Leonardo is one of the four mutated turtles. He was raised and trained in ninjutsu by Hamato Yoshi. He appears in the Eastman and Laird's Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles Adventures.
In the debut issue of the comics, the backstory of the Hero Turtles origin is told. Leonardo's mutation is shown in the flashback. Free Mini Comic
Croc Wars[]
When a report comes in that April O'Neil has gone missing, the Turtles immediately go in search of her. After Donatello is captured by Bebop and Rocksteady, Leonardo along with the remaining Turtles and Splinter invade the Technodrome. They free both Don and April.
The Ambush![]
Raphael is at the wheel of the Turtle Van in order to give it a test drive, while in the seat behind him, Leonardo issues maneuvering instructions. Determined to give the van a flat-out test drive, Raphael takes the van into a hard braking turn and then drives the van up a ramp and over a stack of old tires. As they land, Raphael checks on everyone in the back. Donatello assures him they are okay.