Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids. |
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[Our father was taken.] [I had a plan.] Leonardo "We'll split up—we can cover more ground that way. If you don't find anything in a couple of hours, head back here." [I'm retracing our steps.] [Everywhere we've been. Everywhere we've fought.] [I'm] LEONARDO TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLE [And I'm going to get Splinter back.] |
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[Headed back to Stockman's lab. Hopefully I'll get some answers there.] [Should I wait for my brothers? Go in myself?] [I can handle whatever's in there. I can make things right.] [I have to.] [I'm not going to lose Splinter.] [Ever since he told us about our past life, memories have been fighting their way back into my head. Memories of a different time.] [We were a family. Brothers. Father.] [Mother.] |
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[They're just quick glimpses. Flashes of a woman who loved me. Loved my brothers.] Tang Shen (flashback) "My big brave boy. Watch over them. Protect them." [Come on, Leo. Don't let your mind drift.] [Focus.] [Your father is still out there.] [It's up to you to make things right.] [Gotta get a grip.] |
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KLANG Leo "Nice try." [Great, one of these guys.] [Foot Ninja.] [Encountered some before. This time, I'm gonna get some answers.] Leo "Who are you?" Leo "Talk." |
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[Wow. This...] [...This is a lot of people to interrogate.] |
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[So let's begin...] Leo "Who sent you? What are you?" Leo "Who trained you?" Leo "Are you, uh, from New York originally?" Leo "Are you a gang? A clan?" Leo "A bunch of bored friends, what?" [Get to the point. Are they working with Hob?] Leo "So—ooof—" Leo "...Kidnap anyone lately?" [They're silent. Not even a peep when they're hit.] [And their numbers are increasing.] |
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[Change of strategy.] [Change of location.] CRASH [Okay. Bought myself some time.] [By the time they climb down, run to this building and run up the stairs, I'll be—] [Aw, come on.] |
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[Guessing they're the only ones who could make this jump.] [Best to dispense with them quickly.] [Strike before they get a chance.] WHUP WHUP WHUP [Not good.] [They're hitting every floor.] [Might be too many for me to take.] [Get to the stairwell. Get out. Come back with brothers.] [Although.] [I leave empty-handed, I don't learn anything.] |
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WHUMP Leo "I'm gonna need you to break your vow of creepy silence, and tell me who you guys are..." Leo "Quiet, hmmm? Okay, I'll drag you home." Leo "I got a brother who is gonna love squeezing you for information. He's got anger issues." |
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[Someone coming up fast. Good, bring'em on.] Leo "All right, let's—" Leo "—Go?" "Get out of my house!" Leo "Uh." Leo "Ma'am, listen..." "No, you listen!" TOK [Great. Quick exit is out.] |
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Leo "If you're men of honor—" Leo "—You'll leave the lady alone. She's an innocent." Leo "Oof!" [I—] [—I—] [—I can't do this.] Leo "Don't—" |
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[Get up.] [Save her.] [Wait.] [Mother.] [So scared.] Shen (fb) "Not my babies, please—" Shen (fb) "Ergk—" |
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[Mother.] [They killed her.] [No...] Leo "No!" Leo "Graaaah!" |
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WHAM [They're retreating.] [No one gets away.] |
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Leo "Cowards!" Leo "There's nowhere you can go—" WHAM |
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Leo "Rah!" Leo "Oooof—" |
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[Gotta push rage aside.] [He'll have the advantage if I'm flying off the handle.] [Focus—] [He's fast.] [No ordinary Foot soldier.] Leo "—Uk!" [Come on.] |
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[Rally.] [Fight.] [I'm...] [I'm going to lose...] Ninja "I've seen enough." |
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Ninja "I am..." Ninja "...Unimpressed." WHAM |
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[I limp home.] [I tell my brothers about the ninja army. I don't tell them about the final battle.] Leo "I don't know if they were with Hob or if they were someone new." Donatello "Which would be better? All these guys working for the same guy, or a bunch of unrelated guys who hate us for individual reasons?" Raphael "Eh, either way." Michelangelo "So, uh..." Mikey "...Lots of people want us dead." Leo "Not just people." Mikey "So what next, Leo?" Leo "We fight, Mike." Leo "We keep fighting. No matter what. Until Splinter is back with us." Leo "We're never losing a family member again." |