onto the sidewalk. Leonardo laughs at them.]

Leonardo "You guys--you guys totally crack me up! Hey, ciao, dudes. This party animal is out to let the good times roll. Ow!"

Raphael "It looks like the awesome foursome has turned into the dripping threesome."

[Cut to April, giving an onsite news report.]

April "April O'Neil here at the U.S. Mint, where the notorious G. Cleff has struck again."

[The turtles are at the lair, watching the broadcast. Donatello turns the TV off.]

Donatello "And it's all our fault."

Raphael "Yeah, we had to go and change Leonardo's personality."

Splinter "Why the unhappy faces, my students?"

Donatello "Master Splinter!"

Michelangelo "Whoa, Sensei, are we ever glad to see you."

Splinter "Where is Leonardo?"

Donatello "It's a long story, Master."

Splinter "Then proceed to tell it. The longest story begins with a single word."

Donatello "Well, it all started when you put Leonardo in charge while you went off on your retreat. So Leonardo—"

[Later, the turtles and Splinter are in the turtle van.]

Raphael "Are you sure you want to go through with this, Sensei? I mean, it could be dangerous."

Splinter "It is also the only recourse left to us."

Raphael "There's that fun-loving Leonardo now."

Leonardo "Hi, guys. Back for some more fun and games?"

Donatello "That's right. Only this time, we brought a ringer."

[Splinter exits the back of the van on a skateboard.]

Leonardo "Master Splinter."

Splinter "If I can outperform you at skateboarding, Leonardo, will you return to the lair?"

Leonardo "You? Outperform me? You've gotta be jiving."

Splinter "If that means kidding, I assure you I am not. Do we have a deal?"

Leonardo "Okay, it's a deal, Master.
[Splinter rides in a circle around him.]

You'll have to do better than that. Now, watch this. Here's the way we pros do it.
[He proceeds to do several tricks.]

[Splinter skates up to him and then around him quickly.]


Splinter "I was taught to skate softly, but dazzle your opponent."

[Dazed, Leonardo falls down and lands in a trash can.]

Leonardo "Whoa! Hey! No fair! You cheated!"

Splinter "What did you expect? I am a rat. There are times when right overrules rules, my son."

[Back at the lair, Donatello zaps Leonardo with the personality-modifier ray.]

Donatello "There, that should take care of it."

Raphael "Do you think it worked?"

Donatello "We'll know in a minute."

[He removes the protective goggles from Leonardo’s eyes. For a second, Leonardo just stares at him.]

Leonardo "Donatello this workshop of yours is a disgrace. And, Raphael and Michelangelo, why aren't you in the practice room working out?"

Other Turtles "It worked."

Leonardo "Why are we standing around? Didn't you say we've got a city to save?"

Turtles "Turtle power!"

[Elsewhere in the city, the goons have set up Cleff’s speakers.]

Fingers "Okay, Maestro. All set."

Cleff "This will be the grandest moment of my career. I can't bring audiences to their feet, but I can bring this city to its knees."

Leonardo "I wouldn't do that, if I were you. Your next concert'll be played on the bars of your prison cell."

Cleff "Talk is cheap, especially corny dialogue like that. Aim those speakers at these green nuisances."

Fingers "Right, Maestro. And this'll make sure they hear it."

[He turns some dials.]

Leonardo "Okay, turtles. Put on your secret weapons."

Michelangelo "Aw, dude, do we have to?"

Leonardo "Yes, we have to."

[They all put on earmuffs.]

Michelangelo "I feel like such a dweeb."

[Cleff plays and the music blares. It doesn’t affect the turtles. Cleff stops playing.]

Cleff "What's wrong?"

Leonardo "Sorry, I can't hear you with these earmuffs on."

[Pulling his katana, Leonardo leaps towards the keyboard and slices it in half.]

Cleff "Everyone's a music critic."

[Michelangelo swings a pair of turtle lines and tosses them at the speakers. He hooks and pulls them down.]

Michelangelo "Cowabunga!"

Fingers "Get him!"

Donatello "Don't even think about it."

[He trips the pair of goons.]

Both "Ohh!"

Donatello "Earmuffs. How did you ever think of it?"

Leonardo "I knew cotton wouldn't crack."

Donatello "You know, sometimes the simple answers are the best."

Raphael "Huh, I never woulda come up with that."

Michelangelo "Hey, that's why he's our numero uno dude."

[Later, the turtles watch April’s news update from the lair.]

April "And so, with G. Cleff and his henchmen safely behind bars, the task of rebuilding the city has already begun."

Leonardo "Alright, rest period is over."

Michelangelo "Aw, dude. April was just getting to the good part."

Leonardo "You can catch it in reruns, Michelangelo. Right now, we have karate exercises. I'll see you all in the practice room."

Raphael "Donatello, is that personality modifier still working?"

Splinter "I see you have already forgotten your lesson. There is room in this world for all different types of personalities. Some light-hearted, some serious. Think how boring it would be if all of us were identical."

Michelangelo "Are you kidding? I think a world of me's would be totally righteous."

Leonardo "For sure, dude. For sure."

[End Credits]
