In Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Panini), Leonardo is a mutant turtle, and one of the four ninja sons adopted and trained by Hamato Yoshi (a.k.a. Splinter), along with his brothers Donatello, Michelangelo and Raphael.
This version of Leonardo is branched off from his previous version in the 2012 TV series. His history before the events of the Panini comics is the same as that of his animated version.
In the debut comic Takeout, Leonardo along with his brothers are racing to get home with a stack of pizza in boxes. Of course, mishaps and misadventure occur along the way, such as when Leo foils are purse snatching only to have the victim smack him with her purse. The numerous delays keep them from a timely return to the lair, and eventually all of the pizza is destroyed. At home, they bemoan their misfortune and then Splinter hands Leonardo an "ancient scroll" from which to seek wisdom. Upon opening the scroll, Leo finds that it's a delivery menu for Mancini's.
Chasing Shadows[]
While scanning for energy spikes needed to run Kraang tech, Donatello believes he's found a Kraang hideout. This is exciting news for April O'Neil, as finding these hideouts might lead to finding her father. At the first warehouse they encounter Kraang, but not Kirby O'Neil. Michelangelo finds a piece of paper which Leo recognizes as a clue. The clue takes the Turtles and April to a TCRI facility. There are numerous large containers stored at the facility, some of them with a prison-like appearance. They open the first such container, but rather than Mr. O'Neil, they encounter Spider Bytez. He chases Don and Mikey, threatening to give them an acid bath. The Turtles manage to escape the container and slam the door shut before he can reach them. Raphael spots another prison-like container, which also contains a lead and takes them to yet another location. This time the container is guarded by Kraang, and Leonardo urges caution, fearing it might be a trap. When they do enter the container, they only find a transmitter. Back at the lair, Leo quotes Captain Ryan as he tries to bolster April's spirits.
Number One Fan[]
Leonardo faces off with Baxter Stockman at a screening of the 20th anniversary of the live-action “Space Heroes: The Movie”. Each claim to be the number one fan and quiz each other as they battle.